Fascia is the fabric that holds our bodies together and gives us shape and structure, it is a web-like membrane that wraps, interweaves, and connects all body parts. Every single part of our bodies, every single cell, is connected to this crystal-like lattice. 

The fascia brings in energy and information through its own independent nervous system. Fascia is an expression of how we feel and think—our past experiences, our attitudes, and our patterns. 

Metaphysically, issues within the fascia can lead to feeling restricted, helpless, fearful, frozen, angry, frustrated, brittle. We hold Sadness, pain, and past trauma in our fascia

“Fascia plays a vital role in the following functions: Cellular respiration; Elimination; Metabolism; Fluid and Lymph flow; Repair by deposition of repair tissue; Conversion of body heat; Fat storage; Cellular health and the immune system ~ Myofascial Release ~ Ruth Duncan

Excellent article: https://www.drnorthrup.com/muscle-fascia/

This Alignment Will…

Activate your fascia to its optimal ability to receive energy and information for Source and your own Divine Aspect, bring healing and balance to your entire fascia system, dissolve trauma, fear, anger, rage, resentment and bitterness, and all other low-frequency emotions held within the fascia. 

This alignment will amplify your connection to Source and your own Divine Aspect. 

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