The Yogis of ancient India said that when you can change your breath, you can change your life and so breathing patterns are a general indication of our life patterns and our experiences. We tend to hold our breath when we are sad, angry, fearful or when we are experiencing other kinds of strong emotions. The phrase “take a deep breath” suggest release and relief and this is necessary for our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the feeling that you need to be domineering, manipulative, or controlling of people or situations. It releases anger and irritation at those around you, particularly those closest to you. This Alignment resolves the feeling of “crying on the inside”, grief patterns, and feelings of being a victim. It also balances the body’s ability to digest dairy and balances histamines in the body as it eliminates excess acetaldehyde. Special Note: Acetaldehyde is found naturally in coffee, bread, and even fruit. Drinking, smoking, breathing polluted air, and eating sugars can lead to high levels of acetaldehyde in the body.

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