Ah, dandelion! A wild, weedy wonder, the dandelion is a highly common and supremely useful ally. Highly nutritious, it’s considered both an herb and food, reminding us to recognize the wild abundance growing all around us.

Nearly all parts of the dandelion are medicinal, from the bitter roots to the leaves and flowers. It’s a powerful remedy for the liver, digestive system, gallbladder, urinary system, kidneys, and endocrine system.

Magical Uses: Increasing psychic powers, communication with loved ones in the spirit realm, luck 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy frequency and qualities of Dandelion…Assist in increasing health and vitality, connect you to unlimited abundance, bring luck to your endeavors, strengthen the liver, digestive system, gallbladder, urinary system, kidneys and endocrine system, connect you more deeply to your psychic abilities, and aid in communication with loved ones in the spirit realm.

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