This Alignment Will…
Bring into harmony the body’s ability to accept, process, and utilize fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It clears and resolves Anger, Fear, Guilt, Trauma from abuse, resentment, and the inability to accept love. It brings in the ability to feel safe, protected, and secure, as well as how to accept and receive love, how to live with discernment, what it feels like to be loved and cherished and to be loved by Creator.
When Running this Alignment, Have your client focus of the following emotions or traumas (whether they have personally experienced them or not, as we are all holding the energy of the collective and previous lifetimes, while placing their hand on the following areas:
Focus on Sexual abuse- have them put their hand on the lower right side
Focus on Shame- have them put their hand on the solar plexus chakra
Focus on Emotional abuse- have them put their hand on the lower left side
Focus on Fear and Guilt- have them put a hand on the Spleen- under the rib cage and above the stomach in the left upper abdomen
Focus on Anger- have them put a hand on their liver- in the upper right portion of the abdomen
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