Not a single divine soul experiencing a human existence remains untouched by the energy of money or the countless layers of beliefs related to the meaning of money. Money flows touches all areas of our life and affects who we think and feel we are as well as what believe we are capable of. Our beliefs about money have the power to shift and transform our human experience – for better or for worse.

This Alignment Will…

Bring you Creator’s perspective of Money and connects you to the purest energy of money. This Alignment also clears negative beliefs around money, the energy of money, old, outdated stories about money, Genetic and Collective views about money and shock and trauma around the energy of money, the misuse of money, trauma around not having enough money, and money being used to destroy and damage through power, control or manipulation.

Special Note: When I was receiving this Alignment from the Creator of All That Is, I kept seeing an image of Jesus overturning the money changers’ tables. So this is also clearing religious beliefs about money including the belief that money is the “source of all evil”.

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