A parasite is an organism that lives within or on a host. The parasite uses the host’s resources to sustain or energize itself, to feed off of. .There are energetic parasites, as well as physical parasites, and both can be draining, harmful and even fatal to the physical and energetic bodies. There are parasites that control the nervous system of the host that are able to modify a particular neural network, thereby controlling particular behaviors of the host. There are over 650,000 different parasites that can affect the human body, which can live in the blood, lymph system and vital organs of the body. More than 60 million Americans are infected with parasites. Parasitic energy can also be attracted in the form of people who drain our energy and our light.
This Alignment will…
Goes to the root causes of physical and energetic parasites, and clears them at the root. These include poor boundaries, fear of success and moving forward in life, feelings of being invaded, especially during and prior and immediately following birth, difficulty as a fetus in early stages of development, trauma in relationship with mother or mother figure, parasitic patterns taken on from the mother, belief systems that allow others to take advantage of them, and issues related to low self esteem and worthiness. This alignment is also clearing excess heavy metals from the body and balances the PH of the body.
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