The Third Eye Chakra is located above the brow, in the center of the forehead. A balanced Third Eye Chakra allows us to clearly see that which is important for our spiritual evolution and which may be visible or invisible to our physical eyes. This Chakra is essentially our center of spiritual vision. It is related to self-reflection and our ability to connect with our intuition, and inner vision to recognize and understand spiritual truth.

This Alignment Will…

Clear illusion and traumas connected to the painful mismatch and disconnect that happens when what you are told does not match what you see or experience. This Alignment also clears invalidation of your intuition or spiritual gifts or being told that your gifts are wrong or evil delusions, or obsessions. It brings in the energies of imagination, intuition, insight, personal identity, clarity, being open to wisdom, and powerful, focused manifestation to bring your dreams to life.

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