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  • Advanced Alignments

10th ray of Light: (Pearl)

The 10th Ray of Light is the Ray of Soul Integration. Lady Vessa Andromeda and the Andromedans assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 10th Ray of Light so you can truly recognize the Divinity of who you are. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist with your full acceptance of your divine self, bringing the integration of light at the cellular level, expansion to higher understanding, wisdom, and abilities.  

11th Ray of Light: (Orange-Pink)

The 11th Ray of Light is the Ray of Service. Lady Kuan Yin and the Great White Lodge of Ascended Masters will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 11th Ray of Light which will help bridge you to the new awareness.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy of Creation, the release of limitations, allowing for an embodiment of the soul at a physical and spiritual level. 

12th Ray of Light: (Gold)

The 12th  Ray of Light is the Golden Ray of Creation and it radiates from the Great Central Sun. Creator and Your Holy Christed Self will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 12th Ray of Light so you can truly embody your own Divinity in the present moment.

This alignment will…

Assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 12th Ray of Light so you can truly embody your own Divinity in the present moment.

1st Ray of Light: Red

The 1st Ray of Light is the Ray of Divine Will and it personifies and projects divine protection, faith, and the will of God. Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Faith will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 1st Ray of Light, for the embodiment of Divine Will and the Divine Plan of Source

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the ability to discover and accept your divine power, enhance your courage, determination, and your ability to co-create with grace as it brings the light of Source into action.

2nd Ray of Light: Blue

The 2nd Ray of Light is the Ray of Wisdom and it personifies and projects love, ​wisdom, and spiritual illumination. Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Christine and Lord Lanto will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 2nd Ray of Light, for the embodiment of the unconditional, all-encompassing Source Love.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the ability to become the embodiment of love. You will anchor in sacred, divine wisdom and divine inspiration so you can live, love, and connect with Source from these incredible, transformational frequencies.

3rd Ray of Light: Yellow

The 3rd Ray of Light is the Ray of Concrete Intelligence, Consciousness, and Love and it personifies and projects sincerity of purpose, clear intellect, capacity for concentration, patience, caution, absence of worry, and fear. Master Serapis Bey, Archangel Chamuel, and Master Kuthumi assist in connecting to and anchoring in the 3rd Ray of Light, for a deep understanding of your own divine power, and gifts.

This Alignment Will…

Help you bring in sympathy, tolerance, devotion, joy, and clarity. The 3rd Ray is a very powerful healing energy.

4th Ray of Light: (Green)

The 4th Ray of Light is the Ray of Purity and it personifies and projects divine harmony and sacred understanding. Archangel Gabriel will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 4th Ray of Light for the embodiment of divine purity, order, and grace. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in sacred understanding, purity, oneness, joy, and grace. This alignment will also assist you in harmonizing all your emotions.

5th Ray of Light: (Orange)

The 5th Ray of Light is the Ray of Soul Acceptance and Alignment with Source and will bring in intellect, the ability to manifest and to understand the Universe. Archangel Raphael will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 5th Ray of Light and aligning with your Divine Plan. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring balance, abundance, spiritual and physical healing. 

6th Ray of Light: Indigo

The 6th Ray of Light is the Ray of Devotion. Archangel Uriel, Jesus, and Lady Nada assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 6th Ray of light and connecting with and integrating your highest self, being in devotion to yourself, breaking mental and emotional “chains”  and freeing you from fear.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in wisdom, peace, love, devotion, spiritual healing, determination, and serenity.

7th Ray of Light: (Violet)

The 7th Ray of Light is the Ray of Freedom and Ceremonial Magic. St Germain and his Violet Flame, Merlin and Archangel Zadkiel in connecting to and anchoring in the 7th Ray of Light to bring Transmutation and the mastery of creative energy. This is the most tangible and expressive of all rays and it holds the Divine qualities of love, mercy, compassion, spiritual transfiguration and transformation, and freedom. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring forgiveness, understanding, diplomacy, tolerance, true freedom, and transformation of fear into love. 

8th Ray of Light: (Seafoam Green / Light Turquoise)

The 8th Ray of Light is the Ray of Integration and Cleansing. Archangel Jeremiel, Archangel Josephine, Lady Nada, and the Pleiadians will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 8th Ray of light which will bring deep Spiritual and Soul Cleansing, releasing, and purifying on all levels. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring a deep and profound cleansing and purification to your body and being on all levels 

9th Ray of Light: (Blue and Green)

The 9th Ray of Light is the Ray of Joy and Soul Exploration. Mother Mary and the Sirians will assist you in connecting to and anchoring in the 9th Ray of Light which will strengthen your connection with yourself on a soul level. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist you to contact yourself on a soul level. (your higher self) and bring in exploration and understanding of your divinity, and bring in the embodiment of joy.


Universal energy is available to every one of us at all times and because abundance – like all things – is a form of energy, we can connect into abundance as deep and as vast as the ocean, anytime we want.

This Alignment Will…

Allow you to tap into abundance that is as vast and as deep as the ocean channel it into your life. Alignment brings in the knowledge and energy you need to bring abundance and will connect you into the unlimited abundance of the planet.


We can have many forms of addiction – alcohol, drugs, sex, food, shopping, TV – and even exercise or a spiritual routine such as meditation can become addictive. The key is to remember that addictions are never what they seem. They are our attempt to fill the void we perceive in our lives or to hide from the truth.

This Alignment Will…

Release the desire or craving to use substances as an emotional support system. It will allow you to let go of the need to turn to substitutes for love, acceptance, and nurturing. This Alignment also releases the genetic predisposition to addiction as a way to replace love or hide from reality.


Adrenal fatigue/failure arises when we experience high levels of stress or trauma over long periods of time. Adrenal fatigue/failure forces our adrenal glands to go into overdrive leading to overproduction or underproduction of adrenal hormones. This can lead to extreme exhaustion and other problems such as sleep disturbances and anxiety.

This Alignment Will…

Get to the heart of the matter and release the chronic or acute stress and/or trauma that caused the problem to occur. This also balances your adrenal glands, adrenaline, cortisol, gonadotropins and gonadal steroid hormones, vasopressin, norepinephrine, serotonin and acetylcholine. This Alignment also works to reduce the effects of stress and trauma, including exhaustion.


Almond is a nut-producing tree, with white flowers tinged with pink. Almond Flower Essence primarily affects the physical body. 

This alignment, the energy of Almond Flower Essence, supports the kidneys, bladder, and respiratory system. It brings in a deep soul reconnection with Lemuria, with crystalline frequencies, and with Atlantis and the sacred technologies from Atlantis, balancing both of these in harmony. It also stimulates the pituitary, thymus, and endocrine system, and strengthens the etheric body. 


Amazonite is a stone that ranges from green to blue-green and gets its name from the Amazon River in Brazil. It has been an important stone throughout history. The 7th chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead was engraved on Amazonite. It is believed to be the 3rd stone in the breastplate of Moses. It carries the Water element and is beneficial for the heart and throat chakras. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring harmony and the energy of peace and tranquility. It will help manifest your dreams and desires by magnifying your intentions. It will help you integrate all aspects of the self and connect you to your personal truth. It will open and clear your throat chakra and assist you in communicating your higher truth. It will stimulate your heart chakra and help you move beyond fear of judgment. 


Not technically a crystal, amber is a fossilized resin. Amber holds a very strong solar light energy and will bring warmth. Amber has essentially solidified sunlight. It connects us to our own strength. It helps purify on the emotional and physical levels. It can connect us with our genetic ancestral lineage. Amber is beneficial for the solar plexus and carries the Earth Element. 

This Alignment Will…

Raise your vibration, bring in the energy of sun, warmth, and light, connect you to Light Beings, and your own inner strength. It will assist in connecting with your ancestral lineage and past lives for accessing information and dissolving karmic and ancestral trauma and patterns. 


Amethyst has been admired and used for thousands of years. It has been seen as a stone of royalty…Ancient Egyptians used it in jewelry and amulets, it was valued by Greek and Roman societies and is said to be the 9th stone in the breastplate of the High Priests of Israel. Amethyst provides spiritual cleansing and protection, and aids in eliminating addictions. It is very beneficial to raise the frequency of your home or space. It assists in meditation and communication with Guides. Amethyst enhances psychic abilities. It carries the Wind element, and balances and activates the third eye, crown, and transpersonal (above the crown, outside the body) chakras. 

This Alignment Will….

Cleanses and protects your energy field, raises your vibration and the vibration of your surroundings, aids in meditation and enhances psychic abilities. It can also help you eliminate habits and addictions, and balance and activate your third eye, crown, and higher chakras. 

Andarian Blue Shaman Swirl

Your true nature is that of an infinite being with the extraordinary power to co-create your reality in alignment with that which is for the highest good of all. You are an element of a divine tapestry of light and your authentic nature of magic and miracles knows no bounds. Time and space no longer exist when you connect to your all-encompassing consciousness and authentic nature.

This Alignment Will…

Accelerate and amplify the expansion of consciousness, growth and healing. This alignment is very, very powerful. It will reveal your true nature and allow you to embrace that nature without hesitation. It also clears and activates your 3 lower chakras to assist you in grounding and it can also assist you in astral travel, past life regressions, as it opens up and intensifies your psychic abilities.

Andarian Brown Shaman

Accessing spiritual realms, and being able to work with magical energies can transform our lives in more ways than we can imagine but we must also connect and ground these powerful energies so we can focus, channel and co-create with divine peace, ease and grace.

 This Alignment Will…

Assist you in bringing peace to yourself and the world around you. It is beneficial for dissolving pain and is extremely grounding. It awakens and balances Divine Masculine energy, clears old energies, and helps to bring in a new perspective.

Andarian Clear

The secrets of the ancient world – including the Atlantean world, the Akasha, and the energies of the other realms such as the angelic realm  – were lost to us for thousands and thousands of years. But now, as more and more of us awaken to the power of spirituality, we can once again access, communicate and connect with wisdom and truth that will assist in our collective ascension as divine beings of light and love.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the knowledge of the Great Central Sun, secrets of the Atlantean world, the Akashic Records, the energies of Archangel Michael, Master Kuthumi, Jesus, and the Faerie Kingdom. It opens a clear channel for wisdom and truth and opens the doorway to the future. This alignment may assist you in achieving the multidimensional vision and seeing beyond time and space. It also activates the Diamond Light Code frequencies of purity 

Andarian Divine Fire/Sacred Ruby Red Ray

Finding balance in masculine and feminine energies creates harmony in all areas of our life and on every level of our being. It also works to call in Divine Soul Union Partnerships. When we are balanced on all levels, nothing is out of our reach and co-creating our dreams becomes natural and easy.

 This Alignment Will…

Activate the Divine Ruby Ray which purifies the root chakra, activating both the Divine Masculine and Feminine. It creates harmony and equilibrium, and brings powerful pure love into your relationships, and also works to activate and purify Divine Soul Union Partnership energies. It releases ancestral patterns of blame, shame, guilt, grief, and fear. This extremely empowering alignment also awakens the Goddess within.

Andarian Earth Green

You have the power to create your own paradise right here on Earth. When you are immersed in feelings of unconditional love and compassion, when you are able to access abundance at will and when you no longer feel the pain of lack and scarcity, you will arrive at a new beginning that is beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the frequency of Heaven on Earth, unconditional love, and compassion. It assists in expanding your abundance consciousness and eliminates feelings of lack and scarcity. It connects you with the infinite and abundant heart of Gaia. It brings in the energy of growth, assisting in new beginnings and creations. This alignment also heals and activates the heart chakra.

Andarian High Heart

When we can merge the High Heart with the throat chakra, we merge the gifts of communication with unconditional love, allowing communication to flow from the depths of your soul.

This alignment will…

This Alignment activates your High Heart and your Throat Chakra. It activates and merges your gifts of communication and unconditional love, allowing you to communicate from a place of love and understanding. This Alignment brings in the energy of Grace. 

Andarian Opalescent Pink

The energy of the Divine Mother is the energy of unconditional love, understanding, and compassion. When this energy is strong in our life, we are able to heal ourselves and others, quickly and completely.

 This Alignment Will…

Awaken the energy of the Divine Mother, bringing in deep love and compassion. It carries the energy of the dove and the rose. It will help you see clearly through the eyes of unconditional love. This alignment is heart healing, as it clears and activates the heart chakra. It is especially beneficial if you are suffering from grief, heartbreak, and heartache.


Angelica archangelica is an herb of liminal spaces, of cycles, of death and rebirth. Often called the holy ghost plant, Angelica has a long history of use in many religious and spiritual practices to purify the body and create space. Angelica connects us with our own cycles of life, death, and rebirth, and is supportive in helping us see how each phase is connected. 

Physically, they are warming bitter with a special affinity for the digestive system, uterus, and our blood/circulation. They’ve been used traditionally for all types of digestive issues, respiratory issues, cold and stagnation, poor circulation, and all types of uterine issues from endometriosis to premenstrual cramping. 

This Alignment Will…


In Aesop’s fable ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’, Ant was responsible, while Grasshopper played and sang, not preparing for winter. Ants are known to be industrious, disciplined, and they can carry up to 50x their body weight! They live in order, and in a community, working together for common goals. There are more than one million ants in some nests. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Ant  Medicine and Ant  Spirit Guide to assist you with the order, discipline, and creative projects. Ant will help you find and create your community, and to connect with your “soul family”


Apophyllite carries the frequency of the Higher Realms, and can help lift the veils to access these realms. It stimulates the third eye, opens psychic abilities, and activates the higher mind. Apophyllite is an excellent stone for use in meditation and connection with the Angelic Realm. It carries the Wind and Earth Elements and expands and clears the third eye and crown chakras. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in meditation, including connecting the Higher Realms by lifting the veils. It will help you enhance your psychic abilities and activate your higher mind, allowing you to receive more clear guidance from Source, Guides, and your own Divine Aspects. 


Arthritis is experienced as pain in the joints and as with all physical illnesses and conditions, it begins on the energetic plane. Holding on to guilt, sorrow, and resentment, feeling wronged, or feeling dependent and stuck are some possible energetic causes of arthritis.

This Alignment Will…

Balance the mycoplasma and bacteria causing disease, cleaning out the microplasma from inside the joints. This alignment will dismantle deeply-held beliefs that you have to fight for everything you want and fight for yourself just to survive. It removes the fear of moving forward and the fear of change. This alignment also releases feelings of guilt, sorrow, and resentment and resolves beliefs of needing to be right and fear around depending on others.

Astral / Causal Body

The Astral Body is our bridge to the spirit world and is closely tied to our emotions. Our Astral Body may go traveling in the night, and it is a good idea to “call it back” when we awake. In the Astral body, we may hold traumas from our experiences in the astral (or spirit) realm, even traumas from experiences such as being experimented on, battling “evil” or other forms of trauma. This is the part of us that travels to astral realms in our dream time. This area of your subtle energy body contains your karma and past lives. Clearing the astral level can resolve unresolved issues and karmic patterns. We can hold oaths, vows, contracts, loops, and patterns that can be cleared and released. 

It extends six to twelve inches from the physical body.

The Causal Body is a link between the higher spiritual levels and the denser physical levels. Some teachings present it as “causal” in terms of it containing the spiritual imprint of the Karma which the person brings into their life, and which will be played out in their current lifetime (in the sense that Karma is the law of Cause and Effect.) 

It has been referred to as the Seat of Human Potential. It extends two to three feet from the physical body. 

This Alignment will…

Cleanse, Clear and Dissolve dense, low vibrational emotions, imprints of trauma, hooks, cords and attachments, entity attachments, implants and low vibrational portals, trauma from other lifetimes/experiences, dissolve any outdated Karmic hooks, cords, oaths vows, or contracts held in the Astral and Causal Bodies.

Call all parts of your astral body back, allowing it to be cleansed and strengthened.

Bringing in divine bliss, tranquility, inner peace, and a sense of purest happiness, a sense of great joy and gratitude.

Atlantean Wisdom

The civilization of Atlantis was formed after the fall of Lemuria and the Atlantians were extremely technologically advanced. They also held powers of telepathic communication. According to Plato the lost continent of Atlantis was sunk, upon a decision of the Gods seeing that the human race had become corrupt.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in wisdom and support from the Atlantians. With this Alignment, you may experience feeling more connected to the Atlanteans and Atlantean Energies. You may sense, feel or even see them around you. This alignment is clearing trauma from Atlantean lifetimes, including the Fall of Atlantis. It will connect you to spiritual technologies and the Divine Masculine.


Bacteria is often seen as the “villain” in our bodies but these microorganisms can also serve us. Good bacteria in our digestive tract, for instance, can fight off dangerous microbes and harmful bacteria to sustain optimum health. From an energetic and spiritual perspective, bacteria carry the frequency of guilt. When we have bacterial infections it often points to painful feelings of guilt that remain trapped within our bodies and energetic systems.

This Alignment Will…

Balance the good and harmful bacteria in your body as well as the acid and alkaline levels. It removes guilt, teaches you how to live without guilt, dissolves guilt where you are holding on to it as well as guilt around being who you truly are. It brings in clarity for fast, accurate decision-making, and allows masterful decision-making skills. This Alignment also brings balance to emotions such as anger, and fear, which causes your immune system to go into overdrive.


Bear Medicine and Bear Spirit Guide are supportive for periods of time when we are at the beginning of a big transformation, taking a new direction, spending time going within, accessing the unconscious mind, and times when we are invited to draw on our inner strength

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Bear Medicine and Bear Spirit Guide to assist you with support in a journey of transformation, taking new directions, new beginnings, going within, accessing the unconscious mind, and the support to access and draw on your inner strength. 

This alignment is also supportive and healing for kidneys (in “hibernation”, bear’s kidneys shut down completely, thus regenerating- this alignment drawn on that healing energy and brings it into the kidneys)  

Becoming a Channel for your Business

A spiritual/healing business often becomes part of who we are, an extension of us, and it is important for the energies of our business to be in alignment with our personal energies. When our business, our mission, and our human expression are in alignment, we can truly become a living channel through the expression of our business. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in becoming the embodiment of your mission, so that your business can be a channel for the divine expression of your mission. 


Bees have many different symbols throughout the world.  According to Hinduism Bee is related to Vishnu, Rama or Kama (the God of Love). In Egypt Bee is symbolic of  Royalty, in Greece, Bee is connected to  Eleusinian Mysteries (secret rituals of the mystery school of Eleusis and were observed regularly from c. 1600 BCE – 392 CE. Exactly what this mystic ritual was no one knows) and according to Celtic Bee represents Hidden Wisdom 

Bee is also associated with sexuality and fertility, 

Bee is Hardworking, has determination, follow-through, creativity, joy, and holds the vibration of“sweetness of life”. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Bee Medicine and Bee Spirit Guide to help you access your own determination, the ability to be hardworking, and to follow through with your plans, dreams, and commitments. 

You can bring this energy also to tap into and allow your creative energies to flow, to birth new ideas and creations, and to access and balance your own sexuality.

Bee will also connect you to the Sweetness and Joy in life. 


No matter who we are, where we come from or what we do in this physical plane, it feels like we are bound by the incessant forward motion of time. This continuous movement can feel constricting and create feelings of fear around time, which can then influence every aspect of our being and every aspect of our life.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in true understanding of time and the knowledge and ability to bend time in a way that is for your Highest and Best Good. It also clears fears related to time, including running out of time, or not having enough time to do what you want to do and be who you want to be.


The frequency of Bergamot eases stress, releases the need to be in control so that you can flow with life, promotes relaxation and trust in the universe, releases fear of the unknown and helps you become clear about your own mission, opens the heart and uplifts the mind. 

This alignment will…

Ease stress, release the need to be in control so that you can flow with life, promotes relaxation and trust in the universe, releases fear of the unknown and helps you become clear about your own mission, opens the heart and uplifts the mind. 

Black Cohosh

Known by some as “the soothing hand of the crone,” Black Cohosh helps us navigate times of transition with grace and ease. From big life transitions like becoming a parent or birthing a business to hormonal changes like menopause, Black Cohosh walks us through the portal, holding our hand and imparting their deep wisdom.

Black Cohosh is a calming sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and hormone balancer. It specifically works on the musculoskeletal system and the female reproductive system and has been long used by Native Americans for all types of women’s health concerns, from menstruation to childbirth to menopause. 

This Alignment Will…

Black Panther

Black Panther is associated with the feminine, dark mother, life, power, night, and shadow. Indigenous peoples of North and South America held Panther as very sacred, with great magic and power. The Arawak believe that Panther is a tie to all life, that nothing exists without it.

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Black Panther Medicine and Black Panther  Spirit Guide to Awaken your inner passion, help you dive deep into shadow, facing fears, including fear of the future, embracing the unknown, and reclaiming your power. 

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an extremely effective stone for clearing and protecting your energy field. It is very effective at helping balance stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviors and thoughts. Black Tourmaline is very grounding and helps create a grounding circuit with Gaia’s magnetic field. It helps the body release toxins including heavy metals. It carries the Earth Element and supports the Root Chakra. 

This Alignment Will…

Effectively clear and protect your energy and environment, release tension, stress and anxiety, obsessive thoughts, toxins, and balance your root chakra. 

Note for practitioners: To enhance the energy, combine with SL Purification or Cleanse & Protect, Heavy Metal Detox, Gaia, and Root Chakra Alignment 


Blood disorders such as anemia can create all sorts of complications that greatly decrease our quality of life. This could be anything from exhaustion and fatigue to shortness of breath. Blood disorders tend to occur when we do not feel heard or seen, nurtured and loved or accepted.

This Alignment Will…

Balance blood components, minerals, iron, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils. This Alignment will also improve communication skills, bringing in the feeling of being nurtured, cared for, loved, accepted, able and worthy of receiving love


Our blood pressure is essentially the measure of the pressure of blood moving within our blood vessels but beyond this basic definition, it signifies so much more. It is a measurement that captures what’s going on in our daily lives, how we live and how we think and feel. Our blood pressure is related to our sleep, and what we eat, how much we exercise and how much rest we get. Energetically, our blood pressure is often connected to belief patterns that bring up feelings of “not doing enough” and “not being enough.”

This Alignment Will…

Regulate blood pressure and helps control sleep apnea as well balance sodium, enzymes, electrolytes, salts and lipids. The Alignment also clears patterns and beliefs of, “No matter what I do it’s not enough”, “I must always do more”, and “There is no time for rest”


The frequency of the color Blue brings in the energy frequencies of peace, tranquility, infinity, relaxation, knowledge, clear communication, decisiveness, being able to speak your truth, loyalty, affection, inspiration, trust, integrity, responsibility, perseverance, idealism, and devotion. It Cleanses and Activates the Throat chakra.

This alignment will..

Connect you with the frequencies of peace, tranquility, infinity, relaxation, knowledge, clear communication, decisiveness, being able to speak your truth, loyalty, affection, inspiration, trust, integrity, responsibility, perseverance, idealism, and devotion. It Cleanses and Activates the Throat chakra.

Blue Vervain

Blue Vervain is a calming bitter herb also known as “the herb of grace and the “enchanter’s plant.” It helps calm the spirit, while also restoring a sense of wonder and enchantment. If you have been in a prolonged state of stress or overwhelm that has led to exhaustion and disillusionment, Blue Vervain is for you.

Blue Vervain is primarily a relaxing nervine, as well as a nervous system restorative and a digestive bitter. They are especially helpful for type-A people who carry their tension in their upper back, neck, and shoulders, particularly when that tension leads to headaches and/or jaw pain.

This Alignment Will…


Brain chemistry is essentially the communication that happens in brain cells and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Clear communications allow our brain to work normally and to direct physical functions such as talking, walking, listening and thinking

This Alignment Will…

This alignment balances your brain chemistry including neurotransmitters such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Special Note: Listening to this alignment daily can help alleviate depression, anxiety and anger issues.


The Yogis of ancient India said that when you can change your breath, you can change your life and so breathing patterns are a general indication of our life patterns and our experiences. We tend to hold our breath when we are sad, angry, fearful or when we are experiencing other kinds of strong emotions. The phrase “take a deep breath” suggest release and relief and this is necessary for our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the feeling that you need to be domineering, manipulative, or controlling of people or situations. It releases anger and irritation at those around you, particularly those closest to you. This Alignment resolves the feeling of “crying on the inside”, grief patterns, and feelings of being a victim. It also balances the body’s ability to digest dairy and balances histamines in the body as it eliminates excess acetaldehyde. Special Note: Acetaldehyde is found naturally in coffee, bread, and even fruit. Drinking, smoking, breathing polluted air, and eating sugars can lead to high levels of acetaldehyde in the body.


Buddha incarnated as a prince in Nepal and at the age of  29, he decided to renounce his luxurious life as a prince to live simply, meditating and fasting until he became enlightened. He gained an understanding of how to overcome pain and unhappiness by detaching from it through achieving inner peace. He founded what is now known as Buddhism based on the eightfold way of right views; right intention; right speech; right action; right livelihood; right effort; right mindfulness, and right concentration. 

This alignment will…

Buddha brings forth the qualities and virtues of balance in all things, simplicity, inner peace through meditation, joy found in everything, loving-kindness, equanimity, peace, wisdom, and illumination.

He assists us with the integration of the three higher bodies (Holy Christ Self, I AM Presence, and Causal Body)


This crystal brings joy, creativity, and playful expression. It can help you reconnect to your inner child. Because it brings a powerful connection and opening to creativity, it is very helpful in manifestation and CoCreation work. Bustamite holds the Fire element and opens and activates the Root and Sacral Chakras. 

This Alignment Will…

Help bring joy and creative play into your life. It will help you heal and embrace your inner child. It will support your intentions for manifestation by connecting you to your Creator self. It brings a feeling of safety and security and balances your root and sacral chakras.  


The butterfly is one of the most well-known animal spirit symbols. In early Christianity, the Butterfly was the symbol of the soul. In China Butterfly represents joy and bliss within a marriage partnership. To Native Americans, the Butterfly is a symbol of color, change, and joy. 

The butterfly represents Transformation, change, metamorphosis. It brings cheerfulness, grace, and the ability to know and understand your own mind.

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Butterfly Medicine and Butterfly Spirit Guide and bring support in times of transformation, change, and metamorphosis, assisting you to flow through these times with the ability to know and understand your own mind, and move through even the most profound transformation with grace. 


Calendula is an herb of the sun. A beautiful bright yellow flower, it carries the energy of summer sunshine, vibrant joy, and euphoria-drenched laughter. If you’re struggling with darkness, heaviness, or a persistent chill (physically or emotionally), then Calendula is here to shine its sun rays upon you.

Physically they are a warming anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, a bitter, demulcent, lymphatic, vulnerable herb with a wide range of uses, from topical skin issues and fungal infections to digestive discomfort and lymphatic stagnation. 

This Alignment Will…

Calling in and Co-Creating That Which Desires to Come Through You

We are all energetic channels for vibrational frequencies and energies that can bring through extraordinary desires, creations, and innovations. As an entrepreneur, it is crucial that we are able to open up to these energies so we can easily bring through beautiful, supportive, high vibrational desires and creations that are waiting to be birthed into the world.

This Alignment Will…

Connect you with the energy of that which desires to come through you in this lifetime. This Alignment will bring with it the tools, abilities, people, and situations to line this up for you. It will also focus your awareness to any class, training, book, teacher, etc that may be necessary for you to birth these desires or creations, as well as line up people or situations that will bring you maximum help and benefit.

Calling in Your Ideal Soulmate Clients

Attracting ideal clients and customers who can receive the highest and best energies and expertise from us is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business that feels aligned and in integrity. We all have Ideal Soulmate Clients. We just need to call them in.

This Alignment Will…

Connect you with the energy of your Ideal Soulmate Clients and draw them into your conscious awareness. This Alignment will also draw you into their awareness in the highest and best way.

Cardiovascular & Circulatory​ ​System​

The human heart emanates an incredible amount of energy. Our heart is at the center of our existence and it is also at the center of our spiritual expansion and evolution. Our cardiovascular and circulatory systems revolve around our heart and bringing balance, strength and optimal health to these systems will rapidly increase overall health and wellbeing.

 This Alignment Will…

Bring your heart into balance as it cleans and clears its valves. This alignment also balances your blood vessels, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood flow and consequently the flow of nutrients throughout your body. It strengthens your body’s ability to move materials between internal systems, including oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products. It dissolves thought forms and beliefs taken on from other people such as anger and resentment, and activates your ability to feel, receive and express love and joy and to love another, completely.


Catnip is a soothing, calming herb. They help move our energy downwards and support the proper flow of emotion. They’re also an incredible ally for lightening the spirit, bringing renewed hope, and connecting with your inner child. When you want to reconnect with your sense of playfulness and innocence, call upon catnip. 

Physically they are nervine with a special affinity for the nervous system and stomach. They’re excellent for general nervousness, an anxious stomach, and sleep troubles. They’re very gentle and can benefit even the most sensitive of souls and bodies. 

This Alignment Will…

Causal Chakra Alignment

The Causal Chakra is the third of the transcendent chakras located above and to the back of your head. It is connected to the Moon and is like your own personal Moon, absorbing and radiating divine feminine light. It acts as a magnet for lunar light, drawing it directly into the four-body system. (Physical Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and the Spiritual Energetic Body.) This raises your vibration and illuminates the deep feminine wisdom within you.

This Alignment Will…

Begin the activation of this chakra for those who are ready, or expand the connection for those whose Causal Chakra is already activated. It strengthens and expands your four-body system. (Physical Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and the Spiritual Energetic Body.) bringing more light and Divine Feminine energies into your body and energy field. 


Chamomile is an annual that produces small white flowers with yellow centers. Chamomile Flower Essence primarily affects the physical body. 

This alignment, the energy of Chamomile Flower Essence, is Anti-inflammatory, assists the body with mineral absorption, is supportive for the Nervous System, the kidneys, balance meridians, and activates the Pineal gland. It brings harmony to the mental body and activates pain relief by stimulating morphine-like properties in the brain. It also brings in remembrance and connection to Lemuria.


Chrysocolla empowers the Divine Feminine within (no matter what gender you identify as), assists in the embodiment of gentleness and power. It is the stone of the Goddess. Chrysocolla activates the throat chakra and inner wisdom and allows for a flow of communication. It encourages you to speak your heart’s deepest truth and your mind’s greatest knowledge and wisdom. It helps release stress and anxiety and offers support for the adrenals and thyroid. Chrysocolla carries the Water element and benefits the throat, heart, and root chakras.

This Alignment Will…

Help you connect with and embody your Divine Feminine nature and the Goddess within. It will assist you in being both gentle and powerful. It will encourage you to speak both your mind and your heart from the highest perspective. It is beneficial for releasing anxiety and balancing your throat, heart and root. 


Citrine unlocks creativity, brings clarity, and magnifies manifestation work. It helps to open to Divine Will and heals feelings of powerlessness. Citrine also strengthens physical stamina and endurance and supports the endocrine system and balances metabolism. It carries the Fire Element and works with the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras.  

*note that most stones sold as citrine are actually heat-treated amethyst. To find natural citrine look for pale yellow rather than orange/amber. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in manifestation work, clearing and dissolving beliefs that may be hindering your co-creations, especially relating to abundance. It will connect you to your powers of creativity and to your Divine Will. It will also strengthen your physical endurance, and balance your endocrine system and metabolism. 

Clean Slate

Sometimes in life and business, we connect with people who end up not being in alignment, or who even may cause harm or create trauma.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in deep healing for that experience, that relationship, and unwind the trauma, the judgment of ourselves and others, and disconnect any remaining hooks, cords, or attachments, and dissolve any remaining energy signatures, both from your person and your business. 


The eyes are said to be the window to the soul for good reason. We actually carry the energy of our eyes throughout all our lifetimes (even if they are a different color in different lifetimes) and we hold countless belief systems there too. This affects how we view ourselves and the world. We carry many belief systems in our eyes.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the trauma of seeing things you didn’t want to see with both your physical and spiritual eyes. It resolves patterns of allowing others to treat you inadequately, feelings of inadequacy, and unable to accomplish goals and dreams. This Alignment will bring in the feeling and ability to fearlessly look into the future unafraid with hope.


The people who came before us – our ancestral line – continue to live within us through the generational inheritance that we carry. This can manifest as physical traits as well as character and personality attributes. Some of these ancestral patterns – such as karma, oaths, vows and contracts – can influence us, in our current lifetime, in ways that are destructive and damaging.

This Alignment Will…

Resolve the oaths, vows, contracts and agreements we are holding for our ancestors that are no longer serving us, marking these lessons downloaded, finished and complete.


In Codependent relationships, one person is focused on pleasing and meeting the needs of the other, often sacrificing what they themselves need and want, gaining their own worth from what they are providing to their partner. Codependent relationships can have an addictive quality. Codependency often has a root of emotional neglect or abuse in childhood.

This Alignment Will…

Begin to heal the root cause of emotional abuse and neglect, and the inner child. It will bring in an understanding of your inherent worth and value through your own Source Connection, and unwind the need to anticipate and fulfill others needs and desires in order to feel worthy or loved, and the emotional addiction this cycle creates. You can focus on one specific relationship while receiving this alignment.

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Comparison can steal our sense of worthiness, happiness and accomplishment. It is indeed the Thief of Joy. In business – as in life – comparison can hold us back from trying again and it can make us feel small and unimportant. Comparison dims our light. It convinces us that we are not good enough and lures us into the shadows where we end up hiding our unique genius, qualities, gifts, skills, and abilities from the world.

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve embedded patterns of comparison, the Thief of Joy. This Alignment allows you to see your own unique genius, qualities, gifts, abilities and what you have to offer humanity without comparing yourself to any other person or to an idea of what you may think or feel you “should be.”


It is important to decide who we want to invite and accept into our physical and energetic space. Our happiness and success depend on it but many of us do not consciously focus on making this kind of decision. As a result, we allow ourselves to remain connected and tethered to people, places and situations that drain our energy and create spiritual stress as well as mental, emotional and even physical pain.

This Alignment Will…

Disconnect and untether you from people, places and situations that you do not want to be associated with any longer such as a person you no longer want to communicate with, a job you want to leave, or a place you want to move away from. It is important to remember that this Alignment creates a permanent disconnect which means it is only to be used when you have made a final, irrevocable decision to disassociate from a specific person, place or situation.


True confidence is empowering, inspiring, and energizing – never arrogant, conceited or domineering. Confidence that arises from a place of clarity and authenticity will light the path to our soul’s purpose, and allow us to achieve our potential as we help others do the same.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in and connect you to the energy of true confidence and with your soul’s purpose so you are able to go forth with a sense of inner assurance and clarity that other people will be able to see and feel. This Alignment also clears beliefs about yourself that block you from stepping into true confidence.


Conflict Trauma can range from a perceived argument or disagreement to a full blown yelling match, to War Trauma. The impact of conflict trauma, especially on sensitive individuals, can create ongoing PTSD, especially if the conflict is ongoing or particularly sudden and traumatic.

This Alignment Will…

Bring healing for the shock and trauma of the conflict experienced, going deep into multiple forms of trauma that may have been experienced throughout time. It soothes the nervous system and rewires the brain for a feeling of more safety.


Cosmos are native to Mexico. They grow about 3 feet tall and produce rose, purple, orange, yellow, or white flowers with yellow centers. Cosmos Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Cosmos Flower Essence, brings about a merging of the throat and heart chakra, allowing you to speak from your heart, aids in public speaking, and with confidence in communication.

Crown Chakra Alignment

The Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head. A balanced Crown Chakra allows us to reach higher spiritual truths including the truth that we are all one and that we are part of a unified field of love and light. This Chakra is essentially our center for universal energies and our own Source Connection. It is related to mystical powers and intuitive knowledge that exist far beyond the realm of thought.

This Alignment Will…

Clear unhealthy attachment and traumas connected to withheld information, forced religious beliefs, misinformation, lies, spiritual abuse, and spiritual addiction. This Alignment brings in the energy of transcendence and belief in something beyond yourself. It also brings in the energies of union, vision, knowledge, awareness, meaning, intelligence, openness to new ideas, and being guided by your inner wisdom as well as Higher Power.


Damiana is an herb of embodiment and pleasure. They coax us into states of calm, presence, and safety in our physical form, something that can be so foreign for many of us in this present world. Damiana is a fragrant herb with bright yellow flowers and is a powerful reminder of the beauty that exists all around us. 

Physically damiana is warming bitter with a special affinity for the circulatory system, nervous system, and pelvic organs. They help bring warmth and movement to the periphery of the body, helping us cultivate deeper embodiment, pleasure, and safety within our physical body. They also help increase circulation broadly, helping warm the extremities. 

This Alignment Will…


Ah, dandelion! A wild, weedy wonder, the dandelion is a highly common and supremely useful ally. Highly nutritious, it’s considered both an herb and food, reminding us to recognize the wild abundance growing all around us.

Nearly all parts of the dandelion are medicinal, from the bitter roots to the leaves and flowers. It’s a powerful remedy for the liver, digestive system, gallbladder, urinary system, kidneys, and endocrine system.

Magical Uses: Increasing psychic powers, communication with loved ones in the spirit realm, luck 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy frequency and qualities of Dandelion…Assist in increasing health and vitality, connect you to unlimited abundance, bring luck to your endeavors, strengthen the liver, digestive system, gallbladder, urinary system, kidneys and endocrine system, connect you more deeply to your psychic abilities, and aid in communication with loved ones in the spirit realm.


Datura is an ally for the birth/death/rebirth cycles of life. They’re a powerful flower friend for helping us navigate transitions, crossroads, thresholds, and the unknown. They hold space for our transitions, guide us through the liminal spaces of death and rebirth as we shed old selves and become new.

In doing so, they’re a powerful ally for clearing releasing all that is no longer in alignment: old beliefs, relationships, habits, and patterns that we are ready to shed. They support the grief and anxiety that can come with this process while bolstering our vision of all that we are co-creating, all that lies ahead.

Magical Uses: Spell/curse/hex clearing, protection, sleep 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy frequency and qualities of Datura…Assist you in transitions, releasing and letting go, clearing and protecting yourself and your environment, aid in sleeplessness, and supporting your CoCreations. 


The food we eat, the water we drink and even the air we breathe contains toxins that are invisible yet extremely harmful to us. We are consuming and inhaling this almost every moment of every day. Deep detoxification is needed on a regular basis to ensure that we are operating at peak health. 

This Alignment Will…

Support your body in the process of detoxification so you can experience it safely and easily with minimal negative side effects, if at all.


Diabetes is currently one of the most common diseases in the world. This condition occurs when our body’s ability to produce insulin is damaged. This impairs metabolic function and results in dangerous levels of glucose in the system. On the energetic level diabetes is connected to trapped emotions such as low self-esteem, irritability and apathy.

This Alignment Will…

Regulate insulin, and blood sugar, teaching your body how to react to and process sugar, insulin, and carbohydrates in your pancreas. This Alignment also clears trapped emotions like apathy, irritability, despair, low self-esteem, and thoughts of suicide that may be your own or other people’s. It resolves the inability to experience joy and brings in what joy feels like.


This Alignment Will…

Bring into harmony the body’s ability to accept, process, and utilize fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It clears and resolves Anger, Fear, Guilt, Trauma from abuse, resentment, and the inability to accept love. It brings in the ability to feel safe, protected, and secure, as well as how to accept and receive love, how to live with discernment, what it feels like to be loved and cherished and to be loved by Creator.

When Running this Alignment, Have your client focus of the following emotions or traumas (whether they have personally experienced them or not, as we are all holding the energy of the collective and previous lifetimes, while placing their hand on the following areas:

Focus on Sexual abuse- have them put their hand on the lower right side

Focus on Shame- have them put their hand on the solar plexus chakra

Focus on Emotional abuse- have them put their hand on the lower left side

Focus on Fear and Guilt- have them put a hand on the Spleen- under the rib cage and above the stomach in the left upper abdomen

Focus on Anger- have them put a hand on their liver- in the upper right portion of the abdomen


This Alignment Will…

Activate the body’s ability to be in harmony with the digestive system and body parts, hormones and body chemistry, and the bacteria within the digestive system. It pulls trapped emotions being held in the digestive system and affecting the digestive system. This alignment dissolves negative hooks, cords and attachments to people, places and lower vibration energies and emotions. It brings in the ability to experience joy, worthiness, harmony, freedom.

When Running this Alignment, Have your client focus of the following emotions or traumas (whether they have personally experienced them or not, as we are all holding the energy of the collective and previous lifetimes, while placing their hand on the following areas:

Focus on Sexual abuse- have them put their hand on the lower right side

Focus on Shame- have them put their hand on the solar plexus chakra

Focus on Emotional abuse- have them put their hand on the lower left side

Focus on Fear and Guilt- have them put a hand on the Spleen- under the rib cage and above the stomach in the left upper abdomen

Focus on Anger- have them put a hand on their liver- in the upper right portion of the abdomen

Digestive​ ​System & Excretory​ ​System​

Our entire digestive system – including our excretory system – is responsible for the absorption of high energy, high vibrational nutrition and the removal of toxins and waste material. A balanced, healthy digestive system is a powerful, open channel for good things to come to us while allowing the release of that which does not serve us.

 This Alignment Will…

Balance your body’s ability to ingest food and break it down into high vibrational, high energy nutrients so it is quickly absorbed. This alignment also strengthens your ability to excrete solid waste products with ease. It brings harmony and balance to the mouth, mouth enzymes, esophagus, stomach, and intestines, villi, oral cavity, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, liver, pancreas, salivary glands, teeth, and tongue. It also balances bacteria as well as the acid and alkaline – or PH level –  in your body for optimal health. It clears feelings such as disappointment and sadness that come with lack of approval and lack of love plus fears related to living life to the fullest.


Discernment is the ability to make judgments and decisions through the lens of our hearts and our own divinity. Proper discernment is vital in creating a heart-centered life and business. 

Alignment Will…

Bring in a powerful, accurate ability to discern what is truly your purpose or path, your highest impact offers, ideal clients, business decisions that are in full alignment with you, including who to partner with, and other important decisions in your life and business. 

Special Note: This Alignment is designed to be run at the time when you are desiring deeper discernment. Run or receive this Alignment while focusing on the question or situation before you that needs accurate discernment. 

Disconnecting from Lack Matrix

There is a lot of lack of programming in spiritual, creative, and religious communities, especially around “charging for services”
This Alignment Will…

Unwind and dissolve that lack programming, that is it wrong to charge for healing work, or creative endeavors, that money isn’t spiritual, and the judgment that goes along with that, and unplug you from that matrix or paradigm. 

Divine Delegation

The ability to receive support in business is crucial to the growth of your business. This alignment goes very well withNo One is An Island”, as this alignment works on the energy of attracting your most alignment support team.

This Alignment Will…

Attract to you your most aligned and ideal team members for your business, whether they are assistants, business managers, tech experts, graphic designers, marketing strategists, or any other need you have in your business, so YOU can focus on your zone of genius and reach more people while creating and maintaining an abundant successful business. 


Whether we identify as a male or female, we each have the Divine Feminine within. This part of our soul is projected out into the world as beautiful, nurturing qualities that bring comfort and healing to ourselves and to those around us.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energies of Divine Feminine – Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within. It accentuates and amplifies qualities of unconditional love, compassion, wisdom, beauty, gentleness, patience, acceptance, forgiveness, nurturing, welcoming, accessibility, kindness, intuition, healing, tenderness, wisdom, flexibility and fertility.

Divine Leadership

This alignment is about leading from our Divine Aspect of Self…allowing and inviting the Ego Body to become an observer while we begin to embody our Divine Leader. 

This Alignment will…

Bring in the perspective of yourself as a leader through the lens of your own Divinity, allowing you to lead with integrity, honor, and to reach those you are meant to lead. It is also dissolving the paradigm of “guru” leadership and bringing in leading from a perspective of equality, and the symbiotic relationship between “student and teacher” 


A Divine Life Partner is different from a soulmate. You have agreed to come together with a DLP in order to accomplish something big in this lifetime. Like our Divine Purpose, our DLPs are among the few things that are destined. This means, we are going to connect with them no matter what, but most of the time we have to work through issues and challenges before we can come together and stay together. A soulmate will support you in your work, but a Divine Life Partner will actually do the work with you. Not everyone has a DLP but if you have a desire for this kind of partnership, it is almost certain that you do. Many spiritual healers and those who do healing work of any kind, have a DLP.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the understanding of what a DLP is from the Creator’s perspective. It will clear the beliefs, oaths, vows, and contracts you have with or about your DLP that may be delaying them from entering your life. This Alignment will also line you up to be with your DLP if you have one in this lifetime. If you are already with or have already met your DLP, this Alignment will resolve issues that may be making your relationship difficult such as past life trauma, and oaths vows and contracts, or beliefs.


Whether we identify as a male or female, we each have the Divine Masculine within. This part of our soul is projected out into the world as strong, powerful qualities that bring focus, protection and direction for ourselves and for others.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy of the Divine Masculine. It accentuates and amplifies qualities of gentle strength, protection, confidence, action, purpose, direction, focus, stability, independence, logic, strategy, discipline, physical awareness, decisiveness, motivation, fearlessness, self-belief and adventure.

Divine Masculine

Whether we identify as a male or female, we each have the Divine Masculine within. This part of our soul is projected out into the world as strong, powerful qualities that bring focus, protection and direction for ourselves and for others.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy of the Divine Masculine. It accentuates and amplifies qualities of gentle strength, protection, confidence, action, purpose, direction, focus, stability, independence, logic, strategy, discipline, physical awareness, decisiveness, motivation, fearlessness, self-belief and adventure.


Dragons have been the source of many mythical tales and legends, and are one of the most powerful beings. Calling on Dragon can help with transformation, wisdom, metaphysical knowledge, inspiration, protection, magic, grounding energy, fulfillment of potential, mastery, and invisibility.

This Alignment will….

Connect you to Dragon, and allow you to more fully access your own wisdom, knowledge, magic, and mastery. Dragon will bring inspiration, and help you fulfill your biggest potential. This alignment will also provide strong protection and cloaking or invisibility technologies. 


Dragonflies have been on the earth for around 180 million years, and they inhabit both the water (emotional) and the air (mental) realms. They can fly up to 30 miles an hour and see movement 40 feet away!

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Dragonfly Medicine and Dragonfly Spirit Guide to connect into both the emotional and mental realms, to clear Illusion, heighten perception and clarity, to calm the mind, and help you see from a new perspective. Dragonfly will assist you to honor your emotions, and with communication with and from the elemental world.


Eagle is a very sacred creature and is associated with much mysticism and mythology. In ancient Aztec society, the chief god told the people to settle where they found an eagle perched on a cactus eating a snake, and this later became Mexico City. Zeus was known to transform into Eagle to control thunder and lightning. Sumerians worshiped Eagle as a god. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, Eagle is the symbol for “A” which is also the symbol for the soul, the spirit, and the warmth of life. In Christian mysticism, Eagle is the symbol of Resurrection. Eagle feathers are considered very sacred and have been used for centuries in healing and cleansing rituals and ceremonies. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Eagle Medicine and Eagle Spirit Guide to bring in the energy of sacredness, life, resurrection and purification. Eagle can help connect you to your own inner guidance and help you see with more clarity and from a “big picture” perspective. 

Earth Star Chakra Alignment

Our Earth Star is one of the higher dimensional chakras, located about 12 inches below our feet. The Earth Star Chakra aligns and connects the body and soul to the magnetic core of the earth. When activated, this chakra will often guide us to the location on the planet our soul desires to experience, where our true purpose can most easily be expressed. 

This Alignment will….

Begin the activation of your Earth Star if it has not already been activated (the majority of people on a spiritual path will already have their Earth Star active in the current time) 

It will expand and anchor your Earth Star more fully into the Heart of Gaia, and bring awareness to where your Earth Star is calling you. It will awaken or expand your soul purpose, and allow you to be and feel more anchored into your body and into every Now Moment. 

El Morya

El Morya has had many human incarnations: Abraham, one of the three wise men, Arthur of the Table Round, Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas More, Chancellor of England, Akbar, founder of the Mogul empire in India and the greatest of its rulers. Lifetime after lifetime, love for God was the driving force of El Morya’s soul. 

This Alignment Will…

El Moyra will Bring in the virtues of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith, and initiative


Elderberry is a magical herb with a rich history of folklore. She has often been called Elder Mother, Queen of the Underworld. Elder is a gorgeous tree with a special connection to the fairy realm, as is thought to be a doorway to the realm of the fae. Elderberry helps us find a balance between the physical and spiritual, the light and dark, as well as in our own underworld journeys. Call upon them when you want to cultivate balance or strength within your spirit.  

Physically it is a cooling, sweet antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial blood tonic with a special action on the lungs, blood, and immune system. It helps to activate the immune system against pathogens and is a very potent ally for times of sickness and seasonal transition. 

This Alignment Will…


Elecampane is a space holder, a light bringer, a breath helper. They are an incredible ally for the respiratory system, and therefore for helping us hold, process, and work through grief. They have very stimulating and activating energy, helping us to shift from a place of stagnancy and grief into one of embodiment and expansion. 

Physically, it is a warming, bitter, drying plant with an affinity for the lungs. They help us breathe, both by relaxing our chest and expelling stuck mucous. They’re helpful for asthma, respiratory infections, digestive issues, and menstrual imbalances. 

Magical Uses: 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy frequency and qualities of Elecampane


The trauma from emotional abuse can have a devastating impact on the development of a child, and can affect us on all levels any time we experience it. This alignment is going deep into dissolving the trauma, trapped emotions and energetic signatures of emotional abuse, and bringing in the true perspective of who you are through the lens of your own Source Connection.

Emotional Body

The Emotional Body contains our functions of consciousness, associated with feelings. Our emotional body can hold low-frequency emotions, trauma, and can become very “clogged”. This energy can be cleared and released. The Emotional Body is about one to three inches from the physical body.

This Alignment will…

Cleanse, Clear and Dissolve dense, low vibrational emotions, imprints of trauma, hooks, cords and attachments, entity attachments, implants, and low vibrational portals from the emotional body. It will also bring in high vibrational light frequencies and the energies of love, joy, and bliss into the Emotional Body. 

Endocrine​ ​System​

Our hormones regulate many of the essential chemical systems and other processes in our physical body including our metabolic rate, sleep, growth, healthy tissue function, sexual function and even our mood. The endocrine system in our body produces our hormones and a healthy endocrine system allows the continuous balanced development and functioning of our bodies for an active, healthy life. 

 This Alignment Will…

Balance the body’s chemistry and the chemical signals that allow your body systems to act cooperatively and harmoniously. This alignment brings healing to the hormone-producing tissues of the pineal gland and pituitary gland in the brain, endocrine glands [pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas (endocrine part), testes (endocrine part), ovary (endocrine part), and liver (endocrine part)]. It brings into balance your emotions and emotional responses as it activates deep joy and love.


Our endocrine system is made up of a group of glands that control so many of the major functions in our body including our growth and development, tissue function, reproduction and even our sleep. A balanced endocrine system allows our body to work optimally. When our endocrine system is out of balance, we can experience low energy, high blood sugar, and have difficulty falling pregnant.

This Alignment Will…

Restore balance and optimal function to the glands of the endocrine system Hypothalamus, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Pancreas and balances the hormone associated with these glands.

Etheric Body

The Etheric Body is the Life Force Energy that animates the physical body. Also known as “Chi” in China, “Ki” in Japan, “Prana” in India. The etheric body is a duplicate of the physical body. It is the body of Memory (life experiences are imprinted into the Etheric body, where they can be recalled as memories). Trauma, oaths, vows, contracts, dense energies, emotions, and belief systems can be cleared and released. The etheric body extends one-quarter to two inches beyond the physical body.

This Alignment will…

Cleanse, Clear and Dissolve dense, low vibrational emotions, imprints of trauma, hooks, cords and attachments, entity attachments, implants and low vibrational portals, physical pain, and even the energy of dis-ease which is present in the etheric body, potentially preventing dis-ease from affecting the physical body. This alignment will also bring in high vibrational light frequencies to strengthen the Etheric Body and bring more vitality into the physical body. 


We often deplete our energy by setting our needs, wants and desires aside to serve others. But we cannot give that which we do not have. Before we love and value another being, we must love and value ourselves. Self-love and self-worth are the foundational energies from which we build and grow our existence on every level – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.

This Alignment Will…

Expand your capacity to feel and create more self-love and self-worth as it clears the limited and negative belief systems that hold us back from loving ourselves and protecting ourselves with healthy emotional boundaries. This alignment brings in the true definition of emotional boundaries from Creator’s perspective. It energetically strengthens your personal boundaries and brings in the energy of permission to put yourself and your own needs first.


Fascia is the fabric that holds our bodies together and gives us shape and structure, it is a web-like membrane that wraps, interweaves, and connects all body parts. Every single part of our bodies, every single cell, is connected to this crystal-like lattice. 

The fascia brings in energy and information through its own independent nervous system. Fascia is an expression of how we feel and think—our past experiences, our attitudes, and our patterns. 

Metaphysically, issues within the fascia can lead to feeling restricted, helpless, fearful, frozen, angry, frustrated, brittle. We hold Sadness, pain, and past trauma in our fascia

“Fascia plays a vital role in the following functions: Cellular respiration; Elimination; Metabolism; Fluid and Lymph flow; Repair by deposition of repair tissue; Conversion of body heat; Fat storage; Cellular health and the immune system ~ Myofascial Release ~ Ruth Duncan

Excellent article: https://www.drnorthrup.com/muscle-fascia/

This Alignment Will…

Activate your fascia to its optimal ability to receive energy and information for Source and your own Divine Aspect, bring healing and balance to your entire fascia system, dissolve trauma, fear, anger, rage, resentment and bitterness, and all other low-frequency emotions held within the fascia. 

This alignment will amplify your connection to Source and your own Divine Aspect. 


The “Father Wound” is often created by the absence of a father or father figure, whether it is emotional or physical absence, or by having a critical or abusive father or father figure. This can lead to difficulty in relationships with men later in life, including the need for male validation. For male-identifying people, it can lead to difficulty in the role of a father and with their own masculinity. The Father Wound can also create false God programming- beliefs and feelings of being unworthy of God’s love, because often in our society, the Father is a representation of God.

This Alignment Will…

Bring a deep profound healing between you and your father (whether he has been in your life or not) and any father figure you choose to focus on while receiving this alignment, and healing in your relationship with God/Source/Creator. It also specifically brings healing to the root chakra and to your relationship with the masculine aspect of yourself.

Fear of Failure

Failure is one of the most feared experiences in life. In ancient times, failure to protect ourselves and our loved ones or failure to take steps to find food and shelter meant certain death. We no longer face death every time we fail, but our collective fear of failure remains strong. It has been passed on through generations into our daily life and is one of the biggest obstacles to success. 

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve your conscious and unconscious fear of failure so you are no longer influenced and guided by it. This alignment will also clear the shock and trauma from past perceived or real failures, including those held in the DNA and passed down in the ancestral line, and those carried over from past/parallel lives/timelines.

Fear of Numbers

Many healers or spiritual entrepreneurs have an aversion to looking at the “numbers” in their business. They resist dealing with the aspects of their business that are related to finances. This creates chaos, confusion, disappointment and dejection as it is impossible to create and achieve income goals and abundance when you do not pay close attention to financial information.

This Alignment Will…

Clear beliefs related to the idea that “money is not spiritual.” This Alignment will also clear fears around finances in your business as well as disconnection between the higher spiritual realms in the upper chakras and the grounded energy of numbers and money. It brings the ability to focus on the financial details of your business with ease and clarity.

Fear of Success

Marianne Williamson said, “It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Her words could not be more true. Fear of success is mostly an unconscious fear for many of us but its effects can be seen in hundreds of ways including feeling stuck, playing small, and not wanting to try new experiences or explore new horizons.

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve your conscious and unconscious fear of success so you are no longer influenced and guided by it. This alignment will also clear fears around what we would do and who we would become if we had success and if we stepped fully into our power.

Fear of Systems, Structures and Technologies

For many spiritually-minded people, technologies and systems do not come easily or naturally, and we may have the belief that we have to force ourselves into structures and systems that work for others, but may not be in alignment for us. This creates resistance to using ANY form of technology, structures or systems.
This Alignment Will…

Clear the resistance to structures, systems and technology, and bring in a grounded understanding of technology. It is clearing the trauma and frustration related to these things, and it is also clearing the radiation and EMF frequencies that are associated with technologies such as computers, phones, tablets, wifi and cellular towers. 


Divine Feminine and Masculine energies exist within all of us no matter what our physical gender may be. A synergistic balance of masculine and feminine energies will bring through deep inner peace, harmony and joy. This beautiful balance will then easily manifest as external success.

This Alignment Will…

Balance your Divine Feminine and Masculine, merging these energies into the optimal combination for you. It will amplify or decrease each of these dual energies and their related emotions or qualities in perfect alignment with what is needed at any given time and for your Highest and Best Good.


Medically, doctors say they do not know what causes it. One theory suggests people who suffer from Fibromyalgia have increased sensitivity in the brain to pain signals. It can sometimes be caused by Epstein Barr Virus. Metaphysically, people with Fibromyalgia often feel like a victim of life circumstances, feel trapped or controlled, and hold anger, rage, and resentment. They may feel unloved and are unable to rest.

This Alignment Will…

Bring healing to the entire muscular system, nervous system, bring healing for the Epstein Barr Virus, and rewire the brain to a “normal”, or optimal, pain signal. It will dissolve feelings of being a victim, being trapped or controlled, and the anger, rage, and resentment associated. It will bring a relationship healing between you and the person or people in your life that is at the root of the anger, rage, and resentment, victim, trapped and controlled feelings. It will bring in the remembrance of how to rest without needing to be in pain to have permission to rest. 


There are many who believe that forgiveness is something we do for another. They believe forgiveness is about letting someone “get away” with painful or harmful actions and behaviors. Nothing could be further from the truth. Forgiveness is a divine gift we give to ourselves. It sets us free from destructive experiences and people who may have hurt us either knowingly or unknowingly.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the anger, resentment, regret, guilt and shame that may be blocking us from the freeing, divine energy of forgiveness. This Alignment will allow you to truly forgive and to be forgiven on a deeply spiritual level.


Fox plays a part in many ceremonies around the world. Cherokees call on fox medicine to prevent frostbite, Choctaw invokes Fox for protection, In Persia, Fox assisted the dead to ascend to heaven, In Egypt, Fox fur was thought to bring favor from the gods. 

Fox is charismatic and charming and is associated with Kundalini, sexual energy, heightened senses and awareness, Intelligence, wisdom, protection, invisibility, and shapeshifting.

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Fox Medicine and Fox Spirit Guide to help you connect to your senses and bring in more awareness, or during times when you want to call in protection, invisibility, or even shapeshifting energies. Fox can help you tap into your own charm and charisma, your mental abilities, intelligence, and wisdom. Fox can help ignite kundalini and sexual energies.  


The frequency of Frankincense brings powerful protection, purification, spirituality, love, strength, healing, sun energy, magic. It heightens awareness, enhances divine connection, brings inner peace, and removes negative entities and attachments. This alignment is beneficial to use to cleanse crystals. 

This alignment will…

Bring powerful protection, purification, spirituality, love, strength, healing, sun energy, magic. It heightens awareness, enhances divine connection, brings inner peace, and removes negative entities and attachments.


There are thousands and thousands of species of fungus including molds and yeast. Fungus is one of the leading causes of infections in hospitals, and can affect our organs, skin, hair, and nails. Fungal infections can cause anything from headaches and dizziness to exhaustion, pain and fever. From an energetic and spiritual perspective, fungus carry the frequency of resentment. When we have fungus infections it often points to painful feelings of resentment that remains trapped within our bodies and energetic systems.

This Alignment Will…

Transform fungus in the body into a harmless form, in the highest and best way and with complete ease. This Alignment also removes resentment, teaches you how to live without resentment, and dissolves resentment anywhere you are holding on to it. It will also alleviate the tendency to procrastinate. Special Note: Supplement this Alignment with calcium for faster, more impactful results.


The physical function of the gallbladder is to store bile until it’s needed for digestion. One of the main physical issues of the gallbladder is gallstones, which are solid particles that form from bile cholesterol and bilirubin in the gallbladder. Metaphysically, bitterness and resentment are the root causes for most gallbladder issues. They can also be directly related to trauma from rejection and abandonment. 

This Alignment Will….

Dissolve bitterness, anger, resentment, and traumas being held in the gallbladder, bring in a relationship healing between you and the person or people in your life that is at the root of the bitterness, resentment, and anger. It will bring a flush to the gallbladder, to flush out toxins held in the gallbladder. 


Cancer is one of the most feared diseases in the world and this is carried through in Collective Consciousness. Part of the reason is that cancer is unpredictable and – depending on the type of cancer – difficult or even impossible to treat with Western medication. From a spiritual perspective, cancer, like all diseases, originates from energetic root causes such as emotional blocks caused by unresolved emotions. This eventually leads to physical cell mutations that cause cancer.

This Alignment Will…

Remove genetic mutations inherited in the DNA that make your cells more likely to mutate into cancer. It also clears shock and trauma from experiencing cancer or watching loved ones suffer and/or die from cancer in any lifetime or timeline, inherited in the DNA or taken on from The Collective, and the worldwide Collective fear of cancer.


Many believe that disease is an inevitable part of the human experience but there are stories – passed down through generations – of great Spiritual Masters who successfully transcended or reversed the progression of a disease. On the physical plane, diseases can be caused by a variety of reasons including genetic mutation and inherited conditions passed down from parent to child via the DNA.

This Alignment Will…

Remove genetic mutations inherited in the DNA that make you more likely to develop serious health conditions and diseases. It also clears shock and trauma from experiencing diseases or watching loved ones suffer and/or die from diseases in any lifetime or timeline, any inherited diseases in the DNA or taken on from the Collective, and the global collective fear of diseases.


Karma often feels like an insurmountable obstacle that blocks us from freeing our souls and living with inner harmony and joy. When we reflect on our current life and think or envision our past lives, we can feel weighed down by the sheer enormity of our karmic debt as well as the struggle and suffering that it brings through lifetime after lifetime.

This Alignment Will…

Allow you to immerse yourself and channel the pure intention to get off the karmic wheel of debt, suffering and struggle. You will no longer feel the need to carry the karmic traumas, oaths, vows, agreements and contracts of this lifetime and of past lifetimes. This alignment will also release you from karmic patterns that keep you locked in the karmic wheel.

Gift of Courage

Courage is defined as mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty…strength in the face of pain or grief. Courage is not the absence of fear but the judgment that something else is more important than that fear. Courage is an important virtue as a healer. 

This alignment will..

Assist you to embody the virtue of courage, to face your fears, and have the judgment when something else is more important than fear. 

Gift of Discernment

True discernment means having the ability to distinguish what is in the highest alignment and integrity for you. 

This alignment will..

Open your ability to connect to higher aspects of your oversoul, allowing for higher levels of discernment, and to anchor in your ability to feel what is in alignment with YOUR highest best good. 

Gift of Faith

Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something….when working with the etheric or spiritual realm, when working with energies and frequencies, sometimes (often!) we rely on the faith in our own internal guidance and inner knowing.

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in tapping into and bringing forward the Faith that resides in your heart as inner knowing. When we truly begin to embody Faith, it grows exponentially, and this alignment will help that process. 

Gift of Healing

The gift of Healing is within all of us. When we become aware of our own unique ability to channel healing to ourselves, others, humanity, and the planet, animal, elementals, and Gaia, this gift is activated.

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in connecting to your own unique Gift of Healing, so that you can begin to bring forth even more powerful healing frequencies in your daily life. 

Gift of Knowledge

The Greek word for this gift is Gnosis which means a knowledge of spiritual mysteries.. This gift is also connected to the ability to see and discern future possibilities. 

This alignment will..

Bring in the ability to connect to the truth of your purpose, and to see the future possibilities relating to your path and purpose. It will also open you to seeing, understanding the spirit world, and clear trauma around experiences with exploring the spiritual realms. 

Gift of Love

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said “Love is the greatest force in the universe. It is the heartbeat of the moral cosmos. He who loves is a participant in the being of God.”
By shining and sharing love, we are embodying our own Divinity and reflecting back to others the light of their own Soul

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the understanding of yourself and others as a reflection and a part of God, and the Oneness of all, It will assist you in becoming a living embodiment of love. 

Gift of Miracles

Miracles are everywhere, and to tap into that energy, I created the alignment Miracles, but the Gift of Miracles Alignment is about your ability to tap into and chanel your own ability to create miracles, through your own Source connection

This Alignment Will…

Connect you more profoundly with your true Creator aspect, and strengthen your own ability to create miracles in your life, to move into instantaneous CoCreation! 

Gift of Prophecy

Prophecy, in many religious communities, is controversial. But ultimately, the word prophesies only means “prediction”… and when we connect with our own Source Connection and internal guidance (our intuition) we can predict outcomes with much higher accuracy! 

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve outdated and false religious programming around prophets, false prophets, and prophecies. It will also begin to connect you (or expand your connection) with your own inner guidance system and Divine Team. It also works on dissolving the very human “need to know the future” and helps you surrender to the unknown. 

Gift of Understanding

True understanding arises when we can shift our perspective, move beyond the ego and into the space of deep compassion. Understanding of the self allows us to co-create that which we truly desire and it is the first step on the path to authentic happiness and unconditional love.

This Alignment Will…

 Bring in the gift of understanding, which may begin as unconscious understanding. This alignment brings in the understanding of your heart, your desires, your calling, and purpose, from the perspective of your soul, without the limitations of the mind.

Gift of Wisdom

Wisdom emerges from honest reflection on our experiences. It is a combination of knowledge, experience, and deep understanding 

This alignment will…

Bring in an ability to gain wisdom from life experiences, and to think and act from that place of wisdom, from the heart.


Ginger is a warming, spicy root that helps light your inner fire. An herb of embodiment, ginger helps connect you with your core, your solar plexus, and cultivate a sense of personal power and confidence. It truly warms you up from the inside, igniting your creativity and passion.

Physically ginger is an antispasmodic, warming stimulant that is especially helpful for digestion as well as pain and inflammation. They have been used for centuries for digestive discomfort, nausea, circulation issues, pain, inflammatory conditions, headaches, and many types of infections. 

This Alignment Will…

Goddess Aphrodite Alignment

Aphrodite shows you how to be vulnerable yet strong as you open your heart to love by giving divine, unconditional love for yourself. She unites male and female energies to create a perfect balance of harmony and power. Aphrodite is also the embodiment of love, romance, passion, sexuality, fertility, luck, beauty, and pleasure. You’ll release negative beliefs and patterns that are preventing you from fully loving, honoring, and embracing yourself.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of unconditional love, harmony, and luck, bringing in the experiences of divine love as you channel passion into your life so you can find true love, as you fully honor and embrace who you are.

Goddess Artemis Alignment

Artemis is a heavenly nurturer and protector. She will connect you to your true self as well as your authentic needs and desires. You’ll clear beliefs and past traumas around not being allowed to be independent or feeling like you must depend on others for your success and happiness. You’ll begin to nurture, honor and respect yourself without hesitation as you learn to stand in your power, step into full independence, and unleash your unique, untamed spirit.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of self-respect, authenticity, and nurturing, bringing in the experiences of personal success by stepping into your full power, connecting to your authentic desires and manifesting these desires on your terms.

Goddess Durga Alignment

Durga is purity, knowledge, truth, and self-realization and these high vibrational energies will become a part of you. In ancient Sanskrit, Durga means a fort or a place that protects the precious life within and so her uplifting, protective, loving energy will help you create healthy boundaries as an act of deep, authentic self-love. You will be able to protect your precious spirit so you can go forth and live your purpose.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of self-realization, purity, and protection, bringing in the experiences of perfect alignment through self-realization as you discover how to give yourself unconditional love by creating healthy boundaries that protect and honor your needs and desires.

Goddess Eoster Alignment

Eoster is rebirth, renewal, fertility, and fruitfulness. The evolution of your soul will begin to accelerate as you experience this marvelous restorative energy that motivates personal growth, change, and refreshing new beginnings. Eoster will help you “birth” your dreams and create an amazing, new reality.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of renewal, evolution, and rebirth and bring in experiences that will uplevel your life as you welcome new beginnings that are right for you and move through changes with ease.

Goddess Eurynome Alignment

Eurymone is unrestrained ecstasy and exuberance and you’ll heal the wounded parts of yourself and your spirit to make room for these beautiful, uplifting energies. Eurynome gives you the power to create order from chaos, and you’ll be able to transform confusion, turmoil, and disarray into structures and systems that create strength and stability.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of exuberance, ecstasy, and healing, bringing in the experiences of high energy and endless enthusiasm as you find your inner strength, create order from chaos and discover true alignment and happiness.

Goddess Isis Alignment

Isis is magic, and she is love. Your authentic spirit will be revitalized as you reconnect with your innate magical gifts. You will experience a bountiful harvest of all that you desire and the incredible strength that comes from having clarity, precise perspective, and the capacity to design your destiny. Isis also carries the immensely powerful healing energy of mothering that will mend all emotional and spiritual wounds and dissolve the distress and pain of your inner child. 

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of Magic, power, healing, bringing in the experiences of Magic and miracles as you heal, connect and maximize your spiritual gifts to tap into the limitless realm of possibility and shape your destiny.

Goddess Ix Chel Alignment

Ix Chel is the energy of creativity. She is the Mayan Goddess of the Moon, Water, Weaving and Childbirth. She will help you discover the kind of deep, soul fulfillment that comes from channeling your unique individuality as she dissolves creative blocks and lets you fearlessly express your inborn creative nature.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of creativity, flow, and expression, bringing in the experiences of unrestricted creativity and a magical ability to express yourself so you attract the right people and circumstances to manifest your dreams with ease.

Goddess Kali Alignment

Kali is the Hindu Triple Goddess of Creation. She will remind you that all that is good can come from that which is broken and seemingly hopeless. If your hopes and dreams have been crushed, the energy of Kali will breathe life back into them, revive them and call them back from nothingness. You will discover courage that you never knew you as you face your fears and tap into your limitless potential and power.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of fearlessness, renewal, and power, bringing in the experiences of the destruction of all your fears. Helps you find the courage to speak your truth, step into the light and become the powerful woman you were born to be.

Goddess Kuan Yin Alignment

Kuan Yin is pure compassion. This gentle, powerful Goddess energy eases suffering and hardship of all kinds and creates a sense of release that is deeply comforting. You’ll also begin to let go of blame and anger as you start to achieve true understanding and feel the healing power of compassion for yourself and others.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of compassion, release, and comfort, bringing in the 

experiences of divine compassion for yourself and others so you can release hardship to achieve deep comfort, connection, and harmonious relationships.

Goddess Lakshmi Alignment

Lakshmi is the bringer of riches in every sense of the word. This is prosperity beyond your imaginings and Abundance of the Heavens. Nothing is out of reach. You’ll experience a richness and expansion in your life that includes a wealth of time, health, love, and money.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of wealth, prosperity, and abundance, bringing in the experiences of divine prosperity, expansion, and riches so you can manifest a flow of abundance, including money, time, health, and love.

Goddess Lilith Alignment

Lilith will guide you back to your sovereign power. She brings cleansing energy that dissolves beliefs, limiting oaths, vows, and contracts across time, space, and lifetimes that have caused you to deny your personal power or resist your innate feminine power. You’ll release the need to protect yourself by dominating, controlling, or manipulating others, or allowing yourself to be dominated, manipulated, or controlled. Lilith also invites and channels through freedom, courage, playfulness, passion, pleasure, and sexuality.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of sovereign power, independence, and self-belief, bringing in the experiences of freedom and independence as you let go of limiting beliefs and recognize your own unique power to achieve your goals and dreams.

Goddess Maya Alignment

Maya is a brilliant and clear truth that lies beyond the veil of existence. She will illuminate illusions in your life so you can embrace that which is genuine and release that which is not. You will be guided to follow the path of your soul purpose with courage and certainty. Maya clears dark clouds of confusion, indecision, and doubt so you will always know which way to turn even when you reach difficult crossroads or decisions. 

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of truth, clarity, and purpose, bringing in the experiences of the dissolution of lies and beliefs that have been holding you back as you embrace your beautiful, authentic self and see the path to your highest truth with crystal clarity.

Goddess Minerva Alignment

Minerva is the beautiful, pure, cleansing energy you need to release beliefs that do not support you and your dreams. You will be inspired to examine your deepest beliefs and gently release any that do not align with your true self. You will embrace your truth, and nurture your wholeness. As you move forward, you will naturally start to choose beliefs that serve your highest and best good.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of wholeness, intelligence, and freedom, bringing in the experiences of letting go of beliefs that do not serve you and adopting beliefs that support you, so you can rise up unencumbered to receive what you want and need.

Goddess Morgan Le Faye Alignment

Le Fay means “the fairy” and Morgan Le Faye brings with her the effervescent enchantment of the fairy kingdom. This is the energy of magic and of transformation and you will have the power to alter your circumstances as you shape your life into anything you desire. Morgan Le Faye will guide you to remember that you are the creator of your reality.  

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of transformation, manifestation, and choice, bringing in the experience of joyous manifestations and transformations as you connect to the playful spirit and magic of the fairy kingdom.

Goddess Nut Alignment

Nut is the enigmatic Egyptian Goddess of the night sky. She helps you feel at peace as you navigate the great unknown of life itself. You will release the need to control everything, and to know and understand everything before you can feel safe. She will guide you to trust in the mysteries of the unknown and this will open you up to abundance and happiness beyond anything you can possibly imagine right now. 

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of knowledge, openness, and wealth, bringing in the experiences of Infinite wealth and knowledge of the mysteries of life to help you achieve a deep understanding of all that is and trust in the powers of the Universe.

Goddess Pele Alignment

Pele embodies the bright, beautiful energy of awakening. You’ll experience deep inner awareness and be guided to awaken to your full potential and power. Pele is also a channel for unity, tradition, protection, creativity, and change.

This Alignment Will…
Align you with the energies of pure awareness, power, and potential, bringing in the experiences of the awakening of your full spiritual power and gifts so you can live your purpose and achieve success in anything you want to do.

Goddess Sophia Alignment

Sophia is supreme Wisdom. She is the Mother of all Creation and she is the feminine aspect of the Divine. Your spiritual connection with the energy of Sophia will guide you to access your own deep truth and ever-present inner wisdom. Sophia will also connect you to the unparalleled power, beauty, and healing energies of Mother Earth or Gaia. 

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of Feminine wisdom, creation, understanding, and bringing in the experiences of a deeper relationship with Gaia or Mother Earth as you bring forth the divine feminine aspects of yourself and find self-belief, confidence, and inner power.

Goddess Tara Alignment

“Tara” means star and she is the energy of the divine, everlasting wisdom, and peace, inner stillness and strength You will center yourself and tune into that still, small voice of wisdom to find your way back to your truth no matter what else is going on in your life. There are 21 magnificent embodiments of Tara. Green Tara and White Tara are the most commonly known. White Tara energy connects you to peace and compassion and Green Tara energy helps you overcome obstacles. 

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of strength, inner wisdom, and peace, bringing in the experiences of magical inner alignment as you listen to your truth and find the answers within so you can make all the right decisions to create a beautiful, purposeful life

Goddess Uzume Alignment

Japanese Shaman-Goddess Uzume is the light, inspirational energy of joy and mirth. She will bring laughter and fun into your life while creating relaxed focus and perspective for calm confidence and peace. Uzume invites honor, wisdom, psychic powers, prosperity, protection, and kinship.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of fun, mirth, and clear perspective, bringing in the experiences of boundless joy, alignment, and inspiration as you bring your psychic powers to the next level.

Goddess Yemaya Alignment

Yemaya is the graceful, soothing energy of surrender and trust. She will help you realize that you don’t have to do everything yourself. You will find the courage to let go and flow with trust and love. You will be guided to open up to something greater than yourself as you move toward a life that is far more beautiful than even your biggest, boldest dreams. Yemaya is often depicted as a mermaid and you will effortlessly move with the ebb and flow of life — much like the ebb and flow of the ocean tides.

This Alignment Will…

Align you with the energies of the flow of the ocean, faith, and graceful surrender, bringing in the experiences of the gentle yet powerful ebb and flow of the ocean and find a calming, peaceful sense of vast inner spaciousness to achieve inner balance and harmony.


The frequency of the color Gold brings in the energy frequencies of wealth, success, achievement, triumph, prosperity, prestige, value, elegance, affluence, extravagance, divine masculine/sun energy, higher ideals, enlightenment, generosity, giving, self-worth, and charisma.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of wealth, success, achievement, triumph, prosperity, prestige, value, elegance, affluence, extravagance, divine masculine/sun energy, higher ideals, enlightenment, generosity, giving, self-worth, and charisma.


The frequency of the color Green brings the energy frequencies of balance, harmony, growth, self-love, self-nurturing, prosperity, abundance, vitality, restoration, self-reliance, reliability, dependability, compassion, generosity, kindness, and loyalty. It creates balance and connection between head and heart and allows for growth, rebirth, renewal. It Cleanses and Activates the Heart chakra.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of balance, harmony, growth, self-love, self-nurturing, prosperity, abundance, vitality, restoration, self-reliance, reliability, dependability, compassion, generosity, kindness, and loyalty. It creates balance and connection between head and heart and allows for growth, rebirth, renewal. It Cleanses and Activates the Heart chakra.


When we are out of harmony with anything, we are in resistance to it, and it is creating a state of DIS-harmony, which can lead to any number of DIS-eases, and an imbalanced emotional, spiritual and mental state. Harmony is a healing frequency, while disharmony is a harmful frequency. True harmony is the ability to be perfectly Whole and Complete, as you are, as things are around you. 

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve discordant energies, emotions, belief systems, and trauma that are creating disharmony, bringing your mind, body, and spirit into greater harmony. 


This Alignment includes Healing for the Physical Heart, Emotional Heart, Heart & High Heart Chakras. 

Heart Disease is the #1 killer of both men and women worldwide. Love and Joy are emotions of the heart. Heart issues often stem from Fear of Life and issues surrounding love. 

This alignment will….

Bring deep and profound healing to the physical heart, veins, arteries, and liver, (our liver is very connected to our hearts- the more functional our liver is, the better our heart will function) This alignment will also bring in the knowledge of how to fully and completely give and receive love. It will also dissolve anger, fear, overwhelm, grief, unworthiness, feelings of lack of control or “out of control”, clears trauma (including ancestral trauma) related to loss of home or land, war trauma and imprisonment, loss of identity, loss of people who are loved, betrayal, abandonment, dissolves belief programming taken on from mother in the womb

This alignment Clears the disconnection and discordant energies between the heart and the mind, connecting the heart and mind in a way that is optimal, activating the emotions of love and joy, and balancing your ability to give and receive love.

Heart Chakra Alignment

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest. A balanced Heart Chakra allows us to nurture and feel compassion for ourselves and others as it channels joy, love, and wellbeing into our life. This Chakra is essentially our center of love. It is related to our ability to care, show kindness and generosity, and give and receive respect and love.

This Alignment Will…

Clear grief and traumas of being rejected, abandoned, shamed, criticized, and abused in relation to the lower Chakras. This Alignment also clears traumas caused by death, divorce, loss, being in cold and uncaring environments, conditional love, sexual or physical abuse, and betrayal. It brings in the energy of divine love, self-love, devotion, acceptance of self and others, and what it feels like to be loved unconditionally and to love others and yourself, unconditionally.


Heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic can easily enter our body through food and drink as well as exposure to chemicals in everyday household items. At high levels, heavy metals can cause serious problems such as anemia, heart issues and problems with the central nervous system.

This Alignment Will…

Clears heavy metals that are held in your cells, cellular memory, DNA, nervous system, or any organs. It also clears heavy metals in the fat cells and other parts of the body. This Alignment will easily, gently, and safely send all of this up to God’s Light to be cleared, healed and released for good.

Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamonds are a special type of quartz crystal that are pure representations of spiritual light. They broadcast their own high-frequency energies and can also magnify and amplify other frequencies- making these crystals the idea to work within any healing or manifestation work. They also help clear the energy field and align to Divine White Light. Herkimers carry the Storm Element. They open and activate the crown chakra and third eye.

This Alignment Will…

Amplify and other Alignment or Healing Frequency you are combining it with, aid in your manifestation or CoCreation work, enhance your dreams, cleanse your energy field, allowing you to hold more light, and clear and expand your crown and third eye. 

High Heart

The High Heart is one of the Higher Dimensional Chakras, and once activated expands out the entire Heart Space. Our heart center is at the core of the ascension process. As our heart chakras expand and become much larger and gain the ability to pass the light on to other people. This gives us the ability to send love to others without words. 

This ALignment Will….

Activate the codes of mastery in your heart. This brings the ability to raise the frequencies and vibrations of everyone around you. It will expand your heart center into Higher Dimensional frequencies and increase your ability to access your heart’s knowing.


So often, our health conditions are related to hormonal imbalances. We don’t often focus on the fact that our hormones influence virtually every part of our bodies and our internal state and this includes our behavior, mood and outlook. Hormonal imbalances can lead to all kinds of discomfort including emotional volatility and other experiences such as anxiety and fear.

This Alignment Will…

Restore optimal health and balance hormones in the human body including Oxytocin, Prolactin (PRL), Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Gonadotropins, Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH), Intermedin, Melatonin, Thyroxine, Calcitonin, Parathormone, Thymosin, T-Lymphocytes, Insulin, Glucagon, Adrenalin, Noradrenalin, Corticosteroids, Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Estrogen.


The horse has been depicted in lore and myth all around the world. Norse God Odin rode on an 8 legged steed, Surya, the Hindu Sun God, and Apollo, the Greek God were both pulled by chariots. Horses have allowed people to explore, travel, and spread civilizations. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Horse Medicine and Horse Spirit Guide to bring momentum, freedom, expansiveness,, support with physical and mental activities, helping you to achieve anything you put your mind and heart into and support you in new journeys, and with new directions.


There are over 300 species of hummingbirds. Hummingbirds have the ability to fly in any direction and can hover in one spot. They can move their wings in figure 8- or infinity symbol. Ruby-throated hummingbirds have been known to make a 2500 mile journey, and it remains a mystery to science how they are able to store up enough energy to make that long journey from Alaska to Central America. Hummingbird represents joy, positive energy, and the nectar of life, 

They possess the knowledge of how to use flowers and herbs for healing and  accomplishing what seems impossible

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Hummingbird  Medicine and Hummingbird Spirit Guide to assist you in dreams that may feel impossible, bringing in and activating joy, positive energy, and the nectar of life. This alignment will also connect you with flower and plant medicine, and is a good alignment to use in combination with the herbal apothecary and flower essence series. 


Hyssop is an evergreen herb with blue, purple, pink and white flowers. Hyssop Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Hyssop Flower Essence is an amazing ally in alleviating guilt. It is even spoken of in the Bible: Psalms 51:7 NIV: “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” 

It will support you in releasing karmic guilt. 

It is supportive for the nervous system, helping to release tension, especially muscle tension.



The immune system protects our body from external attackers, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins . It is made up of different organs, cells, and proteins that work together to defend our body. The immune system records every pathogen it has ever defeated so it can easily and quickly recognize and destroy if it enters the body again.

This Alignment will…

Strengthen and Boost your immune system and your body’s immune reactions. It strengthens your etheric body to prevent disease from coming into your physical body, and brings full spectrum, high frequency light into your energy bodies and physical body.


The shock and trauma from infidelity and betrayal creates a very deep wounding in the psyche of the individual who has been betrayed that can lead to self-esteem and self-worth issues, numbness, confusion, anger, rage, grief and sorrow, and even PTSD.

This Alignment Will…

Bring healing for the shock and trauma of the betrayal / infidelity, and a deep healing within that relationship/s, which is vital for a full healing whether or not you desire to maintain that relationship, or completely disconnect from it. It also goes throughout time to heal the core infidelity wound at the source of its origin.


We all have an Inner Child who is looking for that, which we did not receive as children. This could be nurturing, attention, unconditional love, encouragement, healthy boundaries and so on. We will never be able to truly enjoy and celebrate our life and accept who we are on a deeper level, when we do not acknowledge the needs of our Inner Child and give her the love and healing he or she desires and deserves.

This Alignment Will…

Go back to the time in your childhood when you did not receive the love, care, attention and nurturing that you needed and it will give you this and more. This Alignment will allow your Inner Child to finally feel safe to come back into who you are now, creating a beautiful merging with your adult self that leads to wholeness, inner strength, joy, self-love and empowerment.

Integumentary​ ​System & Exocrine​ ​System​

The integumentary system and exocrine system are essentially our body’s protective shield. Made up of our hair, skin, and nails, they work in harmony with our immune system to protect against infections. The integumentary system also balances any changes in body temperature and allows the safe elimination of waste toxins via perspiration. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring into balance and heal your skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, and other glands that secrete substances through the skin. This alignment will also heal and bring into balance how you interact with and show up in the world. It balances emotions and feelings, releases negative thought forms, including those taken on from others, and releases trauma from abuse, including sexual abuse and physical abuse.


The frequency of Jasmine is relaxing, supporting, calming, centering, uplifting, emotionally balancing, brings in euphoria, happiness, acts as an aphrodisiac, brings in lunar/feminine energy, helps you embody your sexuality and release fears of intimacy and unworthiness. 

This alignment will…

Bring in euphoria, happiness, acts as an aphrodisiac, bring in lunar/feminine energy, helps you embody your sexuality, and releases fears of intimacy and unworthiness. 


Jesus is known as the founder of the Christian church and is the most well-known Master in the Western World. He incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth, Elisha, Joseph, son of Jacob, who was sold by his brothers, David,  eighth son of Jesse, who was the author of the Psalms, and King of Israel. He holds the qualities and virtues of Unconditional Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Devotion to the Christ-Self, Brotherhood, Service, and Freedom. He has mastered the lightness of being.  In his life, we know him most well for, as Jesus of Nazareth, he loved everyone and selflessly died for forgiveness. He is the bringer of cosmic love and Christ consciousness.

This alignment will…

Jesus brings forward the qualities and virtues of Unconditional Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Devotion to the Christ-Self, Brotherhood, Service, and Freedom


Jet is extremely protective and aids in grounding and clearing. Jet can also help support and amplify intentions and cocreations manifesting into reality, by tapping into universal creative forces. Jet can help clear dense energies including entity attachments, It strengthens the auric field, and aids the liver and kidneys. It is beneficial for all chakras and carries the Earth Element, 

This Alignment Will…

Provide a strong energetic shield of protection, cleanse your energy field, dissolving dense energies, and strengthen your auric field. It will assist you with tapping into the Universal Field of Creation – the Quantum Field- to bring your cocreations into your physical reality, and ground and anchor them into your reality. It will also strengthen your liver and kidneys. 


The kidneys are some of the most important organs. So much so that Ancient Egyptians left only the brain and kidneys in the body before embalming. The kidneys remove a number of waste products and get rid of them in the urine and reabsorb nutrients from the blood and transport them to where they would best support health.The kidneys and lungs help keep a stable pH within the human body.
According to  Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are related to fear, and when out of balance create fearfulness, weak willpower, insecurity, and feelings of  isolation.
Metaphysically, Kidneys are vital for sustaining life; they are responsible for reproduction, growth and development, and maturation. 

Resentment and anger are stored in the kidneys. When a person has kidney issues, they may have experienced love being met with hostility, anger, blame and resentment, especially as a child. They may be holding onto betrayal trauma. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring balance to the kidneys, the PH in your body, flushing toxins stored in the kidneys including toxic emotions. It will dissolve trauma from experiences of love being met with hostility, anger, blame and resentment, betrayal and unrequited love, as well as dissolving anger and resentment. It will bring in the knowledge of how to love and accept yourself fully, and how to have loving, appropriate boundaries. 


Kunzite helps to open the heart to all forms of love. It helps open the heart to Divine Love. It can open the ability to communicate from the heart wordlessly. It brings the frequencies of joy and celebration and releases blocks in and around the heart. It also releases resistance and supports the parasympathetic nervous system and heart chakra, and carries the water element. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in releasing blocks in and around your heart, and open your heart to all forms of love, including the ability to channel and receive Divine Love, and communicate that love from your heart without words. It will allow you to embrace and embody joy and celebration and supports your heart chakra and parasympathetic nervous system. 


Kuthumi lived many lifetimes. The most well-known is St Francis of Assisi  In another incarnation, he was Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal in India as a  demonstration of love and devotion for his beloved wife. He was Balthazar, the Wise Man who followed the star to where Jesus was born. He was a Pharaoh. As Koot Hoomi Lal Singh from Kashmir, he attended Oxford University in the late 1800s. Now as an Ascended Master he is here to assist us as the Teacher in charge of the teaching temples in the inner planes. He is the doorkeeper of the ancient Occult Mysteries and is also the co-protector of the Holy Grail – the ancient quest for self-awareness. He is helping bring about the re-emergence of knowledge that has been lost to humanity for so long.

This Alignment Will…

Kuthumi will Bring in the frequencies and virtues of unconditional love, nonjudgment and Joy and help you move from your mind to your heart.


Labradorite is the stone of magic. It helps activate and awaken your own magical abilities. It helps to amplify intuitive and psychic abilities. It is an amazing ally in exploring the astral/etheric realms and the Akash. It helps to access Universal Knowledge and provides protection. It is beneficial for all chakras and carries the wind element. 

This Alignment Will…

Aid you in connecting with magic, awakening your own magical and intuitive abilities, It will guide and aid you in accessing information and Universal Knowledge available in the astral/ethereal realms and the Akash. It will also provide protection. 

Lady Nada

Lady Nada once served as a priestess in the Temple of Love in Atlantis. She is a Pleiadian light emissary. Lady Nada is said to be the twin flame of Jesus. She creates a balance of male and female energies. She has incarnated into a physical body several times. When Lady Nada lived on Earth she was Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. She also incarnated as Abraham’s wife, Sarah. She was also alive at the time of the prophet Mohammed and promoted Islamic art. She creates a balance of male and female energies. She is also here to work with everyone to heal their own inner child – the wounded child that exists in all of us. She is in charge of ceremonies and of magic. She assists people to remember ancient healing methods and old wisdom and to become more psychic and to listen to their intuition.

This Alignment Will…

Lady Nada will Bring in peace, love, devotion, healing for your inner child, a connection to the sacred ceremony, magic, ancient healing practices, and your own intuition. She will help balance your divine feminine and masculine energies and ignite the flame of love in your heart.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a gorgeous blue stone that was prized by ancient Egyptians who used the stone in scarabs and other jewelry, to decorate the tombs of Egyptian Royalty, and was ground to a powder for use as medicine and even eye shadow. It brings inner wisdom, royal virtues and assists with honest communication. It holds the vibration of ‘Inner King or Queen”. It activates the Higher Mind and opens psychic abilities. It carries the Wind Element and opens the third eye chakra. 

This Alignment Will…

Connect you to your inner royalty, and invoke divine inspiration, enhance memory and intellectual abilities. It will connect you to your higher mind, expand your third eye and open psychic sight. This alignment will also assist you in claiming your own sovereignty and aligning with your highest truth.  

Launch Blocks Alignment

So many healers and spiritual entrepreneurs struggle with deep energy blocks around launching a program or offer. These usually show up as resistance and rejection of the idea and experience of launching.  Many of these beliefs are taken on from observing others’ launch experiences but some are also from previous unsatisfactory personal experiences around launching.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the blocks and beliefs that launching is hard, painful, takes all your time and energy, the beliefs that have been taken on from watching other people launch and not succeed or from times this has been your experience. This Alignment also clears the beliefs that success is impossible or unattainable, in comparison to seeing others launch with what looks like enormous success, and beliefs that you aren’t ready or that no one will sign up or want what you have to offer.

Launch Fear Alignment

For many healers and spiritual entrepreneurs, launching an offer such as a product, program or service, brings up a great deal of self-doubt and fear. They feel exposed and vulnerable to criticism and judgment which often causes them to freeze or stay stuck in their business.

This Alignment Will…

Clear and resolve fears around launching a program or offer including fear of rejection, fear of being viewed as a “sell-out”, fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being visible as well as any and all other fears related to launching.

Launch Magic Alignment

Launching an offer such as a product, program or service does not have to be difficult or challenging. A magical launch of ease and grace is not a far-off fantasy. It can be a reality when we focus on the joy of serving our Ideal Soulmate Clients with love and integrity.

This Alignment Will…

Attune your vibration to a magical launch so your Ideal Soulmate Clients are naturally attracted to you and your offer. This Alignment creates the delightful energy of soulmate clients signing up with ease, fun, and joy, as it attracts and calls them in. It also gives you the knowledge that your launch is magical and creates conditions and circumstances that allow this to be true.


The frequency of Lavender brings in relaxation, stress relief, calming, balancing, eases anger and frustration, activates greater intuition and clarity.

This alignment will… 

Bring in relaxation, stress relief, calming, balancing, eases anger and frustration, activates greater intuition and clarity.

Lead The Way

You are the leader and the guardian of your business. Your energy is the fuel that allows your business to grow strong and expand so you can reach and help more people with your gifts and your expertise. Embodying the energy of a compassionate, effective, and loving leader is one of the most powerful ways to create business success.
This Alignment Will…

Clear the fear of stepping into the role of being a leader and guardian of your business. This Alignment also clears fears of responsibility, of being killed, harmed, or damaged in any way (including damage to your reputation), as well as fears of power that may come to you as a leader, and the misuse of that power. It will give you Creator’s pure perspective on being a compassionate, effective, and loving leader, and the ability to see yourself as that leader.

Leading from Divine Feminine

The act of running a business is often a very masculine energy, but doing healing work, channeling, and creating, are very feminine.
This Alignment Will…

Bring in through your own Source Connection and Divine Aspect your ability to move in and out of Masculine and Feminine energies in a way, this is most aligned and supportive for you and your mission (whether you identify as a male or female in this life) 

Lemurian Seed Crystal (Lemurian Quartz)

These special crystals are a variety of quartz, which are determined by ladder-like grooves along the sides of the crystals. They are encoded with Lemurian consciousness and offer “A return to the Garden”. They bring a connection with the Divine Feminine, unification with the soul, and offer access to the knowledge and wisdom of ancient Lemuria. These crystals carry the Earth and Wind Elements and activate and balance the crown chakra. 

This Alignment Will…

Connect you to The ancient knowledge and wisdom of Lemuria, and the energy of the Divine feminine, enhance your psychic abilities, expand your consciousness, and bring in a feeling of Oneness and connection.

Lemurian Wisdom

The Lemurians were a race of Higher Beings who lived on Earth thousands of years ago. Their skills and gifts extended far beyond all physical, mental, and energetic boundaries that we know of today. Lemurians could shapeshift, travel across time and space and heal instantly. They were deeply in touch with their spirituality and used their gifts for the greater good of all. They had a powerful connection to crystalline energy and used it to amplify their spiritual powers. Lemuria holds the frequency of the Divine Feminine. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in wisdom and support from the Lemurians. With this Alignment, you may experience feeling more connected to the Lemurians and Lemurian Energies. You may sense, feel or even see them around you. This Alignment will also open psychic and healing abilities, and bring in gifts and abilities you may have had in past Lemurian lifetimes. This alignment is clearing trauma from Lemurian lifetimes, including the Fall of Lemuria. It will also connect you more deeply with crystalline energies and the Divine Feminine.


Lepidolite is a lithium-rich stone. Lithium is used as a medication used to treat mood disorders, and Lepidolite is very beneficial in reducing obsessive thoughts, emotional overwhelm, depression, and anxiety. It also increases concentration and clears the mental body. It is very beneficial in calming the nervous system. It brings in serenity and peace. It also helps soothe the mental body. It is beneficial to the heart and third eye chakras and carries the water element. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring healing, clearing, and soothing to the nervous system, emotional body, and mental body. It brings in clarity and the ability to focus. It is beneficial for ADD and ADHD, and procrastination, depression, and anxiety. 


Our livers have a lot of responsibilities- over 500 functions of the body are controlled by the liver. One of its main jobs is to filter toxins, and when the liver is overwhelmed with toxins, it is unable to function properly. According to Taoist, if our liver and kidneys are kept clean, we will not age. 

We hold anger in our livers.

This Alignment Will….

Dissolve the anger, rage, bitterness, hatred, resentment, trauma from loss, needs not being met, ancestral traumas held in the liver. It will help to release toxins held in the liver and bring the liver back into balance and optimal function. 

Lord Lanto

Lord Lanto was a High Priest in the temple of the Divine Mother on the continent that sank beneath the Pacific, known as Lemuria. He had other incarnations on Atlantis as well. He assists in initiating souls on the path of the wisdom teachings of Confucius, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Mary. He helps open the crown chakra through the heart center and brings the balance of love, wisdom, and power that is the key to Christhood.

This Alignment Will…

Lord Lanto will Bring in the Virtues of Wisdom, Understanding, and Discernment, and assist in strengthening the connection of your crown and heart chakras, opening and activating both of these energy centers.


The white lotus flower is native to India and produces a large flower that blooms on top of the water, Lotus Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Lotus Flower Essence expands the crown chakra, opening the thousand petal lotus, the 1000 nadis in the crown chakra (Nadi is Sanskrit for ‘channel or flow- describing the network of channels which allow energy to travel through the body)  It is an energy of spiritual enlightenment and is said to be similar to Philosopher’s stone- which brings in the ability to transform base metals into precious ones, especially gold and silver. Alchemists also believed that an elixir of life could be derived from the Philosopher’s Stone. It also increases and amplifies any other energies it is combined with. It brings in remembrance and connection to Atlantis and can attune your energy to future lives, bringing in an ability to “see the future”.

Love Your Body Now

Almost every one of us has a complex relationship with our body – the amazing earthly vessels that are the containers for our souls. Sadly, many people never learn to love and treasure these vessels because cultural or societal messages push forth an impossible ideal that causes hatred and disgust for the body they are born with. 

This Alignment Will…

Clear out judgment, resentment, hatred, and disgust you are holding for your body, releasing it from your subconscious as well as your cells, cellular memory, and DNA. Will also align your vibration to unconditional love and gratitude for your amazing body.


Our Lung’s job is to hold a boundary between our inner and outer world. Our Lungs are primarily responsible for physical vitality and are responsible for the Qi (life force energy) in the body. 

Our lungs are our largest organ of contact with the world. The lungs have an internal surface area of some 70 square meters (in comparison, the skin covers only 1.5 to 2 square meters!) 

The Lung’s paired Organ, the Colon, regulates release and elimination. The Lung and Colon together function to control immunity and the holding the protective boundary. 

According to Chinese Medicine, The Lung is also said to be the residence of the corporeal soul or Po. The corporeal soul is the most tangible aspect of the soul which dies with the body at death. 

Grief and sadness directly affect the lungs. The Lung is nourished by breathing.

Abundant Lung energy manifests as strong physical vitality. Emotionally the Lung is nourished by respect. 

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve grief, despair, sorrow, anxiety, depression, shock, trauma, unworthiness, and toxins held in the lungs. It will cleanse the 70 sq meters of the surface of the lungs and bring into balance the body’s relationship with the lungs, and with the Breath of Life. It will teach you how to more fully embody your Soul Essence, how to have and receive respect for yourself, what health boundaries feel like, and how to hold healthy boundaries,  and it will activate the emotions of joy and happiness. 

Lymphatic​ ​System & Immune​ ​System​

The lymphatic system carries incredibly healing lymph fluid that contains a high percentage of white blood cells that fight infections. This system works together with our immune system to create a formidable wall of defense against all kinds of diseases and bacterial and viral attacks on our body.

This Alignment Will…

Intensify and amplify your body’s natural ability to fight infections and diseases. This alignment also releases stored toxins, excess fat, and parasites as it balances and brings healing to the entire lymphatic system, central lymphoid tissue, peripheral lymphoid organs, lymphocytes, tonsils, spleen, thymus. It activates joy and heightens your ability to release stress and anxiety with ease.


The frequency of the color Magenta brings in the energy frequencies of Universal harmony, emotional balance, compassion, kindness, cooperation, self-respect, contentment, and transformation. It strengthens personal and spiritual development, helps release old emotional patterns, and encourages common sense.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of Universal harmony, emotional balance, compassion, kindness, cooperation, self-respect, contentment, and transformation. It strengthens personal and spiritual development, helps release old emotional patterns, and encourages common sense.


Malachite contains a variety of vivid green shades, and is an extremely effective stone for energetic protection. This stone has the ability to permeate the auric field with positive vibrations. It carries the Fire element and is beneficial for the solar plexus and heart chakras. It emits a very positive energy pattern for the heart (both the emotional heart and heart chakra). It also carries the frequency of luck and good fortune. It holds the male or yang vibration. It is a beneficial stone for people with great responsibilities to work with because it holds the vibrational frequency of the enlightened leader. 

This Alignment Will…

Help you see and recognise your power, assist in grounding, and with creating healthy boundaries. It will clear the mental and emotional “fog” so you can more easily make conscious choices. It will help you overcome fear of self-expression. It helps to easily and gently release toxins from the body, alleviate pain, and aid in digestion. It connects you to the energy of your enlightened leader within. This alignment also raises your energetic vibration and places a protective energy around your auric field.  


So many of us who believe in the magic and miracle of manifesting our desires are held back by opposing beliefs hidden within our unconscious. Manifesting abundance becomes easy and fun when you release beliefs that block you from bringing your desires to life. 

This Alignment Will…

Release, heal and clear hundreds of beliefs that are blocking the full manifestation of abundance in your life. It also aligns and embodies supportive, powerful new beliefs that will assist you to become a successful manifestor and co-creator of your life. You will find yourself open and able to receive and bring through your desires – including your biggest dreams.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is a radiant, transcendental Heavenly Mother. She personifies the High Priestess, Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexuality. Her energy is gentle yet powerful, loving yet protective and strong. She is unconditional love and compassion and she is also infinite power, strength and courage.

This Alignment Will…

Mary Magdalene will step forward to bring you her gifts so you can heal that which is wounded within your Divine Feminine. This alignment also activates the full power of your Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexuality as it unlocks the mysteries and activates the frequencies of the High Priestess, allowing you to reclaim the energies of ancient feminine magic and transformation.  

Medical Trauma Release

Medical trauma can be debilitating, beyond the initial experience. For some people, medical trauma at birth is their first experience in life. This type of trauma can be created by our own experiences or witnessing the experiences, illnesses, etc of others. 

This Alignment will…

Clear all forms of medical trauma, including in-utero experiences, birth trauma, misdiagnosis, devastating, shocking or painful diagnosis, surgery, treatment, fear, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain, vaccine damage, prescription toxicity, any trauma resulting in painful or debilitating experiences, including death. This is working on all levels, our own experiences in this life, in the past present, and parallel lives, in the DNA, ancestry, and collective levels. 


Melchizedek was known as the King of Peace. He established the eternal Priesthood of Melchizedek on earth under which Jesus lived and worked as described in the Bible. Before that time there had only been man-made Levitical Priesthood which still exists today. Melchizedek is known as the Educator of the Soul, and he teaches unconditional Love, of ourselves, each other and all beings, reverence, unity, and the interconnectedness of all.

This Alignment Will…

Melchizedek will Bring in the energies of freedom, forgiveness, unconditional love, unity, creativity, the science of alchemy and transmutation, and sacred ritual. 


Mental and psychological abuse can actually rewire the brain and the body and embed false programming about the self and the world around you. This alignment goes deep into returning you to your true self, and dissolves the thought forms created and embedded as a result of trauma and unwinds the patterns that have formed as well. It dissolves the trapped emotions and energy signatures of the original trauma throughout all lifetimes and timelines and into all aspects of your being.

Mental Body

Functions of the mind such as logic and intellect and thoughts, whereas higher bodies hold higher levels of consciousness. This is the conscious body that processes the information brought in by the 5 senses and allows perception of the physical world. In our mental body, we can hold thought forms, crystalized thought forms, imprints from trauma, metal debris, and clutter that can be cleared and released. It extends three to eight inches from the body.

This Alignment will…

Cleanse, Clear and Dissolve dense, negative, false thought forms, crystalized thought forms, imprints from trauma, the frequency of secrets, lies, confusion, metal debris and clutter, hooks, cords, and attachments, entity attachments, implants, and low vibrational portals. It will connect you to your Higher Mind, the vibrations of discernment, truth, and compassion, and bring in healing and balancing of the brain. 


Merlin represents the great old sage-wizard archetype. He’s known as a powerful magician, a spiritual teacher, and a psychic visionary who helped King Arthur during the fifth-century Camelot in Wales. He’s associated with the goddesses of Avalon and Glastonbury, including Viviane, Guinevere, and The Lady of the Lake. 

This alignment will…

Merlin brings assistance with Alchemy, Divine Magic, Healing and Clearing stuck energies, Prophecy, Psychic abilities, and Bending Time


Moldavite formed at the same time as a crash of a very large meteorite 14.8 million years ago in what is now the Czech Republic. It is known to bring about spiritual awakening and rapid spiritual evolution. Some geologists say that moldavite is an extraterrestrial material. The Neolithic people of Eastern Europe wore moldavite at least 25000 years ago. Many historians believe moldavite was contained in the Holy Grail.

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in spiritual awakening and evolution, enhance dream work, offer spiritual protection, and bring about massive transformation. It will help you connect deeply with spiritual guides, bring to the surface deeply held fears, so you can recognize and integrate them. It will bring inactivation of your spiritual abilities and your highest destiny. 


Not a single divine soul experiencing a human existence remains untouched by the energy of money or the countless layers of beliefs related to the meaning of money. Money flows touches all areas of our life and affects who we think and feel we are as well as what believe we are capable of. Our beliefs about money have the power to shift and transform our human experience – for better or for worse.

This Alignment Will…

Bring you Creator’s perspective of Money and connects you to the purest energy of money. This Alignment also clears negative beliefs around money, the energy of money, old, outdated stories about money, Genetic and Collective views about money and shock and trauma around the energy of money, the misuse of money, trauma around not having enough money, and money being used to destroy and damage through power, control or manipulation.

Special Note: When I was receiving this Alignment from the Creator of All That Is, I kept seeing an image of Jesus overturning the money changers’ tables. So this is also clearing religious beliefs about money including the belief that money is the “source of all evil”.


This beautiful stone, named after the financier JP Morgan, embodies the energies of divine love and compassion. It opens the heart to cosmic love and assists us in surrendering to the power of Divine Love. It brings peace, joy, and inner strength. Morganite carries the water element and activates and heals the Heart.

This Alignment Will… 

Cleanse and energize the heart and emotional body, connect you to Divine Cosmic Love, and assist you in releasing old emotional pain and sorrow. It will connect you to your own inner strength and a sense of joy and peace. It can also help call in your soulmate or enhance your current romantic partnership. 


A soulmate is the person you are meant to connect with on a soul level so you can both grow, transform and ascend together in deep trust, intimacy and love. Despite popular belief, you can actually have multiple soulmates but there is only one who is your most compatible, in this lifetime.

This Alignment Will…

Clear past life trauma with soulmates and beliefs that are embedded because of that trauma. It resolves outdated oaths, vows and contracts with soulmates, marking lessons completed. This Alignment also clears beliefs about soulmate love, including that it doesn’t exist or that you can’t have it. It sends out a beacon to attract and connect you with your MOST compatible soulmate in this lifetime


The mother wound is one that affects almost everyone. It can originate from trauma, emotions, belief systems, passed on in the womb from mother to child, and be amplified by experiences in childhood or even later in life, of mothers or mother figures who are absent (physically or emotionally), cold, distant, angy, or abusive. This can lead to difficulty in all relationships, particularly our relationships with ourselves or our own feminine aspects.

This Alignment Will…

Begin to unwind the trauma, emotions, and false belief systems, passed on in the womb from your mother, and bring a deep profound healing between you and your mother (whether she has been in your life or not) and any mother figure you choose to focus on while receiving this alignment, It will also bring healing to your relationship with yourself and the femine aspect of self.


Motherwort carries the energy of a mother’s protective hug. Their Latin name translates to “Lion Hearted”, which truly captures the essence of this plant: protective, loving, restorative, generous, and nurturing. Motherwort is cooling and calming, and her energy can be felt almost immediately. They help us to cultivate soft strength, grounded and calm energy, and a protected yet tender heart.

Physically motherwort is a nervine and antispasmodic with an affinity for the heart. She is especially useful for those who get heart palpitations from nervousness or excess heat. They are specifically useful for the womb and ovaries, the heart and circulatory system, and the nervous system.

This Alignment Will…

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