• Alignments

Imposter Syndrome

At its core, Imposter Syndrome – the fear of being incompetent or of being exposed as a “fraud”, is a form of self doubt. It can stem from trauma, or even from past life experiences in which we acted or played the role of a “fraud”.

This Alignment will…

Release and dissolve those hidden fears and self doubts, returning you to a place of empowerment and trust in yourself, your knowing, worth and value, through the lens of your own Source Connection. 


The shock and trauma from infidelity and betrayal creates a very deep wounding in the psyche of the individual who has been betrayed that can lead to self-esteem and self-worth issues, numbness, confusion, anger, rage, grief and sorrow, and even PTSD.

This Alignment Will…

Bring healing for the shock and trauma of the betrayal / infidelity, and a deep healing within that relationship/s, which is vital for a full healing whether or not you desire to maintain that relationship, or completely disconnect from it. It also goes throughout time to heal the core infidelity wound at the source of its origin.


We all have an Inner Child who is looking for that, which we did not receive as children. This could be nurturing, attention, unconditional love, encouragement, healthy boundaries and so on. We will never be able to truly enjoy and celebrate our life and accept who we are on a deeper level, when we do not acknowledge the needs of our Inner Child and give her the love and healing he or she desires and deserves.

This Alignment Will…

Go back to the time in your childhood when you did not receive the love, care, attention and nurturing that you needed and it will give you this and more. This Alignment will allow your Inner Child to finally feel safe to come back into who you are now, creating a beautiful merging with your adult self that leads to wholeness, inner strength, joy, self-love and empowerment.

Insecurities Laid to Rest

Insecurity is ultimately a lack of self love and self worth, which can stem from amny, many different things

This Alignment will…

Unwind the parts and places of ourselves where we have not been loving or accepting, that we have judges, rejected or abandoned. It will renew your sense of security in yourself and love for yourself, through the lens of your own Source Connection.

Integumentary​ ​System & Exocrine​ ​System​

The integumentary system and exocrine system are essentially our body’s protective shield. Made up of our hair, skin, and nails, they work in harmony with our immune system to protect against infections. The integumentary system also balances any changes in body temperature and allows the safe elimination of waste toxins via perspiration. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring into balance and heal your skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, and other glands that secrete substances through the skin. This alignment will also heal and bring into balance how you interact with and show up in the world. It balances emotions and feelings, releases negative thought forms, including those taken on from others, and releases trauma from abuse, including sexual abuse and physical abuse.


The frequency of Jasmine is relaxing, supporting, calming, centering, uplifting, emotionally balancing, brings in euphoria, happiness, acts as an aphrodisiac, brings in lunar/feminine energy, helps you embody your sexuality and release fears of intimacy and unworthiness. 

This alignment will…

Bring in euphoria, happiness, acts as an aphrodisiac, bring in lunar/feminine energy, helps you embody your sexuality, and releases fears of intimacy and unworthiness. 


Jesus is known as the founder of the Christian church and is the most well-known Master in the Western World. He incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth, Elisha, Joseph, son of Jacob, who was sold by his brothers, David,  eighth son of Jesse, who was the author of the Psalms, and King of Israel. He holds the qualities and virtues of Unconditional Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Devotion to the Christ-Self, Brotherhood, Service, and Freedom. He has mastered the lightness of being.  In his life, we know him most well for, as Jesus of Nazareth, he loved everyone and selflessly died for forgiveness. He is the bringer of cosmic love and Christ consciousness.

This alignment will…

Jesus brings forward the qualities and virtues of Unconditional Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Devotion to the Christ-Self, Brotherhood, Service, and Freedom


Jet is extremely protective and aids in grounding and clearing. Jet can also help support and amplify intentions and cocreations manifesting into reality, by tapping into universal creative forces. Jet can help clear dense energies including entity attachments, It strengthens the auric field, and aids the liver and kidneys. It is beneficial for all chakras and carries the Earth Element, 

This Alignment Will…

Provide a strong energetic shield of protection, cleanse your energy field, dissolving dense energies, and strengthen your auric field. It will assist you with tapping into the Universal Field of Creation – the Quantum Field- to bring your cocreations into your physical reality, and ground and anchor them into your reality. It will also strengthen your liver and kidneys. 


The kidneys are some of the most important organs. So much so that Ancient Egyptians left only the brain and kidneys in the body before embalming. The kidneys remove a number of waste products and get rid of them in the urine and reabsorb nutrients from the blood and transport them to where they would best support health.The kidneys and lungs help keep a stable pH within the human body.
According to  Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are related to fear, and when out of balance create fearfulness, weak willpower, insecurity, and feelings of  isolation.
Metaphysically, Kidneys are vital for sustaining life; they are responsible for reproduction, growth and development, and maturation. 

Resentment and anger are stored in the kidneys. When a person has kidney issues, they may have experienced love being met with hostility, anger, blame and resentment, especially as a child. They may be holding onto betrayal trauma. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring balance to the kidneys, the PH in your body, flushing toxins stored in the kidneys including toxic emotions. It will dissolve trauma from experiences of love being met with hostility, anger, blame and resentment, betrayal and unrequited love, as well as dissolving anger and resentment. It will bring in the knowledge of how to love and accept yourself fully, and how to have loving, appropriate boundaries. 


Kunzite helps to open the heart to all forms of love. It helps open the heart to Divine Love. It can open the ability to communicate from the heart wordlessly. It brings the frequencies of joy and celebration and releases blocks in and around the heart. It also releases resistance and supports the parasympathetic nervous system and heart chakra, and carries the water element. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in releasing blocks in and around your heart, and open your heart to all forms of love, including the ability to channel and receive Divine Love, and communicate that love from your heart without words. It will allow you to embrace and embody joy and celebration and supports your heart chakra and parasympathetic nervous system. 


Kuthumi lived many lifetimes. The most well-known is St Francis of Assisi  In another incarnation, he was Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal in India as a  demonstration of love and devotion for his beloved wife. He was Balthazar, the Wise Man who followed the star to where Jesus was born. He was a Pharaoh. As Koot Hoomi Lal Singh from Kashmir, he attended Oxford University in the late 1800s. Now as an Ascended Master he is here to assist us as the Teacher in charge of the teaching temples in the inner planes. He is the doorkeeper of the ancient Occult Mysteries and is also the co-protector of the Holy Grail – the ancient quest for self-awareness. He is helping bring about the re-emergence of knowledge that has been lost to humanity for so long.

This Alignment Will…

Kuthumi will Bring in the frequencies and virtues of unconditional love, nonjudgment and Joy and help you move from your mind to your heart.


Labradorite is the stone of magic. It helps activate and awaken your own magical abilities. It helps to amplify intuitive and psychic abilities. It is an amazing ally in exploring the astral/etheric realms and the Akash. It helps to access Universal Knowledge and provides protection. It is beneficial for all chakras and carries the wind element. 

This Alignment Will…

Aid you in connecting with magic, awakening your own magical and intuitive abilities, It will guide and aid you in accessing information and Universal Knowledge available in the astral/ethereal realms and the Akash. It will also provide protection. 

Lady Nada

Lady Nada once served as a priestess in the Temple of Love in Atlantis. She is a Pleiadian light emissary. Lady Nada is said to be the twin flame of Jesus. She creates a balance of male and female energies. She has incarnated into a physical body several times. When Lady Nada lived on Earth she was Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. She also incarnated as Abraham’s wife, Sarah. She was also alive at the time of the prophet Mohammed and promoted Islamic art. She creates a balance of male and female energies. She is also here to work with everyone to heal their own inner child – the wounded child that exists in all of us. She is in charge of ceremonies and of magic. She assists people to remember ancient healing methods and old wisdom and to become more psychic and to listen to their intuition.

This Alignment Will…

Lady Nada will Bring in peace, love, devotion, healing for your inner child, a connection to the sacred ceremony, magic, ancient healing practices, and your own intuition. She will help balance your divine feminine and masculine energies and ignite the flame of love in your heart.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a gorgeous blue stone that was prized by ancient Egyptians who used the stone in scarabs and other jewelry, to decorate the tombs of Egyptian Royalty, and was ground to a powder for use as medicine and even eye shadow. It brings inner wisdom, royal virtues and assists with honest communication. It holds the vibration of ‘Inner King or Queen”. It activates the Higher Mind and opens psychic abilities. It carries the Wind Element and opens the third eye chakra. 

This Alignment Will…

Connect you to your inner royalty, and invoke divine inspiration, enhance memory and intellectual abilities. It will connect you to your higher mind, expand your third eye and open psychic sight. This alignment will also assist you in claiming your own sovereignty and aligning with your highest truth.  

Launch Blocks Alignment

So many healers and spiritual entrepreneurs struggle with deep energy blocks around launching a program or offer. These usually show up as resistance and rejection of the idea and experience of launching.  Many of these beliefs are taken on from observing others’ launch experiences but some are also from previous unsatisfactory personal experiences around launching.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the blocks and beliefs that launching is hard, painful, takes all your time and energy, the beliefs that have been taken on from watching other people launch and not succeed or from times this has been your experience. This Alignment also clears the beliefs that success is impossible or unattainable, in comparison to seeing others launch with what looks like enormous success, and beliefs that you aren’t ready or that no one will sign up or want what you have to offer.

Launch Fear Alignment

For many healers and spiritual entrepreneurs, launching an offer such as a product, program or service, brings up a great deal of self-doubt and fear. They feel exposed and vulnerable to criticism and judgment which often causes them to freeze or stay stuck in their business.

This Alignment Will…

Clear and resolve fears around launching a program or offer including fear of rejection, fear of being viewed as a “sell-out”, fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being visible as well as any and all other fears related to launching.

Launch Magic Alignment

Launching an offer such as a product, program or service does not have to be difficult or challenging. A magical launch of ease and grace is not a far-off fantasy. It can be a reality when we focus on the joy of serving our Ideal Soulmate Clients with love and integrity.

This Alignment Will…

Attune your vibration to a magical launch so your Ideal Soulmate Clients are naturally attracted to you and your offer. This Alignment creates the delightful energy of soulmate clients signing up with ease, fun, and joy, as it attracts and calls them in. It also gives you the knowledge that your launch is magical and creates conditions and circumstances that allow this to be true.


The frequency of Lavender brings in relaxation, stress relief, calming, balancing, eases anger and frustration, activates greater intuition and clarity.

This alignment will… 

Bring in relaxation, stress relief, calming, balancing, eases anger and frustration, activates greater intuition and clarity.

Lead The Way

You are the leader and the guardian of your business. Your energy is the fuel that allows your business to grow strong and expand so you can reach and help more people with your gifts and your expertise. Embodying the energy of a compassionate, effective, and loving leader is one of the most powerful ways to create business success.
This Alignment Will…

Clear the fear of stepping into the role of being a leader and guardian of your business. This Alignment also clears fears of responsibility, of being killed, harmed, or damaged in any way (including damage to your reputation), as well as fears of power that may come to you as a leader, and the misuse of that power. It will give you Creator’s pure perspective on being a compassionate, effective, and loving leader, and the ability to see yourself as that leader.

Leading from Divine Feminine

The act of running a business is often a very masculine energy, but doing healing work, channeling, and creating, are very feminine.
This Alignment Will…

Bring in through your own Source Connection and Divine Aspect your ability to move in and out of Masculine and Feminine energies in a way, this is most aligned and supportive for you and your mission (whether you identify as a male or female in this life) 

Lemurian Seed Crystal (Lemurian Quartz)

These special crystals are a variety of quartz, which are determined by ladder-like grooves along the sides of the crystals. They are encoded with Lemurian consciousness and offer “A return to the Garden”. They bring a connection with the Divine Feminine, unification with the soul, and offer access to the knowledge and wisdom of ancient Lemuria. These crystals carry the Earth and Wind Elements and activate and balance the crown chakra. 

This Alignment Will…

Connect you to The ancient knowledge and wisdom of Lemuria, and the energy of the Divine feminine, enhance your psychic abilities, expand your consciousness, and bring in a feeling of Oneness and connection.

Lemurian Wisdom

The Lemurians were a race of Higher Beings who lived on Earth thousands of years ago. Their skills and gifts extended far beyond all physical, mental, and energetic boundaries that we know of today. Lemurians could shapeshift, travel across time and space and heal instantly. They were deeply in touch with their spirituality and used their gifts for the greater good of all. They had a powerful connection to crystalline energy and used it to amplify their spiritual powers. Lemuria holds the frequency of the Divine Feminine. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in wisdom and support from the Lemurians. With this Alignment, you may experience feeling more connected to the Lemurians and Lemurian Energies. You may sense, feel or even see them around you. This Alignment will also open psychic and healing abilities, and bring in gifts and abilities you may have had in past Lemurian lifetimes. This alignment is clearing trauma from Lemurian lifetimes, including the Fall of Lemuria. It will also connect you more deeply with crystalline energies and the Divine Feminine.


Lepidolite is a lithium-rich stone. Lithium is used as a medication used to treat mood disorders, and Lepidolite is very beneficial in reducing obsessive thoughts, emotional overwhelm, depression, and anxiety. It also increases concentration and clears the mental body. It is very beneficial in calming the nervous system. It brings in serenity and peace. It also helps soothe the mental body. It is beneficial to the heart and third eye chakras and carries the water element. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring healing, clearing, and soothing to the nervous system, emotional body, and mental body. It brings in clarity and the ability to focus. It is beneficial for ADD and ADHD, and procrastination, depression, and anxiety. 


Our livers have a lot of responsibilities- over 500 functions of the body are controlled by the liver. One of its main jobs is to filter toxins, and when the liver is overwhelmed with toxins, it is unable to function properly. According to Taoist, if our liver and kidneys are kept clean, we will not age. 

We hold anger in our livers.

This Alignment Will….

Dissolve the anger, rage, bitterness, hatred, resentment, trauma from loss, needs not being met, ancestral traumas held in the liver. It will help to release toxins held in the liver and bring the liver back into balance and optimal function. 

Loops of Fear, Worry & Anxiety

Fear, worry and anxiety can be debilitating, and steal our joy. 

This Alignment will…

Disrupt and interrupt the loops of fear, worry and anxiety that our minds can get trapped in, bringing the brain, the mind and the mental body back into alignment, and calming the nervous system, as it clears the trauma, trapped emotions and false belief systems that are causing or contributing to these loops. It also brings into balance the body’s biochemistry, and anchors you more fully into your body. 

Lord Lanto

Lord Lanto was a High Priest in the temple of the Divine Mother on the continent that sank beneath the Pacific, known as Lemuria. He had other incarnations on Atlantis as well. He assists in initiating souls on the path of the wisdom teachings of Confucius, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Mary. He helps open the crown chakra through the heart center and brings the balance of love, wisdom, and power that is the key to Christhood.

This Alignment Will…

Lord Lanto will Bring in the Virtues of Wisdom, Understanding, and Discernment, and assist in strengthening the connection of your crown and heart chakras, opening and activating both of these energy centers.


The white lotus flower is native to India and produces a large flower that blooms on top of the water, Lotus Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Lotus Flower Essence expands the crown chakra, opening the thousand petal lotus, the 1000 nadis in the crown chakra (Nadi is Sanskrit for ‘channel or flow- describing the network of channels which allow energy to travel through the body)  It is an energy of spiritual enlightenment and is said to be similar to Philosopher’s stone- which brings in the ability to transform base metals into precious ones, especially gold and silver. Alchemists also believed that an elixir of life could be derived from the Philosopher’s Stone. It also increases and amplifies any other energies it is combined with. It brings in remembrance and connection to Atlantis and can attune your energy to future lives, bringing in an ability to “see the future”.

Love Your Body Now

Almost every one of us has a complex relationship with our body – the amazing earthly vessels that are the containers for our souls. Sadly, many people never learn to love and treasure these vessels because cultural or societal messages push forth an impossible ideal that causes hatred and disgust for the body they are born with. 

This Alignment Will…

Clear out judgment, resentment, hatred, and disgust you are holding for your body, releasing it from your subconscious as well as your cells, cellular memory, and DNA. Will also align your vibration to unconditional love and gratitude for your amazing body.

Love Yourself Fully

We are born loving ourselves, but often do not stay in this state of blissful self-love. The world and our experiences in it create circumstances that can cause us to question our worth. We end up judging and criticizing ourselves, holding ourselves up to impossible standards, and rejecting who we are. At the extreme end of this scale, we feel disdain, hatred and contempt for ourselves and do not recognize our own true Divine nature. 

This Alignment Will…

Clear hundreds of beliefs and feelings around unworthiness and self-rejection, and the original traumas that created this false programming.. It also releases embedded fears, guilt, and shame that may block you from fully understanding and accepting that you are a being worthy of unconditional love from yourself and others. This will return you into a state of Wholeness and love for yourself. 


The celestial beauty of the Moon has held our attention, fascination and imagination since the dawn of time. We are inextricably connected to the energies of the Moon and with conscious focus, we can work with these energies to let go that which no longer serves us and bring through beautiful desires, manifestations and creations.

This Alignment Will…

Connect you to the energy and power of the highest energies of the Moon, so you can easily use her energy for releasing and creating. For women, this Alignment will also help regulate their body’s natural cycle with the lunar cycle. Some people can have strong reactions to the cycles of the moon, particularly full moon energies. This alignment also resolves the jarring or difficult impacts some moon cycles can have on us as humans (sleep issues, emotional overwhelm, ect) 


Our Lung’s job is to hold a boundary between our inner and outer world. Our Lungs are primarily responsible for physical vitality and are responsible for the Qi (life force energy) in the body. 

Our lungs are our largest organ of contact with the world. The lungs have an internal surface area of some 70 square meters (in comparison, the skin covers only 1.5 to 2 square meters!) 

The Lung’s paired Organ, the Colon, regulates release and elimination. The Lung and Colon together function to control immunity and the holding the protective boundary. 

According to Chinese Medicine, The Lung is also said to be the residence of the corporeal soul or Po. The corporeal soul is the most tangible aspect of the soul which dies with the body at death. 

Grief and sadness directly affect the lungs. The Lung is nourished by breathing.

Abundant Lung energy manifests as strong physical vitality. Emotionally the Lung is nourished by respect. 

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve grief, despair, sorrow, anxiety, depression, shock, trauma, unworthiness, and toxins held in the lungs. It will cleanse the 70 sq meters of the surface of the lungs and bring into balance the body’s relationship with the lungs, and with the Breath of Life. It will teach you how to more fully embody your Soul Essence, how to have and receive respect for yourself, what health boundaries feel like, and how to hold healthy boundaries,  and it will activate the emotions of joy and happiness. 

Lymphatic​ ​System & Immune​ ​System​

The lymphatic system carries incredibly healing lymph fluid that contains a high percentage of white blood cells that fight infections. This system works together with our immune system to create a formidable wall of defense against all kinds of diseases and bacterial and viral attacks on our body.

This Alignment Will…

Intensify and amplify your body’s natural ability to fight infections and diseases. This alignment also releases stored toxins, excess fat, and parasites as it balances and brings healing to the entire lymphatic system, central lymphoid tissue, peripheral lymphoid organs, lymphocytes, tonsils, spleen, thymus. It activates joy and heightens your ability to release stress and anxiety with ease.


The frequency of the color Magenta brings in the energy frequencies of Universal harmony, emotional balance, compassion, kindness, cooperation, self-respect, contentment, and transformation. It strengthens personal and spiritual development, helps release old emotional patterns, and encourages common sense.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of Universal harmony, emotional balance, compassion, kindness, cooperation, self-respect, contentment, and transformation. It strengthens personal and spiritual development, helps release old emotional patterns, and encourages common sense.


The heart of working with magic is about directing and focusing energies to create what we want and need. We can use magic to bring through extraordinary goodness and light into the world but there is a deep belief in The Collective that all magic is primarily used for evil or to call up dense or harmful energies. This arises from old traumas from centuries past when even those using pure magic to heal and to help were persecuted for their gifts.

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve trauma from dense experiences with magic, the use of magic, the outcomes of magic that may have been harmful or painful, trauma from being harmed, killed, rejected because of using magic across all lifetimes, trauma from black magic being used against you or loved ones, any energies around times you may have used harmful magic in any other incarnation,  resolving false negative beliefs about magic, as well as trauma associated with all forms of harmful magic, bringing in the energy of pure magic, and any magical abilities and knowledge that lie dormant or forgotten. This will give you the ability to create pure magic, for the highest and best good of all.


Malachite contains a variety of vivid green shades, and is an extremely effective stone for energetic protection. This stone has the ability to permeate the auric field with positive vibrations. It carries the Fire element and is beneficial for the solar plexus and heart chakras. It emits a very positive energy pattern for the heart (both the emotional heart and heart chakra). It also carries the frequency of luck and good fortune. It holds the male or yang vibration. It is a beneficial stone for people with great responsibilities to work with because it holds the vibrational frequency of the enlightened leader. 

This Alignment Will…

Help you see and recognise your power, assist in grounding, and with creating healthy boundaries. It will clear the mental and emotional “fog” so you can more easily make conscious choices. It will help you overcome fear of self-expression. It helps to easily and gently release toxins from the body, alleviate pain, and aid in digestion. It connects you to the energy of your enlightened leader within. This alignment also raises your energetic vibration and places a protective energy around your auric field.  


So many of us who believe in the magic and miracle of manifesting our desires are held back by opposing beliefs hidden within our unconscious. Manifesting abundance becomes easy and fun when you release beliefs that block you from bringing your desires to life. 

This Alignment Will…

Release, heal and clear hundreds of beliefs that are blocking the full manifestation of abundance in your life. It also aligns and embodies supportive, powerful new beliefs that will assist you to become a successful manifestor and co-creator of your life. You will find yourself open and able to receive and bring through your desires – including your biggest dreams.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is a radiant, transcendental Heavenly Mother. She personifies the High Priestess, Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexuality. Her energy is gentle yet powerful, loving yet protective and strong. She is unconditional love and compassion and she is also infinite power, strength and courage.

This Alignment Will…

Mary Magdalene will step forward to bring you her gifts so you can heal that which is wounded within your Divine Feminine. This alignment also activates the full power of your Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexuality as it unlocks the mysteries and activates the frequencies of the High Priestess, allowing you to reclaim the energies of ancient feminine magic and transformation.  

Masks Off

We wear many masks…many of us learn from a young age that it’s safer and easier to show people what they want to see of us, so we create masks to present ourselves in various forms to the outside world. Masks hide who we truly are. 

This Alignment will…

Bring in the freedom and safety to allow you to remove the energetic masks you are wearing, to allow yourself to be visible, and to be authentically yourself, to share your true self with the world.and to make choices and decisions from a point of your own sovereignty. 

Medical Trauma Release

Medical trauma can be debilitating, beyond the initial experience. For some people, medical trauma at birth is their first experience in life. This type of trauma can be created by our own experiences or witnessing the experiences, illnesses, etc of others. 

This Alignment will…

Clear all forms of medical trauma, including in-utero experiences, birth trauma, misdiagnosis, devastating, shocking or painful diagnosis, surgery, treatment, fear, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain, vaccine damage, prescription toxicity, any trauma resulting in painful or debilitating experiences, including death. This is working on all levels, our own experiences in this life, in the past present, and parallel lives, in the DNA, ancestry, and collective levels. 


Melchizedek was known as the King of Peace. He established the eternal Priesthood of Melchizedek on earth under which Jesus lived and worked as described in the Bible. Before that time there had only been man-made Levitical Priesthood which still exists today. Melchizedek is known as the Educator of the Soul, and he teaches unconditional Love, of ourselves, each other and all beings, reverence, unity, and the interconnectedness of all.

This Alignment Will…

Melchizedek will Bring in the energies of freedom, forgiveness, unconditional love, unity, creativity, the science of alchemy and transmutation, and sacred ritual. 


Mental and psychological abuse can actually rewire the brain and the body and embed false programming about the self and the world around you. This alignment goes deep into returning you to your true self, and dissolves the thought forms created and embedded as a result of trauma and unwinds the patterns that have formed as well. It dissolves the trapped emotions and energy signatures of the original trauma throughout all lifetimes and timelines and into all aspects of your being.

Mental Body

Functions of the mind such as logic and intellect and thoughts, whereas higher bodies hold higher levels of consciousness. This is the conscious body that processes the information brought in by the 5 senses and allows perception of the physical world. In our mental body, we can hold thought forms, crystalized thought forms, imprints from trauma, metal debris, and clutter that can be cleared and released. It extends three to eight inches from the body.

This Alignment will…

Cleanse, Clear and Dissolve dense, negative, false thought forms, crystalized thought forms, imprints from trauma, the frequency of secrets, lies, confusion, metal debris and clutter, hooks, cords, and attachments, entity attachments, implants, and low vibrational portals. It will connect you to your Higher Mind, the vibrations of discernment, truth, and compassion, and bring in healing and balancing of the brain. 

Mental Fragmentation

Our thoughts and energy can become fragmented for so many reasons. This can take us out of our bodys and make it difficult to move about our life. Mental fragmentation can create confusion, brain fog and many other issues.

This Alignment will…

Recalibrate and bring your mind, brain and mental body back into alignment, as it releases the cause for the fragmentation. It balances the brain chemistry and brings the brain into optimal function. 


Merlin represents the great old sage-wizard archetype. He’s known as a powerful magician, a spiritual teacher, and a psychic visionary who helped King Arthur during the fifth-century Camelot in Wales. He’s associated with the goddesses of Avalon and Glastonbury, including Viviane, Guinevere, and The Lady of the Lake. 

This alignment will…

Merlin brings assistance with Alchemy, Divine Magic, Healing and Clearing stuck energies, Prophecy, Psychic abilities, and Bending Time


Miracles happen every moment of every day and most of us miss them. One of the reasons for this is we feel we are unable or powerless to create what we want. Our dreams and desires feel out of reach or even impossible. This is simply not true. You can create anything – including miracles – because you are a miracle yourself. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring the energy of miracles. It will allow you to see the miracles that surround you right now, as well as the belief and ability to create miracles on a daily basis. 


Moldavite formed at the same time as a crash of a very large meteorite 14.8 million years ago in what is now the Czech Republic. It is known to bring about spiritual awakening and rapid spiritual evolution. Some geologists say that moldavite is an extraterrestrial material. The Neolithic people of Eastern Europe wore moldavite at least 25000 years ago. Many historians believe moldavite was contained in the Holy Grail.

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in spiritual awakening and evolution, enhance dream work, offer spiritual protection, and bring about massive transformation. It will help you connect deeply with spiritual guides, bring to the surface deeply held fears, so you can recognize and integrate them. It will bring inactivation of your spiritual abilities and your highest destiny. 


Not a single divine soul experiencing a human existence remains untouched by the energy of money or the countless layers of beliefs related to the meaning of money. Money flows touches all areas of our life and affects who we think and feel we are as well as what believe we are capable of. Our beliefs about money have the power to shift and transform our human experience – for better or for worse.

This Alignment Will…

Bring you Creator’s perspective of Money and connects you to the purest energy of money. This Alignment also clears negative beliefs around money, the energy of money, old, outdated stories about money, Genetic and Collective views about money and shock and trauma around the energy of money, the misuse of money, trauma around not having enough money, and money being used to destroy and damage through power, control or manipulation.

Special Note: When I was receiving this Alignment from the Creator of All That Is, I kept seeing an image of Jesus overturning the money changers’ tables. So this is also clearing religious beliefs about money including the belief that money is the “source of all evil”.


This beautiful stone, named after the financier JP Morgan, embodies the energies of divine love and compassion. It opens the heart to cosmic love and assists us in surrendering to the power of Divine Love. It brings peace, joy, and inner strength. Morganite carries the water element and activates and heals the Heart.

This Alignment Will… 

Cleanse and energize the heart and emotional body, connect you to Divine Cosmic Love, and assist you in releasing old emotional pain and sorrow. It will connect you to your own inner strength and a sense of joy and peace. It can also help call in your soulmate or enhance your current romantic partnership. 


A soulmate is the person you are meant to connect with on a soul level so you can both grow, transform and ascend together in deep trust, intimacy and love. Despite popular belief, you can actually have multiple soulmates but there is only one who is your most compatible, in this lifetime.

This Alignment Will…

Clear past life trauma with soulmates and beliefs that are embedded because of that trauma. It resolves outdated oaths, vows and contracts with soulmates, marking lessons completed. This Alignment also clears beliefs about soulmate love, including that it doesn’t exist or that you can’t have it. It sends out a beacon to attract and connect you with your MOST compatible soulmate in this lifetime


The mother wound is one that affects almost everyone. It can originate from trauma, emotions, belief systems, passed on in the womb from mother to child, and be amplified by experiences in childhood or even later in life, of mothers or mother figures who are absent (physically or emotionally), cold, distant, angy, or abusive. This can lead to difficulty in all relationships, particularly our relationships with ourselves or our own feminine aspects.

This Alignment Will…

Begin to unwind the trauma, emotions, and false belief systems, passed on in the womb from your mother, and bring a deep profound healing between you and your mother (whether she has been in your life or not) and any mother figure you choose to focus on while receiving this alignment, It will also bring healing to your relationship with yourself and the femine aspect of self.


Motherwort carries the energy of a mother’s protective hug. Their Latin name translates to “Lion Hearted”, which truly captures the essence of this plant: protective, loving, restorative, generous, and nurturing. Motherwort is cooling and calming, and her energy can be felt almost immediately. They help us to cultivate soft strength, grounded and calm energy, and a protected yet tender heart.

Physically motherwort is a nervine and antispasmodic with an affinity for the heart. She is especially useful for those who get heart palpitations from nervousness or excess heat. They are specifically useful for the womb and ovaries, the heart and circulatory system, and the nervous system.

This Alignment Will…


Mugwort is an herb of magic and the moon. Named for the Greek goddess Artemis (it’s Latin name is Artemisia Vulgaris), Mugwort has a strong affinity for women and their cycles. Mugwort is also strongly associated with dreams and night visions and can enhance sleep and open us up to divinatory messages during sleep. It can enhance our psychic senses, as well as strengthen our connection with our own unique magic. 

Physically, mugwort is warming bitter. It helps us to digest and assimilate food, information, ideas, and emotions. It’s also an emmenagogue, meaning it helps us flow with our cycles. Finally, it has sedative properties, helping to soothe and calm the spirit. 

This Alignment Will…

Multidimensional Self

You are more than it appears on the surface. You are a multifaceted, multidimensional being that exists on multiple planes at the same time. It can be difficult for our conscious minds to wrap around this concept but it doesn’t make it any less true. This is one reason why certain individuals are able to bring through gifts and skills that seem to be beyond our current understanding. Some are even able to transcend the boundaries of time and space to travel between dimensions with ease.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in a stronger connection with high vibrational parts of you that exist in other dimensions. This connection will come in for you only if this is for your highest and best good and for the highest and best good of all at this time.. Over time, you will steadily strengthen, amplify and accentuate your vibrational state, gifts, skills, and abilities of your current self in this dimension.This alignment will also strengthen your ability to live through the lense of your own Source connection.

Muscular System Body System Alignment

The muscular system is an organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. It permits movement of the body, maintains posture, and circulates blood throughout the body. … Together with the skeletal system, it forms the musculoskeletal system, which is responsible for movement of the human body. There are over 650 skeletal muscles in the human body. The consciousness of the muscular system is courage and bravery. Our muscular system is affected by how you feel about yourself. The muscles store muscle memory of injuries and trauma.  

This Alignment will…

Release feelings of guilt, the inability to face or own up to yourself,  stubbornness,  self-created paralysis,  deep-seeded anger, and programming of needing to experience pain or deserving pain.  This alignment clears trauma and the muscle memory of trauma, including physical, spiritual, and emotional trauma.  It brings in Courage and bravery and healthy self-esteem, a deeper connection to your true authentic self….  allowing for greater flexibility, physically mentally, and emotionally.


The frequency of Myrrh enhances and strengthens spirituality, and visualization lifts vibrations, brings to the surface and releases deep, hidden, unconscious feelings, purifies your energetic environment and your energy field, increases meridian flow (energy flow through your body), Brings in purification, protection, transformation, sacredness, cleaning, and creates peace. 

This alignment will…

Enhances and strengthen spirituality, and visualization lifts vibrations, brings to the surface and releases deep, hidden, unconscious feelings, purifies your energetic environment and your energy field, increases meridian flow (energy flow through your body), and Bring in purification, protection, transformation, sacredness, cleaning, and creates peace. 

Mystic Merlinite

Mystic Merlinite is one of my personal favorite stones, because of all it brings! It helps heal and align ALL chakras, balance our emotions and energy fields, and aids in creating through magic. It opens and lifts the veils between the seen and unseen, and access to the unconscious. It is extremely helpful in soul and soul fragment retrieval. Mystic Merlinite also helps access and heal trauma from past lives, and calling back fragments of self that may have become disconnected in previous lifetimes. It can help develop or uncover magical powers, release judgment, and self-rejection and abandonment. 

This Alignment Will…

Brings healing, balance, and activation to your entire chakra column balances your emotional body, and cleanses your energetic field. It will lift the veils between the seen and unseen, help you call back soul fragments, healing the trauma that created the fragmentation. It will open and connect you to your own magical abilities and enhance any magic you are currently working on. If you have rejected or abandoned any aspect of yourself, it will help heal the judgment, rejection, and self-abandonment and allow you to love and accept yourself more fully. 


Relationships between “narcissists” and empaths are common, because many empathic people have a strong desire to help and heal others, and are sponges for others energy (until the learn not to take this on), and at the core, most narcissists are operating from their “wounded child” aspect. Narcissists see the world as if they are the center of it. This is a very parasitic relationship, and one that can be very damaging to the empath. Many emaths have lived all of their lives within the structure of this relationship paradigm, having had at least one parent or caregiver who is a narcissist, and continue to fall into these same patterns until the core is healed.

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve the trauma from experiences within the parasitic narcissist / empath cycles, dissolve and resolve oaths, vows and contacts with the specific relationships. You can focus on one specific relationship while receiving this alignment.


Nasturtium is an annual plant native to Peru with orange, red or yellow flowers. Nasturtium Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Nasturtium Flower Essence is the embodiment of Joy. It deepens your connection with Gaia and assists in grounding. It is healing for the eyes and calming and balancing for the nervous system.

Naval Chakra Alignment

Our Navel Chakra is one of the higher dimensional chakras, which works to unify our energies with those of all other forms of sentient life. When it is in place, awake and spinning, we are fully aware of our infinite connection to the universe.

This Alignment Will….

Begin the activation of this chakra for those who are ready, or expand the connection for those whose Naval Chakra is already activated. It will bring unification with other sentient beings in the universe. 


The frequency of Neroli is relaxing, cleansing, helps you stay in the present moment and not dwell in past or worry about the future, helps you to be completely in your present power, helps calm panic and fear, increases self-actualization, opens heart and releases emotions of powerlessness and self-imposed restriction, and increases mental clarity. 

This alignment will…

Help you to be completely in your present power, helps calm panic and fear, increases self-actualization, opens heart and releases emotions of powerlessness and self-imposed restriction, and increases mental clarity.

Nervous​ ​System​

Our nervous system is the central communication system in our body. It carries messages between our brain and spinal cord to various parts of our body. A healthy nervous system allows the smooth coordination and control of all parts of the body for complete internal harmony.

 This Alignment Will…

Create a perfect connection between your body and your brain as it balances perception, emotion, thought processes, and your response to the environment. This alignment also brings healing to your brain and nerves, spinal cord, and nerve endings. It allows full control and smooth coordination of body functions and reflex patterns that were both inherited and learned. It releases negative thought forms, and patterns of addiction and brings in the ability to communicate effectively and with love while activating truth and discernment from Creator’s perspective.


Nettle is an emerald ally for mineralization and cleansing. They pop up in the spring to help us deeply cleanse our system, with an affinity for the kidneys and lymphatic system. They help to wake up your body after long winter hibernation and revitalize you on every level.

They’re incredibly high in chlorophyll, as well as many vitamins and minerals, and are known by many as nature’s multivitamin. It helps to wake up and energize your body on a cellular level, removing waste and helping your body flow.

Magical Uses: Spell/curse/hex clearing, protection, recovery from illness, increasing passion 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy frequency and qualities of Nettle, assist in physical, emotional, and spiritual cleansing, fluch and strengthen the kidneys and lymph system, bring in the vibration of minerals to strengthen your body’s vitality, and increase passion. 


Do you feel whole, complete and like you are enough, right here and right now? Most of us will answer this question with a resounding ‘no.’ We exist because we are divine perfection. We arise from the ultimate wisdom of the Creator of All That Is and being, feeling and living in the energy of “enough” is our birthright.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the beliefs around being “not enough” including not being smart enough, pretty enough, educated enough, wealthy enough, lovable enough – whatever “never enough” means to you. This Alignment also clears the shock and trauma from living in the energy of “never enough” throughout lifetimes and timelines as well as beliefs and trauma taken on from your Genetic heritage and The Collective.


No One is An Island

Many healers and spiritual entrepreneurs work from home and lack a strong support system – especially an in-person support system – that can help them rise up to reach their goals and dreams in business. Instead, they try to “do everything themselves” They have difficulty asking for or receiving outside help and they face lots of challenges when it’s time to hire someone or find the right person to hire. This leaves them feeling exhausted, unhappy, and burned out.

This Alignment Will…

Open you up energetically to ask for and receive your team of helpers, both in the spiritual realm and the physical realm. This Alignment brings in the energies of receiving and aligning with the ideal people, situations, and circumstances that will support you, giving you the physical and spiritual energy to reach your business goals and dreams.


We are often unconsciously disconnected from the pure energy of abundance, joy, freedom, love…all that is good in life. This pure energy is constantly flowing around us and we can reach out, connect into it and see it unfold in our lives if we heal and release embedded beliefs that tell us that all of this beauty, this joy, this abundance, is “not for me.”

This Alignment Will…

Clear the beliefs that good things are for everyone else, but “not for me.” Love is not for me, money is not for me, health is not for me and that everyone else can be happy, but not me. This Alignment also clears beliefs around “this works for everyone but me” and shock and trauma from the experiences and patterns that have proven these beliefs to appear to be true, across time, within the DNA and in the Collective.

Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper enhances the joy of life and is an excellent stone for manifestation work. It holds the Earth element and balances the solar plexus and heart chakras. It has strong physical healing properties. Ocean Jasper amplifies positive vibrations and can raise the vibration of a room. 

This Alignment Will….

Connect you with JOY, bring in appreciation for life, and encourage you to think and speak positively. It activates the solar plexus and supports your expression of love in your words and actions. It will alleviate depression and addictive patterns and support you in releasing painful thought-forms. It will balance your endocrine system and your body’s biochemistry. 


Divine, intimate partnerships are magical in their nature. They are the coming together of two hearts to become OneHeart that is whole and aligned in pure love, mutual respect and support. For many of us, finding and connecting with our OneHeart partner is a part of our destiny and journey here on Earth

This Alignment Will…

Connect you to the sacred heart of your current or future beloved, activating the OneHeart that is shared on a soul and physical level within a divine intimate partnership. Special Note & Recommendation: When running or receiving this alignment, call forward the energy of your current or future partner, If it is a future partner avoid any specific face or person and be open to the energy that shows up


One of the deepest traumas and tragedies of the human condition is the feeling that we are alone, that we are isolated, separated and disconnected from each other and from Source. For many this unhappy, disconnected feeling shadows them from childhood all through their lives. This disconnected feeling can cause much pain and heartache, including the feeling that life has no meaning or purpose.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the realization that we are all one and the same. We belong to the beautiful, divine tapestry that is always and forever connected to Source. The truth is we are never alone, we are never separate, we are always only ever fully united with the Divine, because we ARE the Divine.


The frequency of the color Orange brings in the energy frequencies of adventure, optimism, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, independence, creativity, warm-heartedness. It is stimulating and helps assimilate new ideas. It Cleanses and Activates the Sacral chakra.

This alignment will..

Connect you with the frequencies of adventure, optimism, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, independence, creativity, warm-heartedness. It is stimulating and helps assimilate new ideas. It Cleanses and Activates the Sacral chakra.


Orange is a fruit tree native to China that produces fragrant white flowers. Orange Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Orange Flower Essence brings in clarity, calmness, releases trauma ~ especially emotional trauma, helps unwind fear of the unknown, balances the mental and emotional bodies and relaxes the muscular system.



Somewhere between 60,000- 20,000 BCE, the ancient Atlanteans conducted experiments to inoculate and completely shut off the DNA of Lemurians, our magical heritage and rightful inheritance. The following 3 Alignments will heal the trauma from having them shut off and other trauma being held in the DNA from our shared heritage, and begin to awaken these dormant strands of DNA, 


DNA is the ‘blueprint of life and is located in every cell of our bodies. In addition to each chromosome’s 2 strands double helix of DNA, there are additional etheric strands of “junk DNA” available to each human, which has been dormant (these “extra” strands of DNA are not really junk, of course, but scientists have labeled them as such because they don’t know what these strands are for).

DNA Awakening essentially involves stimulating, reordering, and reactivating dormant DNA strands that hold some of our most powerful hidden spiritual gifts and skills such as psychic powers, opening up the claims (i.e. clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience), multidimensional travel, amplified energy healing abilities and so much more

As a species, we are evolving at an incredible pace. We can think of the DNA Awakening process as waking up our dormant DNA to live our highest potential as more than just human, in the traditional sense of the word. The process allows us to easily survive the environmental poisons on this planet, and rapidly accelerates our spiritual expansion


With DNA Awakening you will…

  • Notice that your words and thoughts are MUCH more powerful, making it easier to create what you desire
  • Naturally, come into alignment with your life’s purpose
  • Experience a massive boost in energy, clarity and focus
  • Enjoy a much stronger immune system – after the 24-strand activation, your body will be 3000 times more resistant to disease!
  • Gain access to more of your brain and mental faculties
  • Experience accelerated spiritual evolution and expansion
  • Release your unconscious negative beliefs and patterns
  • Look and feel younger 
  • Increase your intuition and psychic abilities
  • Shift out of fear and doubt with so much ease
  • Expand your ability to give and receive unconditional love
  • Detoxify at the physical, spiritual and emotional levels
  • Improve your communication with Creator/God, Spirit guides and your Higher Self

NOTE: This series has been completely recreated in April 2021, so if you are attuned to the previous version, this is brand new energy (the original energy is still intact as well)

DNA Awakening 1

Phase One – Clearing the inoculation (meaning: to implant a microorganism into), experimentation and “shutting off” of etheric DNA, including the traumas from experimentation on DNA.

DNA Awakening 2

Phase Two – Clearing the Genetic Defects within DNA strands 

DNA Awakening 3

Phase Three- Awakening the Etheric / Spiritual DNA
*This process happens overtime at an individual level. It is beneficial to run this Alignment regularly and after big integrations & spiritual upgrades


Owl is symbolic of feminine, the moon, the night, Mystery, Magic, Vision, Wisdom, prophecy, astral travel, hidden information. To ancient Greeks, Owl symbolizes Athena, and higher wisdom and was the guardian of the Acropolis. To early Christian Gnostics, Owl symbolized Lilith. Pawnees saw Owl as a symbol of protection. Owl was associated with Skeleton Man, the god of death, to the Pueblo. Owls have been seen as the reincarnated dead, and with fertility. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Owl  Medicine and Owl Spirit Guide when you are needing protection, or going through a rebirth. Owl can offer you guidance and wisdom, and support creative endeavors, and even fertility issues. 

Own Your Sparkle

You carry within you a distinct Inner Sparkle that you may not be conscious of at this time and that belongs only to you. This is the Inner Sparkle that encompasses the special gifts, skills, and talents that only you possess. Your Inner Sparkle is closely related to your purpose in life. Letting your Inner Sparkle shine and sharing it with the world will help you connect with your Soul Purpose and Path to bring through peace and satisfaction on a soul level. 

This Alignment Will…

Align you with your Inner Sparkle. You will start to become increasingly aware of your unique gifts, skills, and talents, and feel deep appreciation for them as you find ways to joyfully share them with the world. This Alignment also illuminates and activates the sacred symbol of the Flower of Life in your energy field which is a sacred geometric pattern that can also be found in All Things since the dawn of Creation.

Pain as Sacred Healing

Painful experiences that purify our soul  are a part of our journey into spiritual evolution and ascension. However, it is important to know how to tell the difference between pain that purifies and pain that causes us harm or that does not belong to us.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy of purifying your pain and integrating it as sacred healing. This Alignment will release the pain and negative emotions that do not belong to you, giving you discernment to decipher the difference between pain as sacred healing, pain that does not belong to you, and pain that is an echo of the past so you can let go of pain that does not serve your spiritual evolution.

Pain Body

Eckhart Tolle says the pain body is the accumulation of old emotional pain that almost all people carry in their energy field –  a semi-autonomous psychic entity. It consists of negative emotions that were not faced, accepted, and then let go in the moment they arise.

This Alignment Will…

Release the pain body and this healing sometimes happens in layers. The larger the pain body, the more this Alignment must be run or listened for complete healing to occur.

Pain Relief

Physical pain can have many causes. From a physical standpoint, people feel pain when specific nerves called nociceptors detect tissue damage and transmit information about the damage along the spinal cord to the brain. But as we know, physical issues have emotional roots. Pain is often an indication that you are doing something you ultimately] do not want to do. You may feel guilt or shame and be unconsciously punishing yourself. You may have difficulty holding boundaries, and experiencing pain may be your way of allowing yourself to say no. You may associate pain with love, attention, acceptance, or allowing peace. Pain also causes us to disconnect from our bodies. 

This Alignment Will…

Help you to more easily be in and stay in your body, eliminating the need for pain to take you out of your body, It will bring in the true definition from Source and your own Divine Aspect of Pain, Love, and Peace. It will dissolve guilt, shame, self-sabotage, self-punishment, and the inability to say no. It will bring soothing to your nervous system to help dissolve physical pain, and healing for your emotional body to help dissolve emotional pain. 


Physically, during digestion, your pancreas makes pancreatic juices called enzymes. These enzymes break down sugars, fats, and starches. Your pancreas also helps your digestive system by making hormones.

Metaphysically, pancreatic issues often result from feeling defeated, rejected, powerless, guilt, shame. not good enough and holding stress, trauma, betrayal, and feelings of “losing the sweetness in life”
This Alignment Will…

Optimize your pancreas’s ability to produce enzymes, and assist your digestive system. It will bring overall healing and balancing to your pancreas, as it dissolves the feelings of defeat, rejection, powerlessness, guilt, shame. not good enough and holding stress, trauma, betrayal, and feelings of “losing the sweetness in life”, bringing in what unconditional love feels like and renewing your passion for life.


A parasite is an organism that lives within or on a host. The parasite uses the host’s resources to sustain or energize itself, to feed off of. .There are energetic parasites, as well as physical parasites, and both can be draining, harmful and even fatal to the physical and energetic bodies. There are parasites that control the nervous system of the host that are able to modify a particular neural network, thereby controlling particular behaviors of the host. There are over 650,000 different parasites that can affect the human body, which can live in the blood, lymph system and vital organs of the body. More than 60 million Americans are infected with parasites. Parasitic energy can also be attracted in the form of people who drain our energy and our light.

This Alignment will…

Goes to the root causes of physical and energetic parasites, and clears them at the root. These include poor boundaries, fear of success and moving forward in life, feelings of being invaded, especially during and prior and immediately following birth, difficulty as a fetus in early stages of development, trauma in relationship with mother or mother figure, parasitic patterns taken on from the mother, belief systems that allow others to take advantage of them, and issues related to low self esteem and worthiness. This alignment is also clearing excess heavy metals from the body and balances the PH of the body.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower is a vine that produces blue, pink, and purple flowers. Passion Flower

Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Passion Flower Essence connects you to the frequency of Christ Consciousness, calms the nervous system (especially when entering into higher states of awareness), opens and expands the heart chakra, and strengthens the pituitary gland.


Trauma we have experienced in previous lifetimes or other timelines can affect every aspect of our life and being, including our relationship with self and others. This alignment unwinds trauma you have brought forward into your current reality that is creating suffering, pain and unwanted experiences. It also brings deep and profound healing into the relationships in your life that are being affected by past life trauma.

When giving or receiving this alignment, bring to mind a specific relationship, trauma or pattern you would like to receive healing on.


Pennyroyal is an annual plant with lavender or purple flowers. Pennyroyal Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Pennyroyal Flower Essence repels and unwinds negative thought forms, offers powerful protection from psychic attack,  strengthens the etheric body and is very beneficial for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and mental illness. It also increases and amplifies telepathic abilities. 


The frequency of Peppermint promotes clarity, is energizing yet soothing, uplifting, cleansing, cleanses your spiritual body and increases connection with your soul, increase intuitive awareness, clears fears around motion, releases resistance to learning something new or moving in a new direction, cools the mind and eases fear of the unknown. 

This alignment will…

Bring in clarity, cleanse your spiritual body and increase connection with your soul, increase intuitive awareness, clear fears around motion, release resistance to learning something new or moving in a new direction, cool mind, and eases fear of the unknown. 


As divine beings we are part of Creator’s definition of perfection, but we do not live in the energy of this truth. Most of us remain stuck in an endless quest for perfection in all that we are and all that we do in the world. This brings stress, shame, guilt, fear, blame, self-doubt and countless other experiences and emotions that hold us back from walking our soul path.

This Alignment Will…

Release the false ideas you have taken on about perfection as it brings in Creator’s definition and perspective on perfection. This alignment will also bring in deep knowledge and remembrance of your innate perfection. You will start to embrace the truth that you are already whole and perfect.

Persecution Release

We have all experienced some form of persecution at one time or another. Persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another individual or group. Religious, cultural, racial, and political persecution are just some forms this takes. 

This Alignment will…

Dissolve the trauma from experiencing all forms of persecution, across all timelines, and the trapped emotions, trauma and energetic signatures of that traumatic experience. 


Most people are familiar with the mythology of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. It symbolizes rebirth, eternity, and hope. This is the legend of the Huma (the”bird of paradise”) which is a Persian mythological bird. The Phoenix consumes itself in fire every few hundred years and then rises anew from the ashes. The Phoenix is compassionate and it is said to bring great fortune. It also merges both the masculine and feminine energies together in one body, each sharing a wing and a leg. There are many stories and symbols of Phoenix around the world, but the Phoenix rising is what this alignment is connected to.

This Alignment will….

Connect you to Phoenix and the ability to transform, to rise out of the ashes, to renew. When you are going through a period of transformation, this alignment will connect you to hope which brings strength to keep going and birth your new reality. It will also help balance your own divine masculine and feminine natures.


The frequency of the color pink brings in the energy frequencies of unconditional love, compassion, nurturing, peace, understanding, divine feminine energy, romance, affection, intimacy, thoughtfulness, caring, tenderness, empathy, sensitivity, hope, comfort, and sweetness.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of unconditional love, compassion, nurturing, peace, understanding, divine feminine energy, romance, affection, intimacy, thoughtfulness, caring, tenderness, empathy, sensitivity, hope, comfort, and sweetness.

Planetary Bodies

We are all born under a unique planetary configuration that, according to astrology, shapes our expression in the world, holds our potential, and our challenges. Some people experience more upheaval in their lives around certain planetary transits than others.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in a deeper acceptance of who you were born to be and what you came here to express, based on the time and location your soul chose to enter this earth plane. It also resolves traumas and beliefs that may contribute to upheaval in your life related to planetary transits, allowing you to move through these times with more ease.

Pleiadian Wisdom

Pleiades, home of the Pleiadians, is a group of brilliant stars in the constellation of Taurus, many light-years away from Earth. The Pleiadians are extraordinarily high vibrational Beings of Light who connected with our ancient ancestors’ thousands of years ago. They are re-connecting with us again at this time in human evolution as more and more people are ready to advance into higher realms of spiritual destiny.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in wisdom and support from the Pleiadians. With this Alignment, you may experience feeling more connected to the Pleiadians. You may sense, feel or even see them around you. This Alignment will also raise your consciousness to a very high level and bring in gifts and abilities you may have had in past Pleiadian lifetimes.


So many of us struggle with poverty in all its forms – love, money, health, time and so much more. We struggle with different aspects of our lives and unconsciously fall into an ongoing cycle of struggle and suffering that never seems to end. This is often a reflection and physical projection of unconscious oaths, vows, contracts, obligations and agreements we may have made in this or other lifetimes.

This Alignment Will…

Clear oaths, vows, contracts, obligations and agreements of poverty, debt, suffering, struggle, sickness, etc. It brings in the knowledge and understanding of learning and growing, and being close to God without needing to have or recreate these experiences.


Prehnite brings in inner peace, tranquility, and a union of the heart and will, to assist with acting on and through the heart. It helps dissolve anxiety and restlessness, It helps with spiritual discipline. It cleanses the emotional body and is beneficial to the lymphatic and urinary systems, digestive system, kidneys, adrenals, and gallbladder. It strengthens the solar plexus and heart and carries the Earth and Water elements. 

This Alignment Will…

Sooth and cleanse your emotional body and bring peace and tranquility, and bring your will into more union with your heart. It helps to strengthen your nervous system and your spiritual discipline and your intuitive and psychic abilities. It will bring healing to your lymphatic and urinary systems, digestive system, kidneys, adrenals, and gallbladder. 


Procrastination arises from the essence of unworthiness and fear that we are not capable of creating that which we desire. It creates a great deal of needless emotional suffering because we know – on a deeper level – that we are holding ourselves back from bringing our dreams to life.

This Alignment Will…

Clear beliefs and emotions as well as oaths, vows, and contracts are at the root of procrastination. It will also bring in motivation, inspiration and authentic self-worth so you understand and embody the truth that you are worthy of your desires and that you have everything you need to bring them into your reality.


The frequency of the color Purple brings in the energy frequencies of Imagination, spirituality, inspiration, higher ideals, expansion of awareness, higher consciousness, the harmony of mind and emotions, mental balance, stability, creativity, individuality, psychic and intuitive abilities, and selflessness. It bridges a link between spiritual and physical worlds. It Cleanses and Activates the Third eye chakra.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of Imagination, spirituality, inspiration, higher ideals, expansion of awareness, higher consciousness, the harmony of mind and emotions, mental balance, stability, creativity, individuality, psychic and intuitive abilities, and selflessness. It bridges a link between spiritual and physical worlds. It Cleanses and Activates the Third eye chakra.


Purpurite is a beautiful purple stone that carries the elements of Wind and Earth and has the ability to cleanse and open the crown and third eye chakras. It holds the frequency of the Violet Ray. It is a stone of initiation. It also helps the mind integrate information from the spirit realm. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist you in making a conscious connection with the spirit world and your guides, and in understanding and integrating the information you receive. It activates the crown chakra and the third eye. This alignment also brings in the energies of freedom and inspiration. It connects the heart and the mind, allowing for a deeper connection with the heart and mind of Creator.


We all have an invisible, energetic money ceiling – which is often represented by a specific number – that we cannot seem to get past no matter how hard we try. This invisible money ceiling is at work when we find ourselves falling back into debt again and again when we experience unexpected expenses that deplete our savings when we are unable to earn more despite doing what we can to increase our income and any other situation that keeps us within a specific range.

This Alignment Will…

Raise your money ceiling and abundance meter. It will allow you to “break through” your money ceiling, as it releases blocks that hold back the flow of income and money into your life. Every time you run this Alignment your money ceiling will rise incrementally. Special Note: When receiving this Alignment, it can be helpful to imagine a dial and turning this dial-up, or a ceiling rising up, or the level of thermostat rising up.

Raising Your Vibration

The higher we can consistently vibrate, the more light we can hold, and the more we are able to contribute to raising the collective frequency. 

This Alignment will…

Offer a potent combination of high frequencies to quickly raise your vibration and anchor in those frequencies so you can hold a higher vibratory state. This will quickly raise your mood and lift your spirits!


There are many things that can knock us “off-kilter”- from illness to low-frequency emotions, taking on other’s energies, disappointing, painful, or traumatic experiences, just to name a few. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring in a recalibration of your 4 body systems: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical bodies, including recalibrating your chakras, nervous system, meridians, and energetic bodies. 


The frequency of the color Red brings in the energy frequencies of enthusiasm, drive, energy, passion, pioneering, leadership. ambition, determination, awakens physical life force, drive, vitality, confidence, courage, and a strong will. It Cleanses and Activates the Root chakra.

This alignment will… 

Connect you with the frequencies of enthusiasm, drive, energy, passion, pioneering, leadership. ambition, determination, awakens physical life force, drive, vitality, confidence, courage, and a strong will. It Cleanses and Activates the Root chakra.

Regulating Metabolism

A good metabolic rate allows our body to process food and turn it into energy quickly and effectively which is why our weight is greatly affected by our metabolic rate. Regulating metabolism will help us manage our weight and effectively stave off additional weight.

This Alignment Will…

Release the beliefs, trapped emotions and chemical imbalances in your body that causes your metabolic rate to slow down. Will also help to regulate your overall metabolism for effective weight management.


Mushrooms remind us of what exists in the world of the unseen. Beneath our feet, there are hidden networks of mycelium —colonies that extend underneath the ground of our entire world. Mycelium* (the “root system” of the mushroom) creates a vast network of interaction and communication through which trees and other plants are able to communicate and send vital nutrients to each other through this mysterious and unique web. 

The Asian species of reishi is called Ling zhi, which means “spirit plant.” Reishi is cherished for its ability to nourish the heart and protect shen In ACM (Ancient Chinese Medicine), shen is the concept of a person’s individual soul, the consciousness held within the heart. 

A disconnection from, or disruption of, our shen (soul) can manifest in our lives as anxiety, depression, and difficulty concentrating. 

Reishi can help us nourish our shen (soul) so that we can begin to become aware of and interact with the Oneness of All…from our soul. 

Reishi is also a deep psychedelic (psychedelic by definition being  any substance that expands our consciousness)

Reishi is a Soul and Consciousness expander in every sense of the world. It has the ability to shift our perception of day-to-day reality.


Reishi mushrooms are an adaptogen – meaning they help the body in adapting to challenging conditions. They aid in relaxation and stress relief. They can also have the benefits of:

Immune Boosting, lowering blood sugar, aid in depression, anxiety, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, helping with sleep and insomnia, detoxifying the liver, among other health benefits! 

* Mycelium is the vegetative body for fungi that produce mushrooms- in comparison to a plant, mycelium is the root system and the mushroom is the flower.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the energy frequency and qualities of Reishi….Connect you on a deeper level to the spiritual, “unseen” world, strengthen your ability to connect with and anchor your soul into your body (embodiment). It will assist you in expanding your consciousness and knowing that you are a part of the Oneness of All. This alignment can help you shift out of lower vibratory states of being. 

It can also assist in relaxation, stress relief, memory enhancement, relieving depression, anxiety, sleep issues, boost your immune system, lower your blood sugar, reduce inflammation,and detoxify your liver,

Release and Shed

We can inherit, absorb and even create toxins within ourselves on the physical, mental and emotional levels. This often happens outside of our awareness and by the time we understand what’s going on, the toxins have already started to cause physical problems and illnesses ranging from mild to serious.

This Alignment Will…

Release and shed toxins, bacteria, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, excess fat and toxins from within fat cells, toxic emotions such as anger, resentment, regret, guilt, shame, despair, grief, and release oaths, vows, contracts, and curses to hold and carry these, across timelines, dimensions, space, and reality.


Radiation is all around us almost all the time. Radiation poisoning or radiation sickness happens when we experience an overexposure to radioactive substances. This is very harmful to our body and affects us on a cellular level. Some people experience symptoms such as loss of hair, nausea, extreme fatigue or mouth ulcers. Severe radiation exposure can cause cancer.

This Alignment Will…

Clear radiation that is held in your cells, cellular memory, DNA, nervous system, or organs. It also clears radiation in the fat cells or any other part of the body. This Alignment will easily, gently, and safely send this up to God’s Light to be cleared, healed and released for good.


We are constantly and consistently influenced, inspired, persuaded and motivated by other people’s feelings, wants, desires and needs, whether we want to be or not. This can create a great deal of pain and struggle as we try to meet or exceed other people’s expectations but seemingly “fall short.” Empaths, healers and spirituals are especially susceptible as they often feel personally responsible for other people’s happiness and outcomes.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the understanding of healing between Creator and each individual, and the understanding that each person has their own path in which they have their own unique lessons to learn. This will also disconnect and dissolve the hooks and cords you have to holding responsibility for anyone else’s emotions, expectations and outcomes.

Releasing Oaths, Vows, Contracts, Agreements and Obligations

This Alignment focuses on the energy of energetic oaths, vows, contracts, obligations and agreements that are no longer serving your highest good, or creating disharmony in your life, body or energy field. 

This Alignment Will…

Gently and powerfully release oaths, vows, contracts or obligations that are blocking the full expression of your Divinity, that you may have taken across all time, dimensions and realities,, or that you inherited in your DNA.


Toxins are poisonous chemicals that are present in a variety of everyday products such as food wraps as well environmental substances such as exhaust fumes from vehicles. These toxic chemicals can enter our system and cause all sorts of health conditions including chronic headaches, joint pain and fatigue. On an energetic level, toxins can also exist as negative beliefs and emotions that cause emotional challenges and struggles.

This Alignment Will…

Release toxins we are storing in our organs, including toxic beliefs and emotions. This Alignment also works to revive, revitalize and deeply heal your organs so they return to a healthy state and function at the highest level.

Religious Oppression

Rigid, severe or punishing religious principles can block us from awakening to the truth of who we truly are. Overly strict religious beliefs, rules and regulations can cause massive shock and trauma within, causing us to dim our light, live in fear and hold back from rising up to embrace our infinite selves and live our soul purpose

This Alignment Will…

Clear out shock and trauma from religious oppression through lifetimes and timelines, within our DNA and from The Collective, including shock and trauma held in our cells and cellular memory. This alignment also clears oaths, vows, contracts and agreements knowingly and unknowingly made with religious groups and organizations.

Renal​ ​System & Urinary​ ​System​

The movement and safe elimination of toxins and waste is as important as the absorption of nutrients into our body. A healthy renal and urinary system allows unwanted products and elements to be removed with ease.

 This Alignment Will…

Help to clean toxins and waste products from the blood and release them. This alignment brings balance to your kidneys and bladder, ureters, urethra, and the entire urinary tract, and bladder. It brings balance to the body’s internal environment, electrolytes, and the production of red blood cells. It also clears trapped emotions and beliefs around anger, judgment, resentment, and victimhood as it activates and brings in the ability to communicate with love, happiness, and joy.

Reproductive​ ​System​

Our body’s remarkable reproductive system is intricately powerful in its ability to bring together the right conditions to create and nurture new life. A robust reproductive system also produces important hormones for optimal health.

This Alignment Will…

Bring into balance the production, transportation, and continued production of eggs or sperm, and the ability to nurture the development of new life. The alignment brings into balance the ovaries, uterus, mammary glands (breasts), penis, and testes, and reproductive hormones. It opens up and balances the root and sacral chakras, clearing stored anger and trauma from sexual abuse. It also brings in the Creator’s definition of intimacy, and the ability to understand and be intimate, activating the ability to nurture and be nurtured, heard and understood, to receive love, and to have discernment that allows you to make choices that are in your highest and best good.


So many of us swing back and forth with weight loss and weight gain. Endless dieting and deep feelings of unworthiness around what we look like, contribute to this. Over time these shifts take a toll on our overall health, metabolic rate, and our ability to release weight and keep it off.

This Alignment Will…

Reset your metabolism, immune system, and weight set point to return to their optimal states. It will activate powerful light codes within you so you can hold this new vibrational frequency to support you in your journey to optimal weight and health.

Respiratory​ ​System​

Our respiratory system is literally the channel through which we breathe. It is the foundational,  physical channel of the breath that keeps us alive every moment of every day. A healthy respiratory system can bring a beautiful, peaceful sense of openness and balance to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experience. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring through the smooth, easy and graceful exchange of life-giving air between your cells and the environment. It also brings your trachea, lungs, nasal cavity, nostril, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, lungs, and diaphragm into balance. It clears negative emotions such as anger, fear, sorrow, pain, grief and trauma from emotional abuse. This alignment activates joy and compassion and it also activates and connects the master cells in the brain, heart, and the base of the spine.


We fall out of balance with ourselves on the mental, emotional and physical levels, all the time. This creates a deep, internal disconnect that can show up as irritability, mood swings, and feeling “off-center.” It also causes physical conditions and illnesses.

This Alignment Will…

Restore your body, emotions, and mental state so they are fully functioning at the highest and best level. This alignment will bring in the blueprint for your optimal state from your Higher Self.


Rhodochrosite brings about emotional healing, self-love, and compassion. It aids in self-healing particularly heart healing. It brings about courage and creativity and helps you align with the frequencies of love. Rhodochrosite balances the nervous system. It carries the Fire and Water elements and benefits the heart and solar plexus chakras. 

This Alignment Will…

Heal your heartbreak & heartache and emotional trauma, strengthen your ability to embody more self-love and compassion, connect you with your inner courage, and align you with love. It will clear and balance your nervous system (very beneficial for those who are holding trauma) and helps activate and open your heart and solar plexus. 


We take on and hold on to so many romantic oaths, vows, contracts, and obligations with our partners and so many of these do not support us. If we do not release them, they will continue to act as energetic blocks that will hold us back from experiencing true intimacy and lasting love, even lifetimes later.

This Alignment Will…

Release romantic oaths, vows, contracts, and obligations that are outdated or no longer serving us and marks the lessons we needed, downloaded, and complete so we are forever free of them. This Alignment also works to release vows of marriage from past marriages where were are still energetically “married” over many lifetimes and timelines.

Root Chakra Alignment

The Root Chakra is located at the base of our spine. A balanced Root Chakra allows us to find courage during difficult times. This Chakra is essentially our survival center. It is related to feelings of comfort, safety, and wellbeing. Trauma and fears inherited from our ancestors, from other lifetimes, and from our early childhood, in this lifetime, are often locked in our Root Chakra.

This Alignment Will…

Clear fear and trauma held in the Root Chakra from your time in the womb to age 5. This Alignment also clears ancestral trauma and fear inherited into the Root Chakra. It brings in the knowledge and understanding of deep safety as well as the energies of trust, feeling connected to family, feeling at home, feeling grounded, nourished, healthy, and prosperous.

Rose Alignment

The delicate rose symbolizes beauty and tenderness. It is the flower of love, purity, and sweetness. Roses are extremely high vibrational and rose essential oil vibrates at 320Hz which is the highest energy vibration of all known oils. 

This Alignment Will…

Immerse you in the beautiful, high vibrational energies of the rose. This Alignment will gently lift your spirits, bring you comfort and help you relieve depression, anger, grief, fear, nervous tension and stress.

Rose Colored Glasses

“Wearing Rose Colored Glasses” is seeing a person or situation only from the positive, which can allow us to be more optimistic (which is good!) OR it can cloud our judgement (which can be harmful)

This Alignment will…

Allow you to be optimistic WHILE using discernment and good judgement and to see the truth clearly the potential outcomes for choices you are presented with, including seeing the people in your life through the discernment of your Divine Aspect/ Source Connection. 

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz offers love, gentleness, emotional healing, and unity with the Divine. It is heart healing and helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma. Rose quartz helps bring the crown, third eye, and throat chakra bringing them into unity and alignment with the heart and carries the water element. 

This Alignment Will…

Bring an energetic soothing balm to your heart and your nervous system, helping you to love yourself and others more fully, helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and dense emotions. It will help you tap further into your own emotional body and release emotional trauma. 

Sacral Chakra Alignment

The Sacral Chakra is located in the pelvic area. A balanced Sacral Chakra allows us to experience full enjoyment and satisfaction in being human on the physical, mental and emotional levels. This Chakra is essentially our pleasure center. It is related to sensations, feelings, emotions, and creativity.

This Alignment Will…

Clear guilt and traumas of abuse including emotional, physical, mental, and sexual abuse as well as inherited trauma. This Alignment brings in the energies of creativity, movement, and transformation. It allows you to experience change, flow, and safety and to fully feel and experience your emotions, desires, and pleasures.


Many believe that they must experience sacrifice and struggle if they want to live life as a good person. Choices and decisions that support their own needs and desires are believed to be selfish and thoughtless. This is simply not true. Nurturing ourselves and making choices that make us happy are often the greatest acts of service and love we can do for others. When we are in the energy of love, self-care and nurturing we can create deep energetic shifts in other people just by being near them.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the belief you may be holding that you must sacrifice to live as a good person or sacrifice for any other reason. The Alignment also works on oaths, vows, agreements, and contracts and curses to live this way, feel this way, or believe this way. These will be sent to God’s Light to be forever cleared and resolved.


The frequency of Sage is uplifting, strengthens senses and vital centers of the metabolism, it enhances spiritual awareness, helps surrender to spirit and allow higher wisdom to guide, is protecting and comforting. It is good to use for cleansing your space and mental and emotional bodies. 

This alignment will…

Enhance spiritual awareness, assists to surrender to spirit and allow higher wisdom to guide, is protecting and comforting. Cleanses your space and mental and emotional bodies. 


Sage is a common perennial with blue, purple or white flowers. Sage Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Sage Flower Essence brings a connection with the collective consciousness of Lemuria, allowing you to access higher states of consciousness. It Aligns the mental and spiritual bodies, bringing in more embodiment of the soul. It is also healing to the digestive system and awakens the heart.


The frequency of Sandalwood brings deep relaxation, calming, grounding, awakens senses, allows for greater intuition and awareness especially when opening up to unconditional love, opens cellular memory of past life experience to allow for release, and acts as an aphrodisiac. 

This alignment will…

Bring deep relaxation, calming, grounding, awakens senses, allows for greater intuition and awareness especially when opening up to unconditional love, opens cellular memory of past life experience to allow for release, and acts as an aphrodisiac. 


Schisandra is a berry known in traditional Chinese medicine as the “five flavored fruit”, as it contains within it all flavors. Because of this, it is a powerfully balancing herb. It is used to quiet the spirit and calm the heart, as well as to tonify the body overall. 

Physically it is especially useful for the liver, the adrenals, the heart, and the kidneys. It is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body restore and maintain a healthy stress response. It’s also a powerful detoxifier, helping rid the body of all kinds of toxicity.  

This Alignment Will…


This stone embodies inner peace. It is an ideal stone to use in meditation or under your pillow while sleeping. It carries very interdimensional energy and can help you in communication with interdimensional beings. It helps bring about a constant invisible heart connection, so it is a great stone to offer to your lover. It awakens the higher mind and helps open the messages from the subconscious. It is an excellent stone for those who struggle with anxiety. It carries the Wind Element and works with the third eye and crown chakras. 

This Alignment Will…

Calm your mind and mental body, help you connect with and communicate with interdimensional and multidimensional beings, and access your subconscious. It will dissolve anxiety. This alignment can also create and enhance a beautiful heart-to-heart connection with your lover/romantic partner. 

Seeing with Your Third Eye

There was a time when we all had the incredible ability to see with our Third Eye. We were able to tap into the world of dreams, into consciousness that was beyond our own and to receive and interpret messages and important guidance from Beings of Light through visions. This ability has diminished but it has not disappeared. Reactivating Third Eye sight will give us the vision we need to own our psychic abilities and use it to heal, help and be of service. 

This Alignment Will…

Cleanse and activate your pineal gland and pituitary gland, allowing you to be able to see more clearly through your Third Eye, your mind’s eye. This Alignment also resolves oaths, vows and contracts to limit or suppress your psychic sight and clears trauma around having been punished or killed for using this innate ability. It will also heal any trauma you may have from witnessing disturbing things with your psychic eyes – multidimensionally. 

Self Doubt and Self Rejection

Trauma, especially when we are young, can create self doubt and rejection of self. This takes us away from Sovereignty and Love. 

This Alignment will…

Bring healing to your heart and emotional body, dissolving feelings of unworthiness, self rejection, self doubt, and self abandonment. This can dramatically improve patterns in your life where you are experiencing rejection, judgment and abandonment from other people, and ultimately bring you more solidly back into an understanding of the truth of how amazing you are in this now moment, and back into alignment with your own sovereignty and self love. 


So many are blind to the truth that we often sabotage our own efforts and hopes of creating a beautiful life of success and abundance, radiant health and meaningful relationships. This can create long-term energetic blocks because it is not possible to release that which you do not recognize.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the patterns of self-sabotage whether you are conscious of them or not. It also clears the reasons why you are sabotaging your relationships, success, abundance, and health. The Alignment will activate your ability to receive and create what you desire, without experiencing self-sabotage.


Seraphinite gets its name from the Seraphim, the Highest Order of Angels. It is a powerful crystal for connecting with and aligning your spiritual aspects. This is a very feminine stone that can help you connect to your own Divine feminine Nature (no matter what gender you identify as) It brings in an incredibly potent healing energy. Seraphinite carries the Storm and Earth Elements and balances all chakras. 

This Alignment will…

Help release dense emotions and replace them with joy. It will help you connect with the Angelic Realm, your own Divine Aspects, and your own Divine Feminine Nature. It is also beneficial in healing dis-ease in the body, including but not limited to cancer. It will also calm the mental and emotional bodies and aid in meditation. 

Serapis Bey

Serapis Bey is the Master of the 4th ray. He assists those who are ready with the ascension process. Serapis Bey was a high priest in the ascension temple on Atlantis. In Egypt, he was the architect of the Great Pyramid. He was embodied as the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III, the son of Thutmose IV and the great-grandson of Thutmose III, an incarnation of Kuthumi. He also incarnated as the Spartan king Leonidas. He brings forth the qualities and virtues of Purity, Discipline, Joy, and Ascension.

This alignment will…

Serapis Bey will assist you with the ascension process and bring forward the qualities and virtues of Purity, Discipline, Joy, and Ascension.


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that allows communication to happen between parts of the brain. It is also essential for communication between nerve cells. An imbalance in serotonin levels can cause major problems such as deep depression and anger issues.

This Alignment Will…

Balance serotonin to alleviate or improve depression and anger issues. It will also help to lift you up and create an overall sense of quiet joy and calm at the same time. Special note: Listening to this alignment daily can help alleviate depression, anxiety and anger issues.

Sexual Trauma and Abuse Release

So many people have experienced sexual trauma and abuse of some kind. In an attempt to protect ourselves, many of us block the memory of this trauma and abuse. Even though we may not consciously remember the act or acts of sexual abuse that we endured, the related trauma, negative beliefs and painful trapped emotions taken on, remain locked in our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies. This will block us from ever experiencing true joy, love, freedom and authentic self-worth.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the shock and trauma from sexual abuse, and the associated beliefs taken on as a result of that abuse. It also clears related trapped emotions such as shame, worthlessness, guilt, hatred, anger, and so on. This Alignment works on a very deep level on the Sacral Chakra, so you may feel a lot of energy moving in your physical body, in the area below your navel. As with all Alignments, this is working on all levels – current lifetime, past life, across timelines and dimensions, DNA and ancestry, and the Collective.

Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingams are oval-shaped stones that are found at the Narmada River in India, one of India’s seven holy sites. This stone represents both masculine and feminine, and the Cosmic Egg, from which all of creation is said to have emerged. It holds the elements of Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Storm. It promotes kundalini activation and is beneficial to all chakras. 

This Alignment Will…

Assist in Kundalini awakening and activation of all chakras. It will support you in breaking self-limiting patterns and habits. Your masculine and feminine will come into greater balance, harmony, and unity. It brings in the vibrations of oneness, unity, and devotion. 


The frequency of the color Silver brings in the energy frequencies of Illumination, reflection, divine feminine/moon energy, fluidity, intuition, clairvoyance, mental telepathy, restores equilibrium. It is soothing, calming, purifying, and balancing.  

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of Illumination, reflection, divine feminine/moon energy, fluidity, intuition, clairvoyance, mental telepathy, restores equilibrium. It is soothing, calming, purifying, and balancing.  

Skeletal System Alignment

The Skeletal System is the support of our physical body. It includes all of the bones and joints in the body. Each one of our 206 bones is an elaborate living organ that is made up of many cells, protein fibers, and minerals. The skeleton also protects the soft tissues that make up the rest of the body. Feeling supported and protected are emotional and belief issues of the skeletal system, as well as issues around trust. The skeletal system is directly connected to the crown chakra. 

This alignment will…

Align the bones of the body, reduce inflammation in the joints, soothe the nerves, and bring into balance the communication of the skeletal system with all parts of the body. It will clear any programs of untruth, distortion, lies, deception, hidden agendas, any implants and control devices in the skeletal system. This energy will cleanse, clear, and expand the crown chakra and attune each individual to the vibration of truth from their I AM, and bring in clarity and discernment.


We may not be conscious of it but so many of us have experienced some form of slavery in this lifetime or in other lifetimes. Slavery is also a reality that we can create for ourselves. Pushing ourselves to work harder, faster and to do more, being unforgiving of ourselves, “beating ourselves up” over mistakes and errors and feeling like we are unworthy of happiness and abundance, are forms of slavery.

This Alignment Will…

Clear the shock and trauma from lifetimes or timelines of slavery in any form. Clears oaths, vows and contracts connected to slavery, including slavery to money, to any group, organization, religion or individual, including ourselves. This alignment also releases and heals the energy imprints or patterns of slavery taken on from The Consciousness or in the DNA.


A good night’s sleep is a sacred gift you deserve to enjoy, every night of your life. But this beautiful gift is often set aside to give way for our hurried, fast-paced lives. This leads to long-term stress in the body, mind and soul. Then there are also those who are unable to fall asleep at night no matter how hard they try and this creates anxiety and even fear around falling asleep, which only makes things worse. Sometimes this fear is linked to vows, or oaths related to battling evil after the sun goes down.

This Alignment Will…

Clear worry and anxiety around sleep and not getting enough sleep. It also resolves the oaths and vows to have to battle evil in the night and balances melatonin and cortisol levels in the body to help the body fall into a deep, restful sleep.


Snake has served as a prominent symbol in many cultures and traditions, from a symbol of transformation and healing to a representation of the devil, to a healer. In many cultures, Snake is a symbol of sexual or creative energies and is associated with Kundalini. In Chinese astrology, Snake is associated with compassion, clairvoyance, and charm. In Egypt, Snake has been seen as a version of the Eye of Horus, or the sacred eye of Ra. Snake has also been seen as a symbol of death and rebirth, and a symbol of eternity. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Snake Medicine and Snake Spirit Guide to support you in transformation, rebirth, resurrection, initiation, and healing journeys. It will awaken sexual and creative energies and support a kundalini experience. 

Solar Plexus Chakra Alignment

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the area between the navel and solar plexus. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra allows us to feel authentic confidence and a strong sense of self-worth. This Chakra is essentially our power center. It is related to our self-esteem, self-discipline, willpower, and our sense of responsibility.

This Alignment Will…

Clear shame and the traumas of being shamed, being given too much or age-inappropriate responsibilities, physical abuse, being dominated, and any related, inherited emotions or trauma. This Alignment brings in the energies of true self-worth, self-love, and self-esteem as it amplifies your ability to stand in your power, be free and safe to be who you truly are, and enjoy full autonomy over your life.


We have a family we are born into and then we have another family – our Soul Family. These are the people who may not be related to you on a physical level but connected to you on a Soul Level and across many lifetimes. If you’ve ever experienced meeting someone for the very first time but feel like you’ve known them and loved them forever, you’ve probably met a member of your Soul Family!

This Alignment Will…

Connect you energetically to your Soul Family. After this Alignment you may have people in your Soul Family unexpectedly show up and start to play a significant role in your life. You may also have realizations of those already in your life who are part of your Soul Family.

Soul Fragment Retrieval

We’ve all experienced trauma in our lives. What we may not know is that traumatic events, situations and experiences can cause soul-level fragmentation. This essentially means we leave a piece of ourselves embedded with the trauma as a way to remember on a physical or energetic level so we can protect ourselves from ever having to go through something similar. However, this fragmentation will forever leave us feeling incomplete and unfulfilled.

This Alignment Will…

Call back your soul fragments, washed clean in God’s light, as it clears the trauma that caused the fragmentation to happen. This Alignment also gives you the divine comfort and knowledge that you are safe to be in your body and stay in your body.

Soul Star Chakra Alignment

Our Soul Star is the 2nd transcendent chakra located 12 inches above the head. Once our soul accepts its mission, this chakra is activated. The soul star holds every gift, talent, and spiritual achievement that’s been gained on the soul’s journey. Once this chakra is activated, a whole library of information becomes available. 

Our Soul Star also holds our individual soul mission for this lifetime. 

This Alignment Will…

Begin the activation of this chakra for those who are ready, or expand the connection for those whose Soul Star is already activated. It begins to unlock the entire library of individual Soul information and allows for this information to be stepped down into the mind and mental body so the information can be assimilated. 

Soul’s Blueprint

We have a Soul Blueprint that is there to guide us to our truest purpose. This sacred Blueprint works as an energetic map that allows us to connect with our Soul Path so we can stay aligned with our Soul Purpose, at all times. It acts as a beacon that lights our soul from within, helping us to chart a course past obstacles, challenges and missteps so we can consistently and confidently move forward in our quest for soulful actualization in this lifetime. 

This Alignment Will…

Download the blueprint from your Divine Aspect, through your OWN Source connection,, more fully aligning you with your Soul Path in this lifetime. You may experience a lot of energy moving, flowing and shifting during this process. This Alignment will help the right people, opportunities, experiences and knowledge to come into your awareness so you can do what you were born to do with ease. 

*Note: After experiencing this Alignment, pay special attention to your dreams as you may receive messages that will bring you further into alignment with your Soul Path.


When you are spiritually sovereign, you are in recognition of your own Divinity. You know this is the truest part of you, and you are able to embody your own Divinity. You live and act from this sacred part of yourself and become the human expression of the Divine. 

This alignment will….

Bring in the feeling of freedom, power, divinity, clears the illusions of the ego-self, releases attachments to others expectations, ideas and judgments, brings in the perspective and understanding from Source of yourself as a sovereign being. 

Spark of God Alignment

We are ALL Divine…we are all sparks of God. Sometimes we have just forgotten that we are so much more than these human bodies. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

This Alignment Will…

This alignment reminds you of who you actually are- Sparks of God! This will bring in the knowledge of your true self at this level and allow you to embody the Human expression of the Divine. 

Spiritual Detox

A physical detox releases toxins from the body. A spiritual detox does the same but on an energetic level. The truth is our days are full of experiences and interactions with people that are not in service or support of our highest purpose. These experiences leave behind negative “spiritual debris”. This can even happen during a healing session or experience where some of the trauma or pain that rises up to be cleared remains “stuck” on an energetic level.

This Alignment Will…

Clear and cleanse your Energy Field from negative spiritual debris – the emotions, energies and beliefs that are sometimes left behind after a healing, from being in crowded spaces or connecting with people who do not have our best interests at heart. This Alignment will bring you back to a state of purity and clean, clear energy, which will manifest on an emotional level as feeling calm, connected and centered. Special Note: This is a great Alignment to run after doing any type of entity work.


Spruce is an evergreen tree that is native to the Rocky Mountains that produces green or purple female cone-like flowers and yellow and red male flowers. Spruce Flower Essence primarily affects the physical body. 

This alignment, the energy of Spruce Flower Essence, helps to bond the etheric body closer to the physical body which is crucial in helping to prevent disease such as cancer from entering the physical body. It is also very supportive in all forms of detoxification. 

St Germain

St Germain is the master of the 7th ray. He is a  master alchemist, he initiates our soul’s ritual of transmutation through the violet flame. He was the high priest of the Violet Flame Temple in Atlantis. Saint Germain was embodied as the prophet Samuel,  More recently, Saint Germain incarnated as Christopher Columbus and, in his final lifetime, Sir Francis Bacon. He holds the qualities and virtues of Freedom, Justice, Mercy, Diplomacy, and Transmutation and holds the keys to Alchemy and Sacred Ritual. 

This alignment will…

St Germain will connect you to the Violet Flame for transmutation and bring forward the qualities and virtues of Freedom, Justice, Mercy, Diplomacy, and Transmutation and holds the keys to Alchemy and Sacred Ritual. 

St John’s Wort

St John’s Wort is a perennial shrub with bright yellow flowers. St John Wort Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of St Johnswort Flower Essence, is beneficial in releasing fear and paranoia by helping to separate the emotional and mental bodies, to separate mental constructs and emotional feelings. It is also supportive for the mental body and Improves memory. 

Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine is a vine native to Japan and China that produces fragrant white flowers. Star Jasmine Flower Essence primarily affects the physical body. 

This alignment, the energy of Jasmine / Star Jasmine Essence is supportive for the respiratory system, especially with congestion. It acts as an energetic stimulant, giving energy. It also activates and enhances the “God Spark” in the heart (with is connected to the “eternal soul”) 


Cosmologist and astrophysicist Carl Sagan said, “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the Universe to know itself” and this is absolutely true. In our human existence, it is important to remember who we truly are and to bring all of ourselves to every part of our lives. 

This Alignment Will….

Strengthen your connection to ALL That Is. It will call back all of the parts of you- the stardust- that has been scattered throughout time and space so you can feel strong, whole and authentic as you move through the world .

Stellar Gateway Chakra Alignment

Our Stellar Gateway, one of the higher dimensional chakras, is the 3rd transversal chakra located about 18-24 inches above the head. The purpose of the stellar gateway is to connect our soul to our physical body through our original Source…the origin of our Soul (for many, the star or planet where their soul originates from)  

This Alignment Will…

Begins the activation of this chakra for those who are ready, or expands the connection for those whose Stellar Gateway is already activated. It opens more fully the flow of information that is stepped down through our own Source connection through this chakra.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle has small greenish flowers and the plant is covered in stinging “hairs” Stinging Nettle Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Stinging Nettle Flower Essence, eases emotional distress (especially within the home or family unit), stimulates digestion, heals urinary tract issues, and balances the kidneys, lungs, and nervous system. It also supports the forming of new positive thought forms so will be very beneficial when bringing in energetic downloads.


We often have embedded beliefs, oaths or vows that tell us we must give up a lot to gain a lot. We experience strong resistance to success without sacrifice because we simply don’t believe it can happen. Nothing could be further from the truth. Extraordinary success can come to us with ease, and grace in ways that are beyond our imagination, when we release all resistance such as oaths and vows that compel us to believe otherwise.

This Alignment Will…

Eliminates resistance including beliefs, oaths and vows that have us living with the expectation and creating a reality where immense sacrifice is needed for success to happen. It also gives us the true knowledge and understanding of success, what it feels like, and that we are worthy of it, just by being who we are.


Sunflower is a tall annual plant native to Mexico and Peru, with large yellow flowers. Sunflower Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of SunflowerFlower Essence offers a connection with Lemuria, Atlantis, and Ancient Egypt. It balances masculine energies, particularly “masculine ego”. It awakens kundalini and assists in organizing the mental body and the mind. Sunflower brings in the powerful divine masculine frequency of sunlight.



We are often unaware of the harmful tension and tightness we hold in our bodies and so we ignore mild pains or aches until they become far more serious. Tension isn’t always caused by physical stress. It can also arise from emotional pain and trauma.

This Alignment Will…

Clear tension held in your body, including the beliefs, emotions, trauma and experiences that are behind the tension. It brings in the ability to relax, as well as the energy of true peace.

The Worst Vice is Advice

Many people have great difficulty making decisions without asking for and listening to everyone else’s insights and input. This only causes increased chaos and confusion in our hearts and minds as our own needs, wants and desires become buried in a sea of other people’s beliefs, opinions and advice.

This Alignment Will…

Guide you to connect with and strengthen your own inner voice of wisdom from your Higher Self, through your own Source connection.  It resolves the need to listen to everyone else besides yourself and brings in self-trust, and releases self-doubt. It will also give you the ability to receive messages from your Higher Self, Source and your Divine Guidance Team with clarity.

Third Eye Chakra Alignment

The Third Eye Chakra is located above the brow, in the center of the forehead. A balanced Third Eye Chakra allows us to clearly see that which is important for our spiritual evolution and which may be visible or invisible to our physical eyes. This Chakra is essentially our center of spiritual vision. It is related to self-reflection and our ability to connect with our intuition, and inner vision to recognize and understand spiritual truth.

This Alignment Will…

Clear illusion and traumas connected to the painful mismatch and disconnect that happens when what you are told does not match what you see or experience. This Alignment also clears invalidation of your intuition or spiritual gifts or being told that your gifts are wrong or evil delusions, or obsessions. It brings in the energies of imagination, intuition, insight, personal identity, clarity, being open to wisdom, and powerful, focused manifestation to bring your dreams to life.

Throat Chakra Alignment

The Throat Chakra is located at the center of the neck, in the area of the throat. A balanced Throat Chakra allows us to speak our truth and express ourselves without fear. This Chakra is essentially our center of expression. It is related to knowledge without boundaries, true communication, creative expression, and honest, authentic speech.

This Alignment Will…

Clear lies and traumas caused by mixed messages, verbal abuse, excessive criticism, damaging secrets, or having to hold secrets, and messages or instructions to “not talk, not trust, not feel.” This Alignment also clears fears of speaking up and speaking the truth, difficulty or inability to express feelings, and the inability to listen. It will allow you to communicate easily, channel your creativity, listen with love and kindness, find your true voice, and speak your truth.


Thyme is a common herb plant with small blue-purple flowers. Thyme Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Thyme Flower Essence, brings a higher understanding of TIME and a connection to Lemuria. It speeds up healing by accelerating time (and can be supportive in bending time) It is a helpful ally in ritual and in accessing past life energies.


We have invisible, energetic ties that connect and bind us to countless people, places, things and experiences we have had in this lifetime and in other lifetimes. These invisible ties are sometimes harmful for our well-being. They may create beliefs, emotions, thought patterns and other energies that hold us back from being who we are and going for what we desire.

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve outdated, unnecessary and harmful ties to people, places, and organizations including religions, governments, and groups. It will also dissolve and release you from being tied to negative entities and beings that have attached themselves to you.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye promotes vitality, mental clarity  and physical action. It balances the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. It is connected to the Golden Ray and brings in the frequency of Christ Consciousness. It is a stone of balance. It carries the Fire and Earth elements. 

This alignment will….

Bring the vibration of full-spectrum light into your body, strengthening your energy field. It offers physical and emotional strength and mental clarity. It brings harmony to the kidneys, lungs, intestines and pancreas, and balances the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. It helps in manifestation by bringing desires into the physical reality. This alignment is very grounding and centering. 

Trauma Disconnect

When we experience or observe a traumatic event, our entire being is immersed in the energy of it. Trauma is a sharp, shocking energy that can penetrate many layers of our being. This is why trauma can remain in our energy even lifetimes after the traumatic incident happened.

This Alignment Will…

Clear trauma being held in the cells, the cellular memory, chakras, DNA, nervous system, energy body, emotional body, physical body and on a soul level. It will replace trauma with Creator’s infinite healing and unconditional love.


This series of alignments goes deep into dissolving specific times of trauma, and healing the relationships with other people, and with aspects of ourselves that experienced these traumas, releasing trapped emotions, clearing the trauma, cellular memories, energetic signatures and the patterns and belief systems that were a result of the trauma. These multifaceted, multidimensional Alignments bring in deep and profound healing. And a remembrance of who you are at a soul level without the impact of these traumas.


We were created in the energy of true abundance. We live in the energy of true abundance. And so, when we become aware of this and accept this on a soul level, we have the power to access true abundance in all its forms – time, health, money, love – and bring it through into our lives at any time.

This Alignment Will…

Connect and align you with the energy of true abundance. It will bring in full awareness that there are many forms of abundance, and it will give you the knowledge and understanding that abundance is truly your birthright, as it is with everyone.

True Freedom

So many of us believe that specific situations, people or circumstances are blocking our freedom. This causes us to hold back from living in line with our true purpose and being who we truly are and in this way, true freedom will forever remain out of reach.

This Alignment Will…

Clear and resolve beliefs and blocks around believing that we cannot experience true freedom because of specific situations, people or circumstances. This Alignment brings in the energy of true freedom, that you are worthy, safe and allowed to experience true freedom.

Truth and Trust

Truth and trust are extraordinarily important foundational elements for our health, happiness and success. When we lack the ability to understand or connect with our truth and when we are unable to trust ourselves and others who can support us, life becomes deeply difficult, and exhausting.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the ability to discern truth, including your own truth, and to know who to trust, and most importantly how to trust yourself. This Alignment also clears beliefs, emotions and experiences that caused you to turn away from hearing and understanding truth, and trusting your abilities. 

Tuning Fork of the Skeletal System Journey:

From the crown chakra send up a beam of light through the causal, soul star, and stellar gateway, all the way up into the center of the Great Central Sun. Connect in with the pure golden liquid light there and begin to draw that light back down, through the stellar gateway, soul star, causal, and into the crown. Allow that light to fill the crown chakra and begin pouring this liquid golden light into each and every bone all the way down into the bones of the feet, seeing the hollow bones filled with this golden light and all bone marrow being infused with this liquid golden light. From the bottoms of the feet, sending cords of light into the earth star chakra and one cord of light from the earth star into the crystalline core of Gaia, forming an antenna from the skeletal system into the crystalline core of Gaia. Draw that crystalline energy back up, through all the bones of the body, to the crown, sending an antenna up from the crown, through the causal, soul star, and stellar gateway, all the way up into the center of the Great Central Sun. Anchor the antenna into the Great Central Sun. The skeletal system is now a perfectly tuned “tuning fork” for each individual. 


The frequency of the color Turquoise brings in the energy frequencies of open communication and clarity of thought, heart connections, emotionally healing, calmness, self-sufficiency, recharging your spirit, alleviating loneliness, allowing for deep inner healing.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of open communication and clarity of thought, heart connections, emotionally healing, calmness, self-sufficiency, recharging your spirit, alleviating loneliness, allowing for deep inner healing.


Turquoise is thought to be the longest-used gemstone, with beads dating back to 5000 BC being found in Iraq. Turquoise assists us in finding wholeness and truth. It harmonizes the throat chakra and aids in communication. It combines the elements of Water, Wind, Fire and Earth, thereby containing the potency of the Storm element. 

This alignment will…

Connect you with the wisdom that comes through life experience. It will remind you that you ARE whole and complete and bring about self-forgiveness and self-acceptance. It will strengthen and bring harmony and balance to your throat chakra, allowing you to speak your truth with clarity. 


A lot of symbolism is associated with Turtle. In Hindu mythology, the earth is supported by four elephants standing on the back of a turtle. The Hindu deity Vishnu was reincarnated as the turtle Kachhapa that carried the weight of the world on its back. In the Far East, Turtle shell was a symbol of Heaven. In Nigeria, Turtle is symbolic of sexuality. To Native Americans, Turtle is seen as the Divine Mother, the personification of the Goddess. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Turtle Medicine and Turtle Spirit Guide to support your Awakening process, bringing in the energy of longevity and creativity and uniting heaven and earth. It is also connecting you with Gaia and is very grounding.  


Unicorns are 7th Dimensional beings who help us connect with Divine Wisdom, our own Intuition, and bring deep magic into our lives. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you to Unicorn to help open up and expand your third eye and intuitive abilities, to bring magic into your life, and to facilitate all types of healing. 

Unplug from Lack

Lack is an energy. It can present or materialize in physical form as financial lack, lack in love, in joy, in abundance, in health and on and on. The energy of lack is deeply intertwined with the energies of unworthiness and of struggle.

This Alignment Will…

Unhook and unplug you from the energies of lack, unworthiness, and struggle. It resolves hooks, cords, attachments, and curses you may have to this energy. It resolves oaths, vows, contracts, and agreements taken in any lifetime or timeline that attract lack, poverty, struggle, suffering. This Alignment also releases curses – including genetic curses – that tie you to the experience of lack, poverty, struggle, and suffering.

Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that emanate from the brain. It transmits information to or from the surface of the brain to tissues and organs elsewhere in the body. The Vagus Nerve helps regulate most of our bodily functions necessary for optimal health and emotional wellbeing. It is also an essential part of the Brain-Gut connection. An optimally functioning Vagus nerve will provide optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. 

This Alignment Will…

Help to optimize the Vagus Nerve, leading to a decrease in depression, anxiety, PTSD symptoms, digestive issues, potentially a decrease in autism symptoms, and activate a more effective communication between the brain and the gut, elevate the state of emotional and mental wellbeing, increase immune response, and balance heart rate and blood pressure. 


The frequency of Vetiver is grounding, earthy, calming, balancing, helps release emotional trauma, and strengthens your connection to nature and nature spirits. 

This alignment will…

Assist with grounding, it is calming, balancing, helps release emotional trauma, and strengthens your connection to nature and nature spirits. 


Viruses are living beings, entities that hold their own beliefs. The velcro that viruses often attach to is unworthiness feelings and beliefs.

This Alignment Will…

Release the viruses your body is holding onto, including the emotions, beliefs and patterns that are acting as the velcro to attract and allow the virus to attach. This will clear from the virus as well as you.


Standing strong and feeling unafraid and confident to show your authentic self to the world is an extraordinarily important element for business success. When you are afraid to be seen – to be visible – you are hiding and suppressing your full energetic power and potential. This will hold you back from achieving your highest vision for your business.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in the truth of who you truly are on a soul level. This will allow you to show up and be visible as your authentic self, free from fear, guilt, shame, judgment, and feelings of unworthiness. This Alignment will also help you open up and channel your full energy out into the world so you can rise up with grace and achieve your highest vision for your business.


When we have an adequate amount of vitality, we feel ALIVE, vivacious, exuberant, passionate. Vital energy is known by Hindus as prana. The Hebrew name for “vital energy” is ruah. The Chinese call chi or Qi. 

This Alignment Will…

Activate your innate vitality, bringing in passion, exuberance, joy, and life force. It is working with your etheric body to dissolve discordant energy in your etheric body and bring more light into your etheric body which will enhance your physical vitality. 


The right amount of nutrients are crucial for our health and wellbeing but there are many factors that can stop us from receiving what we need. The food we eat often contains less than we need or our bodies could be blocked from absorbing nutrients for various reasons. This leads to all sorts of health issues and challenges that can continue for years, decades or even our entire lifetime.

This Alignment Will…

Balance your body’s ability to absorb and use nutrients including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. This alignment is excellent to run on your food, before eating, and on your supplements. It also neutralizes hidden toxins and dangerous chemicals, “bad fats” GMOs, and negative nutrients. Special Note: This is not a free pass to eat junk food or foods that are low in healthy nutrients. Energetic and spiritual work must always be supported with your positive clear intention and supportive action for desired results.

Weight as Shield

Holding on to more weight than we need to is usually a sign that we feel exposed, afraid, and threatened in some way – even if this feeling is completely unconscious. We then use the additional weight to symbolically protect ourselves from harm or emotional and physical attack or abuse. Sometimes this need to “hold on” to weight is brought on because we have unknowingly taken on other people’s worries and fears

This Alignment Will…

Release the experiences, trauma, and beliefs that are causing us to hold on to additional weight as a shield, including things we have taken on from others. This Alignment replaces this shield of weight with a shield of Divine Light that emanates unconditional love and sacred protection on all levels.


It has been said that Whale carries the history of Mother Earth and was originally placed here by Sirians. Whale is a record keeper. Some biologists believe Whale originally lived on land, and in tribal legend, Whale moved to the ocean when Lemuria sank under the sea.. I was greeted by several whales close to shore in Maui on the day I first taught Sacred Soul Alignment. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Whale Medicine and Whale Spirit Guide to bring in the energies of Creation, resurrection, ancient wisdom, emotional health, and amplify your clairaudience. The whale will help you navigate the Inner Depths of your being. 


The frequency of the color White brings in the energy frequencies of purity, innocence, wholeness, completion, new beginnings, equality, openness, growth, protection, encouragement, inner cleansing, and purifying. It Cleanses and Activates the Crown chakra.

This alignment will..

Connect you with the frequencies of purity, innocence, wholeness, completion, new beginnings, equality, openness, growth, protection, encouragement, inner cleansing, and purifying. It Cleanses and Activates the Crown chakra.

White Angelica

The frequency of White Angelica supports emotional release and releases negative emotions of greed, loneliness, rejection and shame. It brings in spiritual strength and protection, increases feelings of emotional safety

This alignment will…

Support emotional release and releases negative emotions of greed, loneliness, rejection, and shame. It brings in spiritual strength and protection, increases feelings of emotional safety, 

White Seamless Suit

Healers are highly sensitive, and often empathic, souls. We can often pick up dense, negative energies such as emotional stress, pain, heartache, anger and difficult experiences from others, taking them on as our own. This is energetically draining and can cause fear and resistance to living and working as a healer. An energetic “White Seamless Suit” provides the ultimate protection from negative energies so we can feel safe, centered and calm at all times.

This Alignment Will…

Generate an energetic White Seamless Suit around your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. If you are in a location or situation where several layers of this suit are needed (e.g. if you happen to be in a crowd or are working with many deeply traumatized people) you will automatically receive as many layers as you need when invoking this Alignment. It is recommended that you run this Alignment at least once every day.

Wide​ ​Awake

Spiritual awakening can be physically and emotionally challenging, often bringing up deeply embedded hidden hurts and pain to be cleansed and released. This is often known as a “healing crisis” and many healers and those being healed resist moving into the next step on their soul path for fear of experiencing a difficult or painful healing crisis.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in high level energetic support to strengthen and expand the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to allow graceful and painless spiritual awakening. Wide Awake also brings in unique Light Codes to support the structural changes that happen in the physical body during transformational spiritual upgrades. With this alignment, people who experience headaches, flu and cold symptoms, or who go through emotional overwhelm and exhaustion will find that these symptoms are much less or nonexistent, even when processing exceptionally powerful healings.

Willpower, Motivation, Determination

We all desire more willpower, motivation and determination to achieve our aspirations. These powerful emotions energetically fuel our purpose and give us the strength and courage we need to overcome any and all obstacles that hold us back from creating our dream life.

This Alignment Will…

Strengthen and intensify your willpower, determination and motivation. This is perfect for anyone who is heading towards a significant goal in their life. It is also great for athletes, and people who are making life-changing transformations and positive changes such as adopting a wonderful new healthy lifestyle or diet.

Wisdom of the Trees

Gaia expresses her knowledge and ancient wisdom throughout nature. It can be found in every grain of sand and every blade of grass when we know how to listen. The trees all around us are virtually buzzing with this wisdom. I received this Alignment while I was surrounded by the massive, ancient trees in the beautiful Grove of the Patriarchs in Rainier National Forest.

This Alignment Will…

Bring you the ancient knowledge and wisdom from trees that have been living here on earth for thousands and thousands of years. You will easily connect with this ancient wisdom, which will also bring you great clarity and the kind of deep peace that you can find in the quiet stillness of a beautiful forest at dawn.


Wolf Medicine and Wolf  Spirit Guide are supportive for working in and with groups, leadership roles, mentorship roles, teaching, accessing and anchoring reliability and loyalty, mental abilities, free-spiritedness, ritual, wordless communication including eye contact and body language, self-assuredness, confidence expression, intelligence, trusting own guidance, psychic insight, taking control of your own life. 

This Alignment will…

Connect you with Wolf Medicine and Wolf Spirit Guide to assist you with working in groups, stepping into leadership roles, mentorship roles, and teaching. Activating reliability and loyalty, mental abilities, free-spiritedness, ritual, wordless communication including eye contact and body language, self-assuredness, confidence expression, intelligence, trusting your own guidance, psychic insight, taking control of your own life. 



Yarrow is a perennial herb with small white or pink flowers. Yarrow Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Yarrow Flower Essence offers protection especially (but not limited to) protection from radiation and negative emotions. It enhances and strengthens the aura and balances the meridians.


The frequency of the color Yellow brings in the energy frequencies of wisdom, clarity, high vibrational energy, positive self-esteem, optimism, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, fun, confidence, originality, and creativity. It Cleanses and Activates the Solar plexus chakra.

This alignment will…

Connect you with the frequencies of wisdom, clarity, high vibrational energy, positive self-esteem, optimism, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, fun, confidence, originality, and creativity. It Cleanses and Activates the Solar plexus chakra.

Ylang Ylang

The frequency of Ylang Ylang is calming, relaxing acts as an aphrodisiac balances male and female energy, releases negative emotions of anger, possessiveness, and low self-esteem activates positive emotions such as confidence, self-love, and spiritual awareness, helps you when you are spiritually or physically drained, and brings the body,  mind, and spirit into alignment.

This alignment will…

Act as an aphrodisiac, balances male and female energy, releases negative emotions of anger, possessiveness and low self-esteem activates positive emotions such as confidence, self-love, and spiritual awareness, helps you when you are spiritually or physically drained, and brings the body,  mind and spirit into alignment. 


We are all familiar with the phrase, “you can’t have it all.” This phrase is often used to soothe and console those who are struggling with or facing a difficulty or challenge in one or two aspects of their lives while enjoying happiness and success in other areas. While often uttered with good intentions, it is completely false. Releasing any and all related fears that support this false belief will set you free to finally experience what it means to have it all.

This Alignment Will…

Brings in the knowledge, understanding, and perspective that you can have it all. It clears fears about having to choose, about losing one thing in order to have another – such as losing love to experience wealth. This Alignment also brings in what it feels like to have it all, that you are worthy and safe to have it all as it clears fears of external judgment, punishment, and jealousy others may have around you have it all.

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