Learn The Sacred Art of Encoding the Energy of Conscious Wealth in All Aspects of Your Being

You Can Register for $97


Get The Wealth Codes for FREE! (scroll down this page)

How about being able to live each day knowing you’ll never run out of love, joy, money, vitality, and everything else your heart longs for? 

Most of us desire to experience true wealth in all aspects of life. 

We yearn to be rich in love, in money, in happiness, in health, in fulfillment at work, and more.

But here’s what I’ve found to be true in my own life and it’s what I’ve learned is true from teaching and healing thousands of people through the years…

When you have no idea what the energy of wealth feels like in your body, mind and spirit, it’s almost impossible to open to a continuous and consistent experience of wealth in your life.


The Wealth Codes

Experience an Ongoing Flow of Prosperity, Abundance and Outrageous Good Fortune

The Wealth Codes is a remarkably transformational healing and manifesting masterclass where you will experience the sacred art of aligning with the high vibrational energy of conscious wealth. 

This is the ONLY healing and wealth masterclass of its kind and it is the first customizable experience I’ve ever created! 

During our time together you will receive secret instructions to create your unique, personal healing and manifesting Sacred Soul Symbol for Wealth to call in riches and abundance in all its forms including:

Unconditional love

Outrageous good fortune

Deep healing and release from past pain

Radiant vitality in the body, mind & spirit

Heart-centered fulfillment in your personal and work life

Rich, supportive friendships, family and romantic relationships & more

Your personal Sacred Soul Symbol for Wealth will act as your guiding light, your North Star and your healing tool for the days, months and years ahead as you continue to expand your energy to align and receive both tangible and intangible forms of wealth in your life.

When You Join The Wealth Codes
You Will:


    Finally recognize and align with the energy of conscious wealth even if you’ve never experienced it before


    Download and install the Wealth Codes so you can be fully aligned with the energy of wealth and consistently remain  in “wealth manifesting and creation” mode


    Discover in-the-moment tools you can use to align with the frequency and energy of wealth even when you’re feeling disconnected and distanced from it


    Activate your personal Wealth Vortex which is an energetic structure that accelerates your intentions and desires for prosperity from the intangible into the tangible


    Understand exactly how to uncover your hidden limiting stories about what it means to be wealthy in all aspects of your life


    Receive deep healings and release blocks and resistance to the energy of wealth with the Sacred Soul Alignments, Sacred Soul Symbols and Sacred Light Tools & Technologies 

    FREE BONUS GIFT #1: Exclusive access to a never-before-released guided meditation to discover your personal Sacred Soul Symbol for Wealth

    FREE BONUS GIFT #2  Guided, pre-call downloadables to identify your deepest most powerful intentions for wealth and uncover your personal wealth “trigger statement” or manifesto. 


    Date: 16th September 2022

    Time: 11am PT / 2pm ET / 7pm UK


    We’ll meet on Zoom. You’ll receive a private Zoom link via email when you sign up.

    (You’ll also receive a recording of the entire class so you can access this class anytime!)



    Right now, you can join The Wealth Codes Masterclass on its own for $97 OR you can get it for FREE when you join in a powerful healing and transformational experience unlike anything I’ve ever shared before (and I’m guessing you’ve never seen anything like it!)

    Sacred Soul Experience is a year-long container of healing magic and miracles where I’ll share 

    In-the-moment wisdom and healings 

    Brand new sacred technologies and techniques

    Personal go-to healing tools I don’t share anywhere else

    Never-before-released co-creation and manifesting tools and more

    We will come together in a community with kindred spirits from around the world — people who desire and dream of creating more love, abundance, freedom, happiness and empowerment and healing in the world.

    I’m calling this the Sacred Soul Experience and you’re invited to join as one of the founding members!

    Your Unique Sacred Soul Experience Includes:


    These are one-of-a-kind classes and healing experiences you won’t find outside this container. Themes and topics we’ll be dive into include

    • Accessing hidden spiritual gifts such as psychic and intuitive abilities, healing and creative skills, and more 
    • Clearing energetic and physical clutter so you can invite powerful, supportive energies that bring you your heart’s desires
    • Finally releasing excess weight so you can look and feel better than you have in years (or maybe ever!)
    • Dissolving ancestral trauma and patterns that keep you stuck in ways that don’t serve you, including work situations, financial challenges like debt, painful addictions and more 
    • Healing current relationships that leave you drained and disillusioned and making space for loving, nurturing relationships that align with who you truly are
    • How to expertly set up protection and manifesting technologies in your home (this will totally change the vibrational frequency in your living environment!)
    • Amplifying and expanding physical health, strength & vitality while optimizing your immune system…and so much more!!!



    Sacred Soul Symbols are sacred technologies that have been coming in for me since March 2021. I’ll show you how to work with them to manifest your desires, release limiting beliefs, heal past pain and trauma and more. Sacred Soul Symbols are available ONLY inside the Sacred Soul Experience. 

    Examples: The Shield of Sovereignty Symbol provides protection, strengthens personal boundaries and while creating a sense of wholeness and sovereignty. 


    This incredibly versatile technology works to clear and dissolve discordant energies and patterns across all layers and levels of time and dimensions, dissolving throughout the ancestral lines, within the Soul Records (Akash) and across time. This technology also brings in and activates for you what you are ready to receive from a soul level for activation of gifts, abilities, and co-creations in the physical realm.

    The Illuminate & Create Symbol holds your intentions, anchors them into the physical, while sending signals out into the Universe to draw your desires into your physical reality.


    I’ll be closing some of my other Facebook communities so I can create space, time and energy to focus on the Sacred Soul Experience community on Facebook.This is going to be the BEST place to connect directly with me and it’s almost like having a personal healing session (minus the price tag!). I want this to be the most loving, transformational and fun space and so I’ll be sharing unique pop-up healing classes, Oracle Card Readings, Soul Guidance Readings plus surprise discounts & freebies along the way!

    This is just a taste of what you can expect in this year-long sacred container! I’ll be sharing my personal journey ONLY with Sacred Soul Experience participants (or Sacred Soul Insiders :-)).  This is a creative, inspired, transformational healing space full of gifts and in-the-moment magic. Whenever I allow myself to be guided in this way, astonishing transformations happen — always!


    Standalone Masterclass


    Wealth Codes Only

    One Time Payment 


    Best Value!


    Get The Wealth Codes FREE +  Year-Long Sacred Soul Experience

    One Time Payment 

    $444 (enjoy 2 months free!)

    Monthly Payment


    Get the Wealth Codes FREE + Join Monthly Sacred Soul Experience 

    12 x Monthly payments

    $44 per month

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