previously Day 1, 2 and 3 experienced a lot of yawning and very sleepy. Day 4 again a lot of yawning but energized. However, I experienced unusual eyepatch. and noted weird colors, and shapes,but not specific shapes.A bit crazy.
feeling so at peace I’ve been doing the meditation with my eyes closed as well as open and have been seeing the symbols in my third eye moving. I guess a form of pineal induction. thank you so much
The video was exquisite. I have been using your heart breath meditation daily for a few years and the visuals were grounding and extraordinary. I was glued to the screen and loved all of it. The moving symbols was so cool. I have new visuals now when I do the meditations. Thank you, so much love!
I have not received any emails but have received text messages :o! I did register but I’m wondering if I accidentally typed in the incorrect email. Thank you so much :)!
Very moving and inspirational
Have a great time tonight!!! Can’t be live with you. It are powerful sessions so far! Thank you, much love and gratitude from Elly
previously Day 1, 2 and 3 experienced a lot of yawning and very sleepy. Day 4 again a lot of yawning but energized. However, I experienced unusual eyepatch. and noted weird colors, and shapes,but not specific shapes.A bit crazy.
I like your new platform. This is just what I need. Love the activatedsymbols.
feeling so at peace I’ve been doing the meditation with my eyes closed as well as open and have been seeing the symbols in my third eye moving. I guess a form of pineal induction. thank you so much
Intention is staying calm around other people upsets. Being able to shift from anxiety/depression to a higher state more easily
Thank you ❤️✨
I couldn’t make live yesterday. Not receiving e-mails, but getting text messages.
thank you so much. Love the Video’s. Symbols are very powerful when I use them.
could not connect with the zoom call ..I am sad,
Loving this! Thank you so much Elysia! So much is happening within, all beautiful ❤️
Thank you so much! 🙏💗
This was beautiful
Hello, trying to see the replay for Feb.3rd. The link for replay isn’t working. Do I need to wait until tomorrow?
you can see the replay here
I could see the technologies moving . It was very amazing. Thank you
love that Trinia!
Amazing!! The symbols moved! Got cold.
The video was exquisite. I have been using your heart breath meditation daily for a few years and the visuals were grounding and extraordinary. I was glued to the screen and loved all of it. The moving symbols was so cool. I have new visuals now when I do the meditations. Thank you, so much love!
beautiful Wendy!
here is the link to register
I have not received any emails but have received text messages :o! I did register but I’m wondering if I accidentally typed in the incorrect email. Thank you so much :)!
Long time no see, you look fantastic.
hi friend!
Joining you from Portsmouth, VA on your zoom now. Need a little soul rest.
I’m here from Sacramento. I already work with the symbols and they are very powerful!
Hi Lynne!!! <3
Live from San Antonio Texas :)! I’m looking forward for more alignment with my highest self <3
If I cannot make the “live” meetings, may I watch the replays instead?
yes you can see the replay here
Thank you
Hi Elysia!
hiiiiii everyone! we are live
Hello lovely people. May you all be blessed, happy and healed. Thankyou GOD
loving this from AZ!
I can’t wait to experience this! I had to work and missed the first day.
you can see the replay here