The Importance of Staying in the Integrity of Your Soul’s Mission (and how to stay in alignment even in the midst of chaos)

Whether you consciously know it or not, you are here on this earth at this time for an important reason. The truth is, every one of us has a mission. We are all here in this moment to do big, important things But sometimes there is so much noise, so much chaos and so many things to get distracted by that can stop us cold in our tracks.

Asking yourself “What is my Purpose”?

When there is so much noise around us, potentially pulling us away from our mission, sometimes we simply need to slow down and ask ourselves, “What is my purpose here?”

If you are feeling pulled into the drama and chaos that’s so present in our world right now, pulled in multiple directions, or unsure of what choices to make, I encourage you to find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed for a few moments.

Take several deep breaths, and drop into your heart space. Connect to your higher self, through intention, and silently ask the question “What is my purpose here?” Allow yourself to receive the nudges, the answers that may come in as a still small voice.

Notice what your body is telling you. If an action or decision is in alignment with your soul’s mission, it is going to feel light in your body. I usually feel this lightness in my heart space.

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Living in Alignment with your Purpose

If a choice or action is not in alignment, it is going to feel heavy or tight in your body. I usually feel tightness in my solar plexus.

The more you use your internal compass, the easier it will be to know for sure that you are in alignment and integrity with your Soul’s mission.

The truth is, the world needs YOU to fulfill your unique mission. Don’t let anything stop you from focusing on your purpose– not the drama or fighting in the world around you, not the nagging voice that tells you you’re not good enough, not even the people who may not like HOW you are doing things. As long as you know that you are in integrity with your soul, you are on your mission.

Staying in Alignment even Through Chaos

Another powerful way we can maintain alignment with ourselves and our purpose is remembering that we are energetically sovereign beings.

The one thing we all have power over is our own energy. Ehen we take responsibility for our own energetic frequency, it is one of the most empowering things we can do, for ourselves, for our families and even for the collective!⁣

⁣When we do this we can feel peaceful grounded and centered no matter what may be happening around us.⁣ In this way we really truly can have an incredible global impact!⁣

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Using Sacred Soul Alignments to align with your purpose and live in integrity

You can work with the power of Sacred Soul Alignment to connect with your purpose and live in integrity and alignment. Sacred Soul Alignment is an energy healing modality that deeply transforms and heals all aspects of you: the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual layers of your being. Each alignment attunes you to a specific frequency or vibration.

The alignments work beyond time and space to heal your past, present and parallel reality experiences, as well as the experiences of the collective and even at the DNA level of your ancestral lineage. Because of this, the effects of Sacred Soul alignments are widespread. When you work with this modality on yourself, you are also healing your entire lineage and rippling that healing out towards all of humanity.

Sacred Soul Alignments does this by transcending the boundaries of time and space. These Alignments can rapidly accelerate spiritual expansion while amplifying your manifestation and co-creation abilities to the highest level. You’ll experience transformations on all levels of your being as you step into your highest potential and become a human expression of the divine.

If you would like to receive some Sacred Soul Alignments to bring in Clarity and even your Soul’s Blueprint, here are 2 Sacred Soul Alignments.

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