This powerful alignment goes deep into dissolving the false programming that money and spirituality are incompatible. It clears deeply ingrained beliefs, such as the belief that we cannot be spiritual, close to God, or live a pure life while desiring or accumulating wealth. It releases religious conditioning like “Money is the root of all evil” and “It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven,” as well as the belief that true healers shouldn’t charge for their work.

By clearing these limiting beliefs, this alignment allows you to embrace the understanding of wealth from Source’s perspective—bringing in and downloading the belief that you can be both spiritually aligned and wealthy. It installs the knowledge of what it feels like to live a life of abundance and be close to God/Source while experiencing financial success.

This Alignment also dissolves guilt, shame, and internal conflict around money and spirituality, empowering you to experience financial prosperity without feeling disconnected from your spiritual path.

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