We are beings of light and love. We are inherently worthy but we stay small and dim our light without even knowing it because of layers of fears and doubts around our infinite value. These false thoughts and beliefs of unworthiness continuously emanate into all areas of our lives. They cast shadows, and create struggles and challenges in our relationships with others, with ourselves, with time, money, health, and with life itself.

This Alignment Will…

Bring in unconditional love and acceptance to where your mind or your ego is desiring to keep you small, because of fear, doubt, or beliefs around unworthiness. This alignment will also bring in divine healing light to your cells, your subtle bodies, and also into your Pillar of Light, which begins above your crown chakra at your soul star chakra, through to your 12 chakra column, and into the earth to your earth star chakra, allowing for extraordinary expansion.

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