The heart contains a little “brain” of its own that is extremely powerful. This heart/brain contains over 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, remember and even learn. This is one of the biggest reasons why our hearts play a critical role in decision-making and relationships with others. We can “think” and feel with our hearts in ways that our brain and our rational mind simply cannot. This heart/brain allows us to reach and access information and consciousness that we cannot begin to imagine, which gives us a tremendous advantage in our work as healers. 

This Alignment Will…

Activate and amplify the 40,000 neurons in the heart to allow you to be deeply connected to your  HeartBrain power. This Alignment helps you to easily BE in your heart, live from the heart, and connect with the heart when interacting with others, helping you make choices and decisions that are in alignment with your Soul Purpose and Soul Path.

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