The heart of working with magic is about directing and focusing energies to create what we want and need. We can use magic to bring through extraordinary goodness and light into the world but there is a deep belief in The Collective that all magic is primarily used for evil or to call up dense or harmful energies. This arises from old traumas from centuries past when even those using pure magic to heal and to help were persecuted for their gifts.

This Alignment Will…

Dissolve trauma from dense experiences with magic, the use of magic, the outcomes of magic that may have been harmful or painful, trauma from being harmed, killed, rejected because of using magic across all lifetimes, trauma from black magic being used against you or loved ones, any energies around times you may have used harmful magic in any other incarnation,  resolving false negative beliefs about magic, as well as trauma associated with all forms of harmful magic, bringing in the energy of pure magic, and any magical abilities and knowledge that lie dormant or forgotten. This will give you the ability to create pure magic, for the highest and best good of all.

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