Release Lifetimes of Negative Beliefs, Activate Your Innate Gifts & Heal Yourself and Others with the Powerful Yet Gentle Healing Energy of Sacred Soul Alignment™

Enrollment ends in...








With the Sacred Soul AlignmentTMCertification Program, you will:

Accelerate your healing gifts and gain deep fulfillment from catalyzing deep long-lasting transformation
Receive detailed scripts, activations and 200+ Sacred Soul Alignment™ to eliminate confusing time “figuring things out”
Clear negative emotions and patterns through healing energies that are powerful beyond anything you can image

Ever felt like your life isn’t really your own? Like no one truly cares about what you really think and feel or what makes you happy?

I know, I have.

There was a time when I didn’t know how to feel aligned and connected with myself because I didn’t know who I was.

I didn’t know what I was meant to do with my life or who I was meant to be in this world.

Then I found the magic and power of spiritual healing and it changed everything.

I experienced a profound spiritual awakening that led me home to myself.

I learned to release LIFETIMES of pain and trauma.

I Stepped into My Truth, Owned My Power and Started An Online Healing Business That Went From Zero to Multiple 6-figures in Just a Few Years.

But these transformations did not happen overnight…


I experienced many soul lessons along the way and when I was just getting started, I didn’t feel confident or clear about my healing gifts.

And so, I became a seeker. I started a quest to learn as much as I could about healing, spirituality, ascension and co-creation.

I learned from teachers and I experienced many different classes and modalities (and spent tens of thousands of dollars!)…

Each of the spiritual pathways were amazing in their own way but there was always something missing…

There Was NO Healing Modality or Program Out There that Showed People How to Go Deep and Release Trauma, Pain and Blocks in a Way that Would Work for EVERYONE… Even Those Who Had Never Been Healed or Healed Anyone in Their Life.

So, I created sacred space to receive a modality that had all the answers…

A modality that would include ALL the pieces of the puzzle and allow profound healing, powerful co-creation and connection to frequencies and energies of higher dimensions.

A modality that opened the path to transcendence from the pain of this lifetime and every other lifetime.

I set the intention for this life-changing modality to come through and I received the answer…

It’s called Sacred Soul Alignment™ and It’s a Unique Modality that Leads to Profound Healing and Co-creation plus Deep Connection to the Magnificent Higher Frequencies and Energies of the Creator of All That Is

My Sacred Soul Alignment™ modality is the result of a series of Divine Downloads that I received directly from the Creator of All That Is.

Since the first Alignment came through in 2016, I have certified over 200 Sacred Soul Alignment™ practitioners around the world.

When they first came to me, many of my students were brand new to healing and high frequency energies but they have since gone on to become powerful, professional healers in their own right


Take advantage of the Early Bird Discount until
midnight PT, Monday October 28, 2019.

Love & Praise from Students + Practitioners

“I began this course with very little practical Healing Practitioner skills and before the class even concluded I was comfortable in my abilities…”

~ Jennifer L. Sprow

“This class was everything I anticipated and more. I began this course with very little practical Healing Practitioner skills and before the class even concluded I was comfortable in my abilities and really stepping into my specific gifts and abilities. Elysia is an exceptional teacher. She is organized, patient and her knowledge is vast. I highly recommend this as a priceless investment in yourself “

“It has been a true blessing to work with Elysia not only in her certification program but as well as in several of her group and online courses.”

~ Patricia LeBlanc
Energy Healer and Spiritual Teacher

“I have had the pleasure of taking several courses from Elysia and she is simply amazing. She is very patient and explains everything in detail.

I am also blessed to be one Of Elysia’s Certified Soul Alignment practitioner and this is one of the best investment that I have done in my business and for myself. This was the missing piece that I needed to officially launch my healing business as well as to download the missing piece in bringing my own healing modality into the world, it has allowed me to release some past life stuff that was holding me back. It has given me a clear direction in where I am heading in my life and business. I have seen magic happen to not just me but my clients.

Elysia is such a gifted healer, spiritual teacher and mentor. It has been a true blessing to work with Elysia not only in her certification program but as well as in several of her group and online courses. Thank you Elysia for being one of my earth angels and goddess. I am so blessed to have you in my life as one of my mentors.”


When You Experience the Sacred Soul AlignmentTMCertification Program You Will:

Connect to The Divine and the Heart of Creation at WILL to bring through healing energies that are powerful beyond anything you can imagine

Receive precise energetic readings on anyone you want to heal plus connect with their personal guides and angels to receive divine visions or information on what needs to be done, for their highest good

Release outdated oaths vows, contracts and agreements blocking the creation of dreams and desires in this reality

Clear negative emotions that are stuck in the DNA, cells, cellular memory, Chakras and the nervous system.

Receive deep healing to release energetic blocks, fears and resistance around healing and becoming a powerful healer

Receive detailed scripts to clear and resolve beliefs, oaths, vows and contracts, install new positive feelings and beliefs, clear energy and entities and more.

Structure powerful healing sessions so those you heal will experience the results they’re looking for. This will establish your reputation as an effective, powerful healer of integrity

Know how to create awareness around root beliefs to receive core lessons and open space for high vibrational frequencies and profound healing shifts to take place

Tap into emotions and physical feelings in the body to clear negative beliefs and energy in just one healing session.



Co-Creating Wealth (value $397)


Shift into High Frequency Wealth Consciousness So You Can Magnetize Money with Ease

Powerful 4-module program where you’ll shift out of the lower frequencies of the 3rd Dimension – lack, scarcity, struggle, poverty – and into the incredible high frequencies of the 5th Dimension – infinite love, peace, prosperity, and abundance. You’ll activate your Wealth Vortex, which is a revolutionary spiritual tool to clear out your old patterning, beliefs, emotions and energies around money so you can literally bring your money and wealth desires into your reality — this is something you won’t find in ANY money program, anywhere.

Aligned & Abundant (value $797)


Start, Grow and Expand a Successful, Profitable Spiritual Business

This is the only designed-for-healers business program out there. You’ll get to experience 9 full modules of step-by-step methodologies, magical practices and proven techniques to support you in every aspect of your spiritual business including tech, marketing, sales, and spiritual copywriting. You’ll also discover the secrets of launching your programs and services, the art of spiritual selling, identifying soul clients and SO much more. This is the program I wish I had when I first started!

Golden White Flame Live Bonus Call to Activate Full Power as a Healer


This process will activate the cellular memory of YOUR full power as a healer, while it simultaneously clears, heals, dissolves and releases traumas associated with those experiences. and activates a unique blueprint for you which will allow you to live with these new structures that are being activated, in integrity, discernment and sovereignty….So you can step into YOUR power as a healer without recreating the traumas, while BEING in your Divine Sovereignty.

Special Bonus – First Time Ever!


Harnessing Sacred Energies: an Advanced Level Sacred Soul Alignment Certification Class!!!


This 3 hour live certification class will include

  • I will be teaching you the steps to channel sacred energies to create different types of Activations and Alignments so that you can know only pure energy is coming through, and you can be sure these energies will be thorough and complete.
  • Together we will create a very sacred container for you to work in that will be protected and assist you in amplifying the energies coming through.
  • You will receive a powerful Attunement that will connect and open your ability to tap into these sacred energies so that you will be able to receive your own unique Activations and Alignments
  • You will also receive an Attunement you can use to protect and shield these energies you will be channeling and creating thru pure connection to Source, so that others cannot access or use them without your permission and so no harm can be done to or through these energies.
  • I will also be guiding you through how to use or record your Alignments and Activations so that you can share them with others and specifically how to market and use them to create, build and grow your healing business.

You will be attuned to 20 Advanced Sacred Soul Alignment to work with in creating all forms of healing and anything you are cocreating in your life. These alignments are:


  • Assembling Your Divine Team
  • Awaken True Happiness
  • Expand
  • Willpower, Motivation, Determination
  • Perfection
  • Divine Recognition and Clarity
  • Desire, Hope, Belief, Expectation
  • Devotion
  • And my entire 12 Rays of Creation Series (12 Alignments)

Here’s How You’ll Experience the Sacred Soul Alignment TM Certification Program


Live Healings, Attunements, In Depth Q n A Calls + Self-Paced Videos
We’ll start our time together with an introduction and connection call. Then, we’ll meet each week for in depth Q n A calls (replays available for all calls) with live healings and Attunements.

You will receive videos for each module so you can go through the teachings at your own pace. Q n A calls for each week will happen every Thursday on Zoom (link will be sent to you when you sign up).

New videos for each module will be released every Friday.

Sacred Community of Kindred Spirits

You will be invited to experience the power of a spiritual community in a private, sacred Facebook community. I will be on hand to connect with you directly and provide additional support. You will also have opportunities for practicing the modality with other students.

Certification + Full Permission to Practice

You will receive certification (including a gorgeous certificate you can frame!) naming YOU as a professional Sacred Soul Alignment™ practitioner! This means you have FULL permission to use this modality as a professional healer if you choose to. You will be able to work with individual paying clients AND groups by the end of this program.


Take advantage of the Early Bird Discount until
midnight PT, Monday October 28, 2019.

Open Your Inner Doorway to Greater Happiness

The Sacred Soul Alignment™ are a portal into happiness. After doing this work with hundreds of people I’ve been honored to witness the deep, profound, long-lasting happiness that emerges within the practitioners giving the Alignments and those receiving the alignments.

The quest for happiness is universal. It is also your birthright! When I polled my community, the desire for happiness was overwhelming with hundreds of people voting for this special activation… which you can enjoy too by watching the video below.

Watch and receive the Sacred Soul Alignment™ of Happiness (above).

Sacred Soul AlignmentTM is NOT just a program… it is a spiritual journey that will reveal the profound truth of who you are and why you’re here


This simple, graceful yet incredibly powerful modality is a collective result of years and years of deep energy work, learning and practice.

You will uncover hidden healing gifts and skills that you don’t even know you have.

This experience will shine a light on the path that you are meant to be on and it WILL change your life and allow you to change the lives of countless others.

If you’ve ever longed to release that which does not belong so you can rise to your highest potential and live from your truth…

If you’ve ever longed to be a channel love, light, healing in the world…

If you’ve ever longed to make a real difference…

Sacred Soul Alignment™ will allow you to do all of this and more!

Inside Your 8-Week Sacred Soul Alignment™
Certification Experience

Week One: Release, Receive, Activate, Attune

Tuesday, October 29th, 1pm PT

This class is designed to set you up for success as you begin your journey. Learn powerful yet gentle tools and techniques which you can immediately use (yes, you can start healing yourself and others, after just one class!)

Live Kick off Call: Healing to create strong spiritual foundation + Attunement: Divine Feminine

Video One: Spiritual Responsibility
Video Two: Pathway to the Heart of Connection
Video Three: Energetic Disconnect
Video Four: Cleanse and Protect
Live Q n A Call, Healing + Attunement: Awaken the Senses

Take a sneak peak into the program by watching the video below!

Week Two: Read and Restore

Tuesday, November 5th, 1pm PT

Learn to accurately “read” or scan your own — or someone else’s — energy and receive sacred messages during a healing. You’ll also receive 100 Intention Statements to activate deep transformative healings and releases.

Live Kick off Call: Healing to create strong spiritual foundation + Attunement: Divine Feminine

Video One: How to read Your Client
Video Two: 100 Intention Statements script/teaching
Video Three: Intention Statements
Video Four: Sacred Amulet
Live Q n A Call, Healing + Attunement: Connecting to Galaxies

Week Three: Protection and Power

Tuesday, November 12th, 1pm PT

Discover the Belief Clearing script, which is a cornerstone of the Sacred Soul Alignment modality. You’ll also learn to work with the Breath of Peace to rapidly transfer healing and ground and protect energy.

Video One: How to ground your energy
Video Two: Protecting your energy with energetic disconnects
Video Three: Clearing negative beliefs

Live Q n A Call, Healing + Attunement: Breath of Peace

Week Four: The Energetic Release Technique

Tuesday, November 19th, 1pm PT

Time to dive into some serious, sacred healing work with the Energetic Release Technique. This tool gives you the ability to quickly shift yourself and others out of physical and emotional pain while resolving the root cause of the pain, at the same time.

Video One: How to perform the Energetic Release Technique
Video Two: Clearing Negative Emotions

Live Call, Healing + Attunement: Sacred Codes

Week Five: The Heart and Art of Working with the Healing Power of Sacred Soul Alignment, Part 1

Tuesday, November 26th, 1pm PT

Receive the attunement to begin working with over 150 Sacred Soul Alignment! This is the heart of this modality and by the end of this class you’ll be able to run all of these Alignments for clients, friends, loved ones and anyone else – including yourself!

Video One: The Secrets of Sacred Soul Alignment
Video Two: Giving Alignments… What to do before, during and after
Live Q & A Call, Healing + Attunement: Divine Masculine

Week Six: The Heart and Art of Working with the Healing Power of Sacred Soul Alignment, Part 2

Tuesday, December 3rd, 1pm PT

Discover multiple ways to work with the Alignments to heal and clear negative energies, activate the cells, DNA, Sacred Geometry and so much more. You’ll also receive a potent attunement to strengthen and expand your own energy, as a healer.

Video One: Working with the Alignments with Groups
Video Two: Using Alignments in other ways
Video Three: Layering Sacred Soul Alignment

Live Q n A Call, Healing + Attunement: Strengthening and Expanding Your Pillar of Light and Subtle Bodies

Week Seven: Oaths, Vows & Contracts & Entities

Tuesday, December 10th, 1pm PT

Learn to quickly dissolve and release many different forms of low vibrational energies and frequencies that could be sapping your strength and creating emotional, physical and mental distress.

Video One: Resolving Oaths Vows, Contracts, Agreements
Video Two: Steps to Resolving, Script
Video Three: Entities: need for grounding & protecting, script
Video Four: Portals

Live Q n A Call, Healing + Attunement: Womb of Mother Earth

Week Eight: How to Structure Healing Sessions for Safe, Powerful, Transformational Experiences

Tuesday, December 17th, 1pm PT

Rise into your full power as a healer in this final class where you’ll discover how to work with ALL the tools and techniques you learned, so far. You’ll also learn a specific framework you can use to create transformational healing experiences for yourself and others, every single time.

Video One: Before the session, at the start of the session
Video Two: Weaving the tools together
Video Three: Completing the session
Video Four: Additional Insights
Video Five: Ways to use Sacred Soul Alignment to build a business

Live Q n A Call, Healing

Hear What these Happy Practitioners have to Say

Katarina Supicic

Patricia Leblanc

Adri Kayser

Patty Staco

Enrollment ends in...








Experience the Magical Healing Power of Sacred Soul AlignmentTMand Learn How You Can to Be a Successful, Abundant Healer of Love and Integrity


When you sign up now you’ll receive 2 complete spiritual programs
(value $1194) absolutely FREE and 2 ADDITIONAL Bonuses (see below)

Bonus #1 – Co-Creating Wealth: Shift into High Frequency Wealth Consciousness So You Can Magnetize Money with Ease (value $397)

Bonus #2 – Aligned & Abundant: Start, Grow and Expand a Successful, Profitable Spiritual Business (value $797)

Bonus #3 – Golden White Flame Live Bonus Call to Activate Full Power as a Healer

Bonus #4 – Harnessing Sacred Energies: an Advanced Level Sacred Soul Alignment Certification Class!!! (3 hour live Certification Class)

The program starts on Tuesday October 29th at 1 pm PT. The live calls and weekly content will be released every Tuesdays at 1 pm PT.


$ 1,497

One-time payment


$ 555

$ 597
3 payments billed monthly


$ 297

$ 397
6 payments billed monthly

Meet Your Teacher, Elysia Hartzell

A gifted healer and spiritual teacher, Elysia Hartzell is the creator of a transformational, modality called Sacred Soul Alignment™. This modality was given to her by the Creator of All That Is in 2016. Elysia has already trained and certified over 200 Sacred Soul Alignment practitioners and she has created a multi-six figure healing business doing the work she loves.

Before becoming a skilled healer and teacher, Elysia spent more than a decade studying a vast variety of spiritual practices and modalities that center around energy healing, spiritual evolution, divine connection and manifestation.

Elysia is highly respected and loved as a healer who works from a place of self empowerment and deep spiritual integrity. She cracks the codes of self-love and self-worth on multidimensional levels. Her natural vibration of loving acceptance and soulful compassion open the door to deeper connection of the soul as well the gifts and abilities that are ready to be expressed.

Elysia’s deepest desire is to guide and support healers and spiritual teachers around the world so they are abundant, healthy, confident and empowered as they work their magic to increase the vibration of the entire planet and change millions of lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t come to the Live Q&A and Attunement calls?

Many people have come through the program without attending any of the live calls, and that is perfectly fine. You will have forever access to all class recordings and materials, and I am very available for answering questions inside the Facebook group, so you will have plenty of access to any additional support you may need.

Do I have to complete all classes in the 9 weeks of the live program?

No, you can complete the classes in the time frame that works for you. You will have forever access to all class recordings and materials. You will receive your certification once you have completed all classes. I am also available for support inside the Facebook group beyond the live class time. 

Do I need any prior training or experience as a healer to take this course?

This program is designed to give you everything you need to work with the Sacred Soul Alignmentmodality to bring through profound healings. So, even if you have absolutely no prior experience, you will  be able to do healing work on yourself and on loved ones and clients (if you choose to become a professional healer) when you coplete this program

If you are already an experienced, advanced healer, you will still receive a lot from this class! I have had students who are at the beginning stages of learning, and people who have been doing healing for decades, and they all receive exactly what they need from this program.

What if I don’t feel like I have abilities as a healer?

We all have abilities. Sometimes they need to be activated or unlocked, and this is why I have included 8 different Attunements throughout this program, as well as lots of additional healing  work to release blocks and limiting beliefs. I also facilitate plenty of opportunities to practice with your fellow students, and the more you use the tools you will learn, the faster your natural abilities will increase.

When are the live calls?

The live Q&A/Attunement calls are Tuesdays at 1pm PT / 4pm ET from October through December 17, 2019. New teaching modules will be unlocked each Friday.

Love & Praise from Students + Practitioners

Working with Elysia this year has been such a positive experience.

“Working with Elysia this year has been such a positive experience. I watched several of her live videos and liked her energy so much that when she released her Embracing The Goddess Within group program in May I knew I had to be part of it. She didn’t disappoint. The information and alignments were amazing. Because of that experience I bought Parts 1 & 2 of her self paced Aligned Ascension program. The sacred activations are very powerful and her voice is pleasant to listen to.

This led me to sign up for her Sacred Soul Alignment Program that started in September. This is when I truly learned how amazing Elysia is. She is a fabulous teacher. She is patient and thorough. She makes sure everyone’s questions are answered and no one gets left behind. She really cares about the people in her courses. She even went out of her way to record a healing for my daughter who was sick. I have nothing but kind things to say about Elysia. She runs her business with both heart and integrity. I would highly recommend working with her. “

Sandra Goss Mayeux

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