The “Father Wound” is often created by the absence of a father or father figure, whether it is emotional or physical absence, or by having a critical or abusive father or father figure. This can lead to difficulty in relationships with men later in life, including the need for male validation. For male-identifying people, it can lead to difficulty in the role of a father and with their own masculinity. The Father Wound can also create false God programming- beliefs and feelings of being unworthy of God’s love, because often in our society, the Father is a representation of God.

This Alignment Will…

Bring a deep profound healing between you and your father (whether he has been in your life or not) and any father figure you choose to focus on while receiving this alignment, and healing in your relationship with God/Source/Creator. It also specifically brings healing to the root chakra and to your relationship with the masculine aspect of yourself.

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