The white lotus flower is native to India and produces a large flower that blooms on top of the water, Lotus Flower Essence primarily affects the etheric and spiritual bodies and psychological states. 

This alignment, the energy of Lotus Flower Essence expands the crown chakra, opening the thousand petal lotus, the 1000 nadis in the crown chakra (Nadi is Sanskrit for ‘channel or flow- describing the network of channels which allow energy to travel through the body)  It is an energy of spiritual enlightenment and is said to be similar to Philosopher’s stone- which brings in the ability to transform base metals into precious ones, especially gold and silver. Alchemists also believed that an elixir of life could be derived from the Philosopher’s Stone. It also increases and amplifies any other energies it is combined with. It brings in remembrance and connection to Atlantis and can attune your energy to future lives, bringing in an ability to “see the future”.

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